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Explosion at Manchester Arena

Max Power

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10 minutes ago, llap said:

I disagree. People often vilify the so called "wild west" in America but it was actually quite pleasant and there was a system of honour, Etc. Everyone was armed so it served as a deterrent to violence. Just like governments do with nuclear weapons. If you know people at a crowded stadium are all armed, you'll think again about trying anything. If people are vigilant, a suicide bomber could be shot before he or she got a chance to detonate. There are tonnes of cases never covered in the media where someone armed prevented an attack. But then we know that doesn't go along with the media narrative that we all need to go running to the state to please please please protect us. We need to protect ourselves and stop looking to a leader to do it. Truly our generation is pathetic compared to the previous generations. We've become wimps. There was a time when we still had a pair and could take on Hitler, Nazis,  communism, but now we're just a bunch of pursues who want to be sheltered by the government. If somebody wants to suicide bomb, no amount of this judge dredd and militarization of the police crap is going to stop it. All it will do is stop everyone else being free. 

Of course you disagree, its what you do.


Quite a variety of historic references you're giving there. The 'wild west' was no honour system, people carried guns because the possibility of being killed by some guy wanting your horse, land, wife, etc. was real. You love calling things false equivalents. I put it to you that your suggestion of arming people now and the carrying of guns in the 'wild west' is a false equivalent. You're right about people being too wimpy these days, some people are even too afraid to touch a creepy crawly.


I still don't get how it is a scientific fact (your words not mine) that carrying a gun will stop a suicide bomber killing you. Do you have special powers to identify them before they press a trigger or are you planning to just shoot anyone looking shifty carrying a backpack?

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2 hours ago, quilp said:

British troops have maintained a very low-profile armed presence on the streets of London since the Paddies were kicking off. This is just raising that profile a tad so as to help the proles feel a little safer with the extra visibility.

all over the uk i would say going back to the miners strike and also the battle of beanfield...

2 hours ago, RIchard Britten said:

Point being he is a loud mouth bully who doesn't have the slightest clue what he is talking about.

irony :rolleyes:

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2 hours ago, llap said:

I disagree. People often vilify the so called "wild west" in America but it was actually quite pleasant and there was a system of honour, Etc. Everyone was armed so it served as a deterrent to violence. Just like governments do with nuclear weapons. If you know people at a crowded stadium are all armed, you'll think again about trying anything. If people are vigilant, a suicide bomber could be shot before he or she got a chance to detonate. There are tonnes of cases never covered in the media where someone armed prevented an attack. But then we know that doesn't go along with the media narrative that we all need to go running to the state to please please please protect us. We need to protect ourselves and stop looking to a leader to do it. Truly our generation is pathetic compared to the previous generations. We've become wimps. There was a time when we still had a pair and could take on Hitler, Nazis,  communism, but now we're just a bunch of pursues who want to be sheltered by the government. If somebody wants to suicide bomb, no amount of this judge dredd and militarization of the police crap is going to stop it. All it will do is stop everyone else being free. 

So if everyone is armed how can you tell the good guys from the bad guys?

Of course! What a fool I feel. The bad guys have black cowboy hats and the good guys have white cowboy hats.

Which is no more ridiculous than your post.

In general UK police officers are not armed. Instead of posting on here you could spend the next decade or so trying to figure out why that is....

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 Richard as regards your reply  to my last comment !

   I;d rather be in a room with a loud mouthed bully ,than some little prick who sits quietly in the corner then pushes a button  instantly destroying the lives of hundreds of people .

 The guy was emotive as are we all, because these bastards planned and executed a horrific  attack on British children.

 I happen to think he was right , the intelligence services know who these people are ,time to shut them down, they've had their chance in the most tolerant country in the world and have been throwing it back in our faces for a while now ,fucking animals and should be treated as such.



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1 hour ago, homarus said:

 I happen to think he was right , the intelligence services know who these people are ,time to shut them down, they've had their chance in the most tolerant country in the world and have been throwing it back in our faces for a while now ,fucking animals and should be treated as such.

Hey, it's lucky for you that all Cambodian people don't feel similarly about anyone who looks like they might be American! Although I'm sure quite a few do. 

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29 minutes ago, La Colombe said:

Hey, it's lucky for you that all Cambodian people don't feel similarly about anyone who looks like they might be American! Although I'm sure quite a few do. 

Homarus looks Manx, NOT American. You have obviously never met him.

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1 hour ago, homarus said:

 Richard as regards your reply  to my last comment !

   I;d rather be in a room with a loud mouthed bully ,than some little prick who sits quietly in the corner then pushes a button  instantly destroying the lives of hundreds of people .

 The guy was emotive as are we all, because these bastards planned and executed a horrific  attack on British children.

 I happen to think he was right , the intelligence services know who these people are ,time to shut them down, they've had their chance in the most tolerant country in the world and have been throwing it back in our faces for a while now ,fucking animals and should be treated as such.



I couldn't agree more. Spot on.

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11 minutes ago, Chinahand said:

Aren't people aware of what internment did for IRA recruitment?  Why should it be different in the case of the Muslim community?

There was a very articulate Mancunican of Libyan descent on BBC R4 this evening who very intelligently explained the foreign policy issues driving this and the indoctrination techniques used. I wish I could find a clip. It was perhaps the best attempt at decrying the event totally whilst explaining partly why it probably happened at the same time. 

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