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Explosion at Manchester Arena

Max Power

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20 minutes ago, Mr. Sausages said:

Would you welcome a pakistani muslim family moving in next door?

Do you reckon the racism they face day in day out might play a part with some of them not integrating?  Might make them feel that they're not part of it all.  Especially the weak minded, and not so bright.  And then they might be more susceptible to being brainwashed into a murderous cult. 

There was a report on the BBC today that one of the claimed issues that the bomber had with the West was that his best mate was killed by a bunch of Manchester drug dealers a year or so back who took him off the street and kicked the shit out of him. Not sure whether it's true or not. The reality is that our foreign policy is shit and we should just stay out of bombing other peoples countries and that there are lots of other issues why people get disaffected. No excuses at all as this act was just purely evil and barbaric and not even explainable to most normal people. But there are lots of factors that are blamed when people lose the plot. 

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1 minute ago, Mr. Sausages said:

It's a hypothesis for people not integrating.  Explain why you dismiss it?

I'm not dismissing what you posted. I just think it simplistic and doesn't fully explain the culture divide. Some cultures just don't want to assimilate. Why is that? 

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13 minutes ago, quilp said:

I'm not dismissing what you posted. I just think it simplistic and doesn't fully explain the culture divide. Some cultures just don't want to assimilate. Why is that? 

Why do you think that is?

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When I was a boy we lived in the UK. We had Indian/Pakistani and West Indian neighbours. Everybody got on. We played with their children and went to each others house for tea after school. There never seemed to be a problem then. Shame it couldn't stay like that

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1 hour ago, Mr. Sausages said:

Would you welcome a pakistani muslim family moving in next door?


45 minutes ago, twinkle said:

They are like Greeks,untrustworthy,they think they're still in Calcutta.


Calcutta is in India not Pakistan.

My next door neighbours on one side are Indian. Great couple with lovely kids.

On the other side is a 90 year old German widow.  Across the road is an Iranian with New Zealand and US citizenship married to a Luxemburger.

Think Woolley would be horrified?

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2 minutes ago, Chinahand said:


Calcutta is in India not Pakistan.

My next door neighbours on one side are Indian. Great couple with lovely kids.

On the other side is a 90 year old German widow.  Across the road is an Iranian with New Zealand and US citizenship married to a Luxemburger.

Think Woolley would be horrified?

Unfortunately there are still a lot of doom-brains who have yet to get to grips with the plain and simple fact that there is only one planet.

Coo-eee xenophobic thick as pigshit Daily Wail reading Lirttle Englanders only one planet means what?

Clue : shush.... we all have to share it.....

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 We all know who is ultimately responsible for the state of the UK  it's same globalist led  politicians who have had the army deployed to protect themselves and theirs, these same  people are all complicit in creating the conditions in which we find ourselves and should face retribution!

But again we know they won''t ,so they will continue with their dangerous policies  and meaningless words while the citizens of the UK are left to deal with the consequences of their actions.

The harsh  reality  is we are where we are and hard decisions need to be taken about what to do with these animals  .

There are a recorded  3,500ish hardcore Islamist terrorist supporters  walking freely around the Uk  that is the reality,free to come and go and do what they wish  with costs running into billions per year ( reportedly) to monitor them ,they need to be taken off the streets and put where they can harm nobody but themselves .

And for all you happy clappy '' one world we are all the same people'' fantastists , you are part of the problem not the solution.History over millennia tells us differently the strong always overcome the weak .

For decades now we have tried to be the most welcoming inclusive  society in the world but the experiment has failed  and Tony Blair (The main architect of the mess we find ourselves in) was  admitting as much as far back as 2006 , they've all know Multi-culti was a failure but for whatever reasons they hid it from us .

We are not all the same , the majority of people are good but some people are dangerous murdering scum, that is the reality and all you one world fantatists  need to shove your smart meaningless words up your smart  educated arses and wake up! .



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It's too late Homarus, look at the data. More and more of the country becomes muslim with each passing day. In France they're coming up on 10% after including the illegals. In Britain and Germany it's over 5%. 

Just six years ago the muslim population was a fraction of that. It's an ugly nation, it's a muslim nation. A nation hostile to our western life as we know it. 

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2 hours ago, La Colombe said:


I'm glad you find it so amusing dickhead!

P.s.  I do try to stay away from personal insults but in your case I think it's justified.

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5 minutes ago, Tarne said:

It's too late Homarus, look at the data. More and more of the country becomes muslim with each passing day. In France they're coming up on 10% after including the illegals. In Britain and Germany it's over 5%. 

Just six years ago the muslim population was a fraction of that. It's an ugly nation, it's a muslim nation. A nation hostile to our western life as we know it. 

Don't agree ! 

 Some very bad shit on the way if the muslims don't get their act together and root out these scum.

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