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Explosion at Manchester Arena

Max Power

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8 minutes ago, woody2 said:

should these people be in the uk in the first place....

Well considering the bomber was born in the UK in '94, at a time when Islamic Terrorism was practically unheard of in Europe (note I said "practically" not zero), why wouldn't they be in the UK in the first place?

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1 minute ago, RIchard Britten said:

Well considering the bomber was born in the UK in '94, at a time when Islamic Terrorism was practically unheard of in Europe (note I said "practically" not zero), why wouldn't they be in the UK in the first place?

because of the background of the parents:rolleyes:

and yes i understand the views have changed on this group not just by the uk but the usa and the un....

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8 minutes ago, RIchard Britten said:

But Libya are our friends right?  We helped them over throw that nasty Gadhafi.

I know...  I was going to do a longer post in reply to Woody but I don't really have the motivation to continue the discussion with him.  

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Woody2, I assume you are asking "should these people be in the UK in the first place"? (seriously, your posts are verging on cryptic at times and is really that hard to use a question mark?).


I assume you mean Muslim by "these people". If so, I think you're asking an overly simple question about a much more complicated issue. Personally, I don't subscribe to the idea that all Muslims are terrorists. For me, I believe that the majority of people want to just get on with their lives in peace and normality. It is the extremes that are causing the problems, I also put blame on all religions. I would happily live in a world without religion, I can only see it ever causing problems. In terms of the question, as there is no way of actually definitively proving someone is a muslim or not (or any religion for that matter) there would be inherent problems attempting to do so. I suppose you could ban the practising of Islam, I probably would have no problem with that but I'd happily see all religion outlawed. I'm not sure how the deportation, interning, etc of all existing Muslims in the UK could actually be made to work. I have no problem with tighter border control and I think I even agree with the idea that anyone found to be fighting for IS (or whatever they mutate into) should be stripped of their British citizenship, how that actually works legally is something for the Government to figure out. I always go back to the point I previously made, what is the root cause of radicalisation and how can we truly combat that. I think that only combating that is the way to achieve any lasting success.


Just because I don't advocate arming the general public, shout that the ragheads should be put down, etc. on an anonymous internet forum does not mean I am terrorist sympathiser. I hope you're mature enough to understand that.

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2 minutes ago, mojomonkey said:

Woody2, I assume you are asking "should these people be in the UK in the first place"? (seriously, your posts are verging on cryptic at times and is really that hard to use a question mark?).


I assume you mean Muslim by "these people". If so, I think you're asking an overly simple question about a much more complicated issue. Personally, I don't subscribe to the idea that all Muslims are terrorists. For me, I believe that the majority of people want to just get on with their lives in peace and normality. It is the extremes that are causing the problems, I also put blame on all religions. I would happily live in a world without religion, I can only see it ever causing problems. In terms of the question, as there is no way of actually definitively proving someone is a muslim or not (or any religion for that matter) there would be inherent problems attempting to do so. I suppose you could ban the practising of Islam, I probably would have no problem with that but I'd happily see all religion outlawed. I'm not sure how the deportation, interning, etc of all existing Muslims in the UK could actually be made to work. I have no problem with tighter border control and I think I even agree with the idea that anyone found to be fighting for IS (or whatever they mutate into) should be stripped of their British citizenship, how that actually works legally is something for the Government to figure out. I always go back to the point I previously made, what is the root cause of radicalisation and how can we truly combat that. I think that only combating that is the way to achieve any lasting success.


Just because I don't advocate arming the general public, shout that the ragheads should be put down, etc. on an anonymous internet forum does not mean I am terrorist sympathiser. I hope you're mature enough to understand that.

not just muslims:rolleyes: all foreigners...

can you tell me when the british voted for this multiculturalism?  ...........

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Just now, woody2 said:

not just muslims:rolleyes: all foreigners...

can you tell me when the british voted for this multiculturalism?  ...........

All foreigners should be kicked out of the UK? Sorry, but that has nothing to with terrorism and is simply moronic. Thats my answer to you.


Rightly or wrongly the multicultural UK you see today is undoubtedly the result of having an empire. The UK has always been a nation of different nationalities though, or should we be kicking out people who descend from the Vikings, the Romans, the Normans, etc?

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3 minutes ago, TheTeapot said:

 It is worth mentioning that in our willingness to overthrow Gadaffi the people we were helping sodomised him with a knife. Nice to know we were backing such lovely people.

Strange how we made the same mistake again in Syria....I imagine we will make the same mistake in the next Middle Eastern country we help "liberate".

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3 hours ago, mojomonkey said:

Any chance of you actually answering the question posed? How does an average person on the street identify a suicide bomber and shoot them dead before they detonate. You must have an answer for this, it was your idea after all.

The average person shouldn't need to make that determination. The government already have a watchlist of 3,500 suspected terrorist wannabes. I suggest internment or deportation. PS this would have saved over 20 lives in Manchester, given the loser responsible was on their watchlist.

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