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Explosion at Manchester Arena

Max Power

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39 minutes ago, RIchard Britten said:

When the British Empire invaded and assimilated multiple cultures...

Nope. The British people never voted empire. In fact, as soon as we had popular electoral participation, the empire began to come to an end.

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1 hour ago, RIchard Britten said:

Well considering the bomber was born in the UK in '94, at a time when Islamic Terrorism was practically unheard of in Europe (note I said "practically" not zero), why wouldn't they be in the UK in the first place?

I think you'll find Islamic terrorism has been heard of in Europe for about 1,400 years. They invaded Europe both from the east and west, reaching France and Vienna. India also has a long familiarity with islamic terrorism being waged on them.

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Given that many people are being radicalised in Prison I fail to see how internment would make any difference.  It is also very likely that internment would be a broad brush approach and pick up plenty of innocent people.  And how long do we keep them interned for?  Who will pay for that?  Where would they be interned?  The last time the UK did intern people guess where they put a lot of people...

Douglas prom may get a make over under your proposals...  An island of barbed wire again.

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3 hours ago, RIchard Britten said:

Ah, the good old "if every was armed theory"...I do so love this one when it is rolled out and how easy it is to debunk it:

Put 100 people in a room, arm them all with pistols. 

Scenario A

Tell them all that one of them is going to shoot the rest.

Except you lied and there are actually 4 that are going to shoot the rest.

Then see how many survive.

Scenario B

Tell them all that one of them is going to shoot the rest.

Except you lied and there are no "active shooters".

Then see how many people end up getting shot.


Closing remark:  Untrained and inexperience civilians, armed to kill are more a danger to each other than anyone else.

Up through the 18th Century, Everyone always went about Armed with One Shot Pistols, Rifles, Swords, Knives and others.

It was not until after the development of Automatic Firearms that the Government started putting Restrictions on Weapons that Ordinary Civilians were allowed to carry.  Those Restrictions were mainly put into place after WW2 as a lot of Violent Gangsters used to walk about with them all the time during the 1920s and 1930s.

But before the 18th Century, Every Single Gentleman or Nobleman always carried a Sword of some description.  

I should point out that I once read in Life Magazine that Islamic People in the Middle East tend to always carry Firearms in much the same way as we all used to do carrying Swords in pre-18th Century Europe.

Fighting and making War is all they have known for Centuries and Won't Change unless completely subjugated by War.

Sometimes you have Fight Fire with Fire.  




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Just now, TheDruid-3X3 said:

Up through the 18th Century, Everyone always went about Armed with One Shot Pistols, Rifles, Swords, Knives and others.

It was not until after the development of Automatic Firearms that the Government started putting Restrictions on Weapons that Ordinary Civilians were allowed to carry.  Those Restrictions were mainly put into place after WW2 as a lot of Violent Gangsters used to walk about with them all the time during the 1920s and 1930s.

But before the 18th Century, Every Single Gentleman or Nobleman always carried a Sword of some description.  

I should point out that I once read in Life Magazine that Islamic People in the Middle East tend to always carry Firearms in much the same way as we all used to do carrying Swords in pre-18th Century Europe.

Fighting and making War is all they have known for Centuries and Won't Change unless completely subjugated by War.

Sometimes you have Fight Fire with Fire.  




American's civilian shooting incidents would disagree with you...but why let facts get in the way?

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9 minutes ago, RIchard Britten said:

Interment leads to resentment and increased radicalisation.

Interment is exactly what groups like IS want.  We end up doing the recruitment for them.

Rubbish. The UK had tens of thousands of Germans (mostly refugees) and Italians interned on this Island and parts of the UK during the war under Churchill's "collar the lot" policy. Roosevelt did the same in the US with the Japanese Americans. They didn't become radicalised. Why are Muslims so easily pissoffable? Clearly they're already radicalised.

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32 minutes ago, llap said:

Nope. The British people never voted empire. In fact, as soon as we had popular electoral participation, the empire began to come to an end.

Actually, I would tend to say Your onto something there.  The Empire did begin to Weaken and come to an End after the Power of the Monarchy was diminished during the Cromwellian Civil Wars and Parliamentarians put Democracy into Practice.

But the End of the Empire accelerated after the Expense of having to Fight Two Major World Wars though.




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2 minutes ago, llap said:

 Why are Muslims so easily pissoffable? 

Because such Mentalities are entrenched in the Quran.  Pick up a copy of it and have a read through it and you will see.  I especially point out Chapter Surah, Section 9, Verse 5.

Kirralie Smith of Australia goes on about it in one of her 'The Truth About Islam' YouTubes.




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3 minutes ago, TheDruid-3X3 said:

Actually, I would tend to say Your onto something there.  The Empire did begin to Weaken and come to an End after the Power of the Monarchy was diminished during the Cromwellian Civil Wars and Parliamentarians put Democracy into Practice.

But the End of the Empire accelerated after the Expense of having to Fight Two Major World Wars though.




Plus the US told them they had to give up the empire.

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5 minutes ago, llap said:


Policeman: "We are removing you to Camp Alpha"

Non-radicalisd Muslim: "I have done nothing wrong."

Policeman: "You are a Muslim and therefore a potential threat"

Non-radicalised Muslim: "Hmmm maybe IS are right that the West wants to destroy us.  Looks like they were onto something"



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4 minutes ago, TheDruid-3X3 said:

Kirralie Smith of Australia goes on about it in one of her 'The Truth About Islam' YouTubes.

Looks like she needs to be more careful about what she spouts off about in future:


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