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Explosion at Manchester Arena

Max Power

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I'm amazed that the UK press haven't mentioned all the cuts to police funding since the tories came to power that has degraded their capabilities.

I suppose that all the right-wing press owners, which is to say pretty much all of them, probably think that pointing out what a huge and possibly fatal mistake that was would distract the xenophobic thick as pigshit Little Englanders from voting for Saint May of U-Turn (motto: any lie for another term a la Farage, Gove and Johnson).

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33 minutes ago, manxman1980 said:

woody, it has already been explained to you that the history or the British Isles and the British Empire had a large part to play in the multiculturalism seen in the UK today.  It is remarkable how many people were actually mobile in the past despite the difficulties travelling at the time. 

During all those changes people have enter into mixed race relationships, learnt to live and work alongside people of other nationalities, races and religions.  "Foreigners" have contributed to the rich history of the UK.  

Whilst the "people" may never have voted explicitly for multiculturalism it has developed into the norm.  Manchester is proud of the different people who make up the population and that community pulled together and unified more than ever over the last few days.  London is much the same.

Yes there are extremists in Manchester, as there are everywhere, and they come from all sorts of backgrounds and whilst not all engage in terrorism they are still there.  They are British, Christian, Muslim all sharing a common hatred of each other and the world around them.  They fail to see the benefits of a diverse society, they fail to understand the history of the country in which they live.  The English language is full of words taken from other languages, cafe, restaurant, pyjamas, chocolate, typhoon, and plenty more.  The British have adopted foods from other cultures and made it their own (curry).  

The extremists and terrorists cannot see all the good.  They only care about their own interests.  Multiculturalism may seem like a new idea but really it has been going on for centuries.

time for a referendum then....

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6 minutes ago, P.K. said:

I'm amazed that the UK press haven't mentioned all the cuts to police funding since the tories came to power that has degraded their capabilities.

I suppose that all the right-wing press owners, which is to say pretty much all of them, probably think that pointing out what a huge and possibly fatal mistake that was would distract the xenophobic thick as pigshit Little Englanders from voting for Saint May of U-Turn (motto: any lie for another term a la Farage, Gove and Johnson).


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29 minutes ago, mojomonkey said:

So llap, once someone passes their check and gets a nice shiny gun how do you recommend that they spot suicide bombers in the public arena?

Shifty looking, chav clothing, either a backpack or oddly looking like they've got a lot of clothing covering their middle stomach area. If it turns out they're not a terrorist, it'll be a McDonald's customer so win win. Probably an idea to aim for the kneecaps if not quite certain, otherwise aim for the head.

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4 minutes ago, llap said:

Shifty looking, chav clothing, either a backpack or oddly looking like they've got a lot of clothing covering their middle stomach area. If it turns out they're not a terrorist, it'll be a McDonald's customer so win win. Probably an idea to aim for the kneecaps if not quite certain, otherwise aim for the head.

Thanks, it's an answer, pretty stupid one but nevertheless it is one. I sincerely hope you never get hold of a gun.


How you going to deal with the pressure release trigger switches that they tend to use?

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24 minutes ago, woody2 said:

from the reports it didn't have that type of switch....

I'm sure you accept that many do though.


Now, just so no one can accuse you of diversion tactics could you please answer the question you've been asked several times. What or who do you mean by foreigners? You have not clarified this point anywhere on this thread.

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42 minutes ago, mojomonkey said:

Thanks, it's an answer, pretty stupid one but nevertheless it is one. I sincerely hope you never get hold of a gun.


How you going to deal with the pressure release trigger switches that they tend to use?

Look. You do what you have to do. If you can't do anything in time, you're fucked. So you might as well try shoot the twat ASAP. I don't understand why you wish I'd never have a gun. I have several guns in my antique collection and have never shot an animal, let alone a terrorist or a person. I'm a pacifist and I'd judge like to point out I have openly opposed EVERY war against or bombing of a Muslim or any other country, so I'm no macho twat trying to be Rambo. My belief in the right go bear arms is based on political philosophy concerning the role of the state vs the rights and freedoms of the individual.

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1 minute ago, llap said:

Look. You do what you have to do. If you can't do anything in time, you're fucked. So you might as well try shoot the twat ASAP. I don't understand why you wish I'd never have a gun. I have several guns in my antique collection and have never shot an animal, let alone a terrorist or a person. I'm a pacifist and I'd judge like to point out I have openly opposed EVERY war against or bombing of a Muslim or any other country, so I'm no macho twat trying to be Rambo. My belief in the right go bear arms is based on political philosophy concerning the role of the state vs the rights and freedoms of the individual.

Presumably deactivated ones?

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foreigners are foreigners:rolleyes: but its the ones that have failed to integrate, built ghettos and hate the uk that are the issue....

plenty can and have manage to integrate, why not others....

and yes it applies to brits that live abroad before you ask:rolleyes:

time to close the borders...... 

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