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Explosion at Manchester Arena

Max Power

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5 minutes ago, TheDruid-3X3 said:

When your referring to Ragheads, you thinking of something called Turbans which is a Ceremonial Head Dress worn by Male Devotees of the Sikh Religion.

And they are not anywhere as Bad as Bigoted Islamic Extremists.  I have a lot more Respect for the Sikh Religion than Islam.




I agree that there is nothing as bad as a bigoted extremist of any religion . 

Any religion is as valid or invalid as any other IMO.

Folk can think and believe what they like as long as it does not adversely affect any other person .

Just saying

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21 minutes ago, RIchard Britten said:

"Stay indoors citizen, you're government is here to protect you"

The government can fuck right off if they think they can use this tragic event to trump up for a police state and crackdown of citizens. I repeat: the government can fuck right off.

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20 minutes ago, paswt said:


Folk can think and believe what they like as long as it does not adversely affect any other person .


Not if your Islamic.  They have parts of the Quran that Forbid Freedom of Thought & Belief and to Harm those who are not of the Islamic Faith.




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3 minutes ago, Jefferson Davis said:

The government can fuck right off if they think they can use this tragic event to trump up for a police state and crackdown of citizens. I repeat: the government can fuck right off.

If anyone should be armed, it's the citizenry. The state should never be allowed an arms monopoly. Imagine if the 6 million Jews murdered in the Holocaust had all been NRA members armed with guns. I'd say a lot less would have died or at least they'd have died in dignity. 

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6 minutes ago, llap said:

If anyone should be armed, it's the citizenry. The state should never be allowed an arms monopoly. Imagine if the 6 million Jews murdered in the Holocaust had all been NRA members armed with guns. I'd say a lot less would have died or at least they'd have died in dignity. 

Maybe you could start with a peashooter. Actually, as kids we use to fire at woodlice in the back garden using little toy artillery guns that would fire matches. You could solve both of your problems at once.

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The citizenry armed?  Just what we need... more bloody idiots with weapons! 

Hand guns would do absolutely jack shit against some of the weapons a Government could deploy so you would have to allow more powerful weapons and you only have to look at the gun related deaths in the US to see where that leads.

You would still be no safer against attacks that like in Manchester either.

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38 minutes ago, paswt said:

I agree that there is nothing as bad as a bigoted extremist of any religion . 

Any religion is as valid or invalid as any other IMO.

Folk can think and believe what they like as long as it does not adversely affect any other person .

Just saying

Extremists of each religion are not equal.  If we swapped all the extreme muslims with extreme jains the world would be a nicer place.

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14 minutes ago, mojomonkey said:

Maybe you could start with a peashooter. Actually, as kids we use to fire at woodlice in the back garden using little toy artillery guns that would fire matches. You could solve both of your problems at once.

I'm not actually calling for everyone to be armed. I just don't subscribe to the idea of a State monopoly of violence.

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11 minutes ago, manxman1980 said:

The citizenry armed?  Just what we need... more bloody idiots with weapons! 

Hand guns would do absolutely jack shit against some of the weapons a Government could deploy so you would have to allow more powerful weapons and you only have to look at the gun related deaths in the US to see where that leads.

You would still be no safer against attacks that like in Manchester either.

You would be safer with a gun than without a gun if a terrorist is trying to kill you. That is a scientific fact.

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2 minutes ago, llap said:

You would be safer with a gun than without a gun if a terrorist is trying to kill you. That is a scientific fact.

How is that scientific fact? If anyone ever has the misfortune to find themselves next to an idiot who is a suicide bomber they will be dead before they know anything about it, let alone before they have the chance to go all rambo on the guy.




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13 minutes ago, llap said:

You would be safer with a gun than without a gun if a terrorist is trying to kill you. That is a scientific fact.

With some of the people out there I seriously doubt that. They would be as much of a danger to themselves

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39 minutes ago, TheDruid-3X3 said:

Not if your Islamic.  They have parts of the Quran that Forbid Freedom of Thought & Belief and to Harm those who are not of the Islamic Faith.




Frankly I don't give a fishes tit what you claim the Quran says or how it is interpreted, you are looking for reasons to justify your hatred of muslims.

On the basis of your argument then are we to assume that all christians share the aims and beliefs of the KKK.

It may have escaped your notice but there was not much christian charity about during the Spanish Inquisition or when 'heretics' were burned at the stake.

It doesn't mean that all christians today share the same beliefs , similarly it may surprise you ( because you are not exactly the sharpest pencil in the box) that not all muslims are "the same".

Druids and other pagans killed people too . 

hope this helps



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1 hour ago, mojomonkey said:

How is that scientific fact? If anyone ever has the misfortune to find themselves next to an idiot who is a suicide bomber they will be dead before they know anything about it, let alone before they have the chance to go all rambo on the guy.




I disagree. People often vilify the so called "wild west" in America but it was actually quite pleasant and there was a system of honour, Etc. Everyone was armed so it served as a deterrent to violence. Just like governments do with nuclear weapons. If you know people at a crowded stadium are all armed, you'll think again about trying anything. If people are vigilant, a suicide bomber could be shot before he or she got a chance to detonate. There are tonnes of cases never covered in the media where someone armed prevented an attack. But then we know that doesn't go along with the media narrative that we all need to go running to the state to please please please protect us. We need to protect ourselves and stop looking to a leader to do it. Truly our generation is pathetic compared to the previous generations. We've become wimps. There was a time when we still had a pair and could take on Hitler, Nazis,  communism, but now we're just a bunch of pursues who want to be sheltered by the government. If somebody wants to suicide bomb, no amount of this judge dredd and militarization of the police crap is going to stop it. All it will do is stop everyone else being free. 

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