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Explosion at Manchester Arena

Max Power

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9 hours ago, paswt said:


It may have escaped your notice but there was not much christian charity about during the Spanish Inquisition or when 'heretics' were burned at the stake.

It doesn't mean that all christians today share the same beliefs , similarly it may surprise you ( because you are not exactly the sharpest pencil in the box) that not all muslims are "the same".

Druids and other pagans killed people too . 




What you are referring to by pointing out the Spanish Inquisition is referred to by us Paganistic Druids as "The Burning Times". And a lot of Healing Reforms was put into place by Pope Paul II and those Reforms have been carried on by Pope Francis (for whom I have a lot of Respect for).

And what you are referring to by Druids & Pagans doing Killings is about the fact that they used to practice Capitol Punishment by Sacrificing the Damned by Burning them in what was referred to as Wickermens.

The Christians have Reformed themselves quite a lot but the Muslims Have Not!

Muslims still Practice their Qurans Chapter Surah, Section 9, Verse 5 to the 'T'.




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4 hours ago, La Colombe said:

Hey, it's lucky for you that all Cambodian people don't feel similarly about anyone who looks like they might be American! Although I'm sure quite a few do. 

I normally enjoy your barbed comment Pierre .but that comment is pretty crass even for you !

In any case Mr 's Lincoln,Jefferson,Jackson and Kennedy usually smooth things out quite well!


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3 hours ago, Mr. Sausages said:

Looks Manx? Poor guy.


  Spot on Mr S, some of  us Manxies don't age very well it's the weather and a diet of mainly turnips and fish you see!

 But what a lot of us are blessed with is common sense ,humour  and an overriding aversion to bullshitting wheni's !

 Not quite to the extent that we want to blow up their children with nail bombs though you understand ?


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15 hours ago, mojomonkey said:

Of course you disagree, its what you do.


Quite a variety of historic references you're giving there. The 'wild west' was no honour system, people carried guns because the possibility of being killed by some guy wanting your horse, land, wife, etc. was real. You love calling things false equivalents. I put it to you that your suggestion of arming people now and the carrying of guns in the 'wild west' is a false equivalent. You're right about people being too wimpy these days, some people are even too afraid to touch a creepy crawly.


I still don't get how it is a scientific fact (your words not mine) that carrying a gun will stop a suicide bomber killing you. Do you have special powers to identify them before they press a trigger or are you planning to just shoot anyone looking shifty carrying a backpack?

You've been watching too many "movies". The real wild west was nothing like that.

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13 hours ago, P.K. said:

So if everyone is armed how can you tell the good guys from the bad guys?

Of course! What a fool I feel. The bad guys have black cowboy hats and the good guys have white cowboy hats.

Which is no more ridiculous than your post.

In general UK police officers are not armed. Instead of posting on here you could spend the next decade or so trying to figure out why that is....

Okay so why should police be armed if people can't be relied on to use them properly? The police are people too.

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6 minutes ago, mojomonkey said:



Come on then, what's your solution for identifying suicide bombers?

from the details given so far...

black flag with arabic writing on in the front garden

chanting in the street

father in a known group

LFIG active in the uk and openly fundraising

just returned from libya:rolleyes:

and if you want to know the size of the problem in manchester alone, 350 have returned from conflict zones and are known to security services.... 


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5 minutes ago, woody2 said:

from the details given so far...

black flag with arabic writing on in the front garden

chanting in the street

father in a known group

LFIG active in the uk and openly fundraising

just returned from libya:rolleyes:

and if you want to know the size of the problem in manchester alone, 350 have returned from conflict zones and are known to security services.... 


It baffles me why the authorities let this scum back into the country. I don't care that they may be British citizens. As far as I am concerned, the gave up the right to be British the second the feck off to a conflict zone

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22 minutes ago, mojomonkey said:

Sorry, guess you're an expert on that as well.


Come on then, what's your solution for identifying suicide bombers?

Actually, yes I am an expert on that as well.

There are already 3,500 suspected radicals with links to terrorism on a government watch list. Including this guy. I don't need to offer a solution as the government obviously already have a good idea at identifying them. They're just failing to do anything about them no doubt due to idiotic human rights laws.

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18 minutes ago, woody2 said:

from the details given so far...

black flag with arabic writing on in the front garden

chanting in the street

father in a known group

LFIG active in the uk and openly fundraising

just returned from libya:rolleyes:

and if you want to know the size of the problem in manchester alone, 350 have returned from conflict zones and are known to security services.... 


The question was posed to llap in relation to his idea that the average Joe would be able to spot one in the street and shoot them before they detonate themselves. Unsurprisingly llap's doesn't actually have an answer when questioned on the workings of this.

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14 minutes ago, llap said:

Actually, yes I am an expert on that as well.

There are already 3,500 suspected radicals with links to terrorism on a government watch list. Including this guy. I don't need to offer a solution as the government obviously already have a good idea at identifying them. They're just failing to do anything about them no doubt due to idiotic human rights laws.

Any chance of you actually answering the question posed? How does an average person on the street identify a suicide bomber and shoot them dead before they detonate. You must have an answer for this, it was your idea after all.

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