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Explosion at Manchester Arena

Max Power

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11 hours ago, homarus said:

    I;d rather be in a room with a loud mouthed bully ,than some little prick who sits quietly in the corner then pushes a button  instantly destroying the lives of hundreds of people .

You mean like how jet pilots and drone pilots "bravely" kill and destroy the lives of hundreds of people?


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7 hours ago, TheDruid-3X3 said:

What you are referring to by pointing out the Spanish Inquisition is referred to by us Paganistic Druids as "The Burning Times". And a lot of Healing Reforms was put into place by Pope Paul II and those Reforms have been carried on by Pope Francis (for whom I have a lot of Respect for).

And what you are referring to by Druids & Pagans doing Killings is about the fact that they used to practice Capitol Punishment by Sacrificing the Damned by Burning them in what was referred to as Wickermens.

The Christians have Reformed themselves quite a lot but the Muslims Have Not!

Muslims still Practice their Qurans Chapter Surah, Section 9, Verse 5 to the 'T'.




The problem you have is that you delude yourself into thinking that you are some sort of authority on 'religions', sadly you are not !

Do not presume to tell me what I'm "referring to" you patronising self appointed expert , you have no idea :lol:.

Folk may claim allegiance to a particular "faith" claiming their take on it is the only correct one and those who do not share their view are demonstrably  "heretics".

Your claims in relation to  'Christianity ' and "Druids and Pagans" are an interesting hypothesis ( nothing more)  and your claims about what 'muslims' "practice" are nonsense and motivated by malice and can be rejected out of hand.

Hope this helps



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13 minutes ago, mojomonkey said:

The question was posed to llap in relation to his idea that the average Joe would be able to spot one in the street and shoot them before they detonate themselves. Unsurprisingly llap's doesn't actually have an answer when questioned on the workings of this.

the fact is he should of been spotted before....

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6 hours ago, homarus said:

 But what a lot of us are blessed with is common sense ,humour  and an overriding aversion to bullshitting wheni's !

 Not quite to the extent that we want to blow up their children with nail bombs though you understand ?

No, carpet bombing is much better for that job.

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15 minutes ago, quilp said:

Just the legs remain... 

Hilarious, not. Prevention is better than cure, so how do you spot them in a crowd before they act. No doubt llap has the answer, he is an expert and it was his idea as part of the arming the public.

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1 hour ago, mojomonkey said:

Sorry, guess you're an expert on that as well.


Come on then, what's your solution for identifying suicide bombers?

THAT is very simple if we had a PM  with cojones,and security advisors [not libtard snowflakes] were listened to, INTERNMENT for all on the list to start with,we then take it from there.

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Ah, the good old "if every was armed theory"...I do so love this one when it is rolled out and how easy it is to debunk it:

Put 100 people in a room, arm them all with pistols. 

Scenario A

Tell them all that one of them is going to shoot the rest.

Except you lied and there are actually 4 that are going to shoot the rest.

Then see how many survive.

Scenario B

Tell them all that one of them is going to shoot the rest.

Except you lied and there are no "active shooters".

Then see how many people end up getting shot.


Closing remark:  Untrained and inexperience civilians, armed to kill are more a danger to each other than anyone else.

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8 minutes ago, La Colombe said:

No, carpet bombing is much better for that job.


      By their fruit you will recognize them!

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2 minutes ago, twinkle said:

THAT is very simple if we had a PM  with cojones,and security advisors [not libtard snowflakes] were listened to, INTERNMENT for all on the list to start with,we then take it from there.

Ah yes, interment camps. Perfect for recruitment and radicalisation.

It's just possible you need to re-think your options....

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6 minutes ago, mojomonkey said:

Hilarious, not. Prevention is better than cure, so how do you spot them in a crowd before they act. No doubt llap has the answer, he is an expert and it was his idea as part of the arming the public.

which is how you stop them, all the signs are there, unfortunately we have people like you and rtard unwilling to see the problem....

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9 minutes ago, woody2 said:

which is how you stop them, all the signs are there, unfortunately we have people like you and rtard unwilling to see the problem....

Since when do I not see the problem? I recognise it is an issue that needs addressing, I'm merely questioning llap frankly ridiculous solution. 


I recognise, and have said many times on here before, that extremists are total arseholes.

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well if anyone starts chanting near you or has a backpack on and looks foreign, get the first strike in:rolleyes::lol:

the fact is they shouldn't be in the uk in the first place:thumbsup:

how did a kid make a bomb who's father is a known expert bomb maker? you don't have to be einstein to work it out...

look up lifg (libyan islamic fighting group)


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18 minutes ago, woody2 said:

look up lifg (libyan islamic fighting group)


Would that be a group that was allowed to grow and spread after the death of Gadhafi?  After we "helped"?

"It aims to establish an Islamic state in Libya and views the Gaddafi regime as oppressive, and anti-Muslim, according to the Canadian Security Intelligence Service. LIFG claimed responsibility for a failed assassination attempt against Gaddafi in February 1996, which was in part funded by MI6 "

What was it I said about Governments funding terror groups and it biting them in the arse later?

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