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Explosion at Manchester Arena

Max Power

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6 minutes ago, RIchard Britten said:

Policeman: "We are removing you to Camp Alpha"

Non-radicalisd Muslim: "I have done nothing wrong."

Policeman: "You are a Muslim and therefore a potential threat"

Non-radicalised Muslim: "Hmmm maybe IS are right that the West wants to destroy us.  Looks like they were onto something"



Strange how it's only Muslims who magically become radicalised at the drop of a hat. Internment has been done to Jews, Christians, Japanese, Italians, Germans, and none of them became radicalised. Weird, huh?

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18 minutes ago, RIchard Britten said:

American's civilian shooting incidents would disagree with you...but why let facts get in the way?

They are not as Heavily Armed as they were during the Old West when Cowboys rode the Range Fully Armed at All Times though.

But they do have their Constitutional Right to Bare Arms which a lot of them do.  Especially in Texas.




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Just now, TheDruid-3X3 said:

They are not as Heavily Armed as they were during the Old West when Cowboys rode the Range Fully Armed at All Times though.

But they do have their Constitutional Right to Bare Arms which a lot of them do.  Especially in Texas.




The English commoners were unarmed after being betrayed and brutally massacred following the failed Peasants' Revolt. 

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1 minute ago, llap said:

Plus we're only talking about 3,500 people who are on a watchlist because they've given indications of being radicalised already. Nobody is suggesting interning all Muslims. That's be daft.

But that is exactly what happened when we interned the Germans & Italians and the same in the US with the Japanese.  You have still not answered the question of where you would intern these people, how long you would hold them and who is going to pay for it.

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1 minute ago, TheDruid-3X3 said:


But they do have their Constitutional Right to Bare Arms which a lot of them do.  Especially in Texas.




I would have thought in the "wild west" given all that sun they would have chosen to wear a long sleeved shirt. 

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9 minutes ago, llap said:

Plus we're only talking about 3,500 people who are on a watchlist because they've given indications of being radicalised already. Nobody is suggesting interning all Muslims. That's be daft.

We then put all of the radicalised people together, a bit like a university of terrorism?

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20 minutes ago, RIchard Britten said:

The Articles mentions Two YouTubes that chronicle the Unethical Harassment Business Tactics that Halal Choices use to get Meal Suppliers to have their Products Certified as being Halal.  I have seen those Videos and Smith points out some Very Unethical Tactics that amounts to Extortion.

But I guess part of the Out of Court Settlement included taking down the YouTube Video's as they are no longer Online anymore.




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Not a fan of "ritual slaughter" , I  worked as an EHO/meat inspector in abattoir's  many years ago . 

There was no pre-stunning in Jewish ritual slaughter but it was permitted for "halal".

I accept that the situation may have changed  since but 'just saying':flowers:

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1 hour ago, llap said:

The average person shouldn't need to make that determination. The government already have a watchlist of 3,500 suspected terrorist wannabes. I suggest internment or deportation. PS this would have saved over 20 lives in Manchester, given the loser responsible was on their watchlist.

I don't disagree with the need to watch and potentially act on these people but, yet again, you are not actually answering the question put to you. You clearly stated that arming the public would prevent these types of events. What is your suggested method of suicide bomber identification? We are talking when they are about to detonate, sadly assuming that they have managed to slip through the security services' net.

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