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Explosion at Manchester Arena

Max Power

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12 minutes ago, RIchard Britten said:

I imagine ever group like IS around the world were firing up their twitter feed to claim it.

But then if it turns out to be a gas explosion or something else they would look silly.

Well it was confirmed by police it was a suicide bombing, not a gas explosion.

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I'd just like to point out that suicide violates Islamic law. Therfore, any Islamists who does it will, according to a hadith citing Muhammad himself, go straight to Hell. Islamists are Muslims but they're Muslin heretics and it's high time their own community dealt with them and undergo a Reformation.

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1 hour ago, RIchard Britten said:

Nowhere official has announced who has done this yet.

Lets wait and see before we start off with the usual thread "protocol".

I would give ANYONE money its fucking ragheads who carried this out,brick the tunnel up and keep the bastards out,and any snowflakes can go fuck themselves.

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Absolutely horrendous attack on people who were attending an event to enjoy themselves.  A fantastic response from the people of Manchester offering help and support to those caught up in events.  

6 hours ago, homarus said:

Time to shut the medieval murdering bastards down,  whether they were lucky enough to be born in the Uk or otherwise (Can't bring myself to say British because they're not!)

Deepest sympathies to all involved in this tragedy!

Unfortunately, if they are born here then they are British regardless of race or religious belief.  

2 hours ago, asitis said:

Strong leadership is needed, please no more candles and hashtags !

The softly softly approach trying not upset communities is not working, this bridges all political divides, the first duty of government is to protect its people !

As above, the person responsible may have been a British citizen and therefore would fall under the protection of the government and its people.

This is not me being a "snowflake" or a "libtard".  This is me saying lets wait until we have the facts before we commence a witch hunt.  Terrorists want that type of reaction, they want to divide communities and radicalise people.  Certain groups will claim responsibility regardless of whether or not they were because it is "good publicity" for them and their cause.

We should be focusing on supporting those who have lost family and friends.  Once we have all the facts then we can make an informed decision on what to do next.   

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There's a tiny, but non-zero chance of a false flag or non Islamist  

Otherwise more interesting will be convert or not, British born or not, North West local or not. 

We'll just have to wait for more information. 

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On the one hand I' m glad ISIS has become a focal point for all the murderous religious fanatics. It's so much easier to kill them all in a target rich environment.

On the other hand as their losses mount and with the endgame being played out they will get ever more deperate to retain a "presence" via the only means left open to them - local nutjobs.

Even when they are destroyed as an organisation imho you can expect attacks like this to continue. How long for I wonder - forever maybe?

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29 minutes ago, homarus said:

So how long do you think it'll take to come to this informed decision and who are ''we'' Manxman ?

I have not seen any reports from the Police confirming the details of the attacker as yet.  The only report I have seen states that this was "a man acting alone" but no further details have been given,

As for who "we" are, I was referring to Greater Manchester Police and the anti-terrorism units who need to complete their investigations. 

Jumping to conclusions, even if proven to be right later, does not help the situation.   The priority must be those who have been caught up in this terrible act of violence.  

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