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Explosion at Manchester Arena

Max Power

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Amazing how within 2 seconds,  instead of mass outrage at ISLAMIC terrorism and Muslim community allowing their young to become radicalised, all outrage is against anyone who criticises Islam or islamism. Lest we forget, 20+ people were murdered by a Muslim, NOT by a "racist islamaphobe". 

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4 minutes ago, llap said:

Amazing how within 2 seconds,  instead of mass outrage at ISLAMIC terrorism and Muslim community allowing their young to become radicalised, all outrage is against anyone who criticises Islam or islamism. Lest we forget, 20+ people were murdered by a Muslim, NOT by a "racist islamaphobe". 

But,but,but , it's our own fault!

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13 hours ago, llap said:

Words of wisdom from beyond the grave....



The retards went well beyond that point at the Manchester Arena ,it's going to be interesting to see how May deals with this shit.

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I have to say I think Jeremy Corbyn has hugely miscalculated. 

Though the fact is he's only interested in preaching to the converted and so just wants to tell the regressive left what they want to hear: The capitalist west is to blame for all the world's ills. 

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20 minutes ago, Chinahand said:

I have to say I think Jeremy Corbyn has hugely miscalculated. 

Though the fact is he's only interested in preaching to the converted and so just wants to tell the regressive left what they want to hear: The capitalist west is to blame for all the world's ills. 

Assuming you're referring to this. It's probably how the right wing press will portray it, but he does have a point. It isn't as simple as your last line. 

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28 minutes ago, llap said:

Amazing how within 2 seconds,  instead of mass outrage at ISLAMIC terrorism and Muslim community allowing their young to become radicalised, all outrage is against anyone who criticises Islam or islamism. Lest we forget, 20+ people were murdered by a Muslim, NOT by a "racist islamaphobe". 

By someone who purports to be a muslim would be perhaps more accurate.

I lived in central London for over 30 years and I was one of the ethnic minorities in my street in Holloway , there were Irish, Greek, Cypriot , West Indian, African, Asian,East European etc etc  , we all got along and there was a thriving local community.

Bearing in mind that this was at the times of the 'Troubles' the Irish were not vilified as folk realised that there were  just people , most were AOK some were shits.

Some on here have decided in their own mind that people can be categorised  by their race /religion / and be held responsible for the actions of a lunatic who just happens to share that race/ religion. 

These same people then think that this gives them the justification for spreading/ promoting hatred , in some cases because they have an "alternative faith", an axe to grind  and are of the mentality that 'they can't see a belt without wanting to hit below it'.

For balance I don't think that any religion or belief should entitle anyone to preferential treatment or greater credibility by society .

hope this helps:flowers:



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13 hours ago, mojomonkey said:

If it is very easy to tell then it must be easy to give some specific criteria. Share some of your wisdom and list some criteria. Who would judge 'applicants' against those criteria?

having a flag in the front garden for a start.....

10 hours ago, Mr. Sausages said:

Would you welcome a pakistani muslim family moving in next door?


all my properties are rural......

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Corbyn is putting before the electorate a view that British foreign policy is to blame for our status as a target from Islamic terrorism.  The Tories put the case that Daesh fundamentally oppose our values and ultimately wish to impose their version of society upon us.

I think Corbyn needs to develop his view a bit more in order for this to be credible. Are we to disengage entirely in the Middle East, and adopt a stance of strict neutrality?  We don't make much of a difference anyway. If the US chooses to continue their military involvement, let them defend 'fortress USA', and Russia the same.  

And as for a Britain, we embrace a new, much less belligerent stance in the World, more in keeping with our actual status rather than our self perceived  status as a world power. More like a Ireland, for example.

Tempting, for me. But there is a fly in the ointment. Stockholm, proved just as much a target as London just the other week. In the very home of neutrality and liberal values. Copenhagen in 2015, Islamists shootings at an art exhibition. The Charlie Hebdo shootings. All on the basis of values, not foreign policy.

And if all foreign powers just leave the Middle East completely to its own devices, and a Caliphate ends up being established across Iraq, Syria and Libya, possible even more widely? Will we live safe and secure within our own borders then? I seriously doubt it, and at that stage, Europe would have to fight in earnest.

But it is quite possible that the electorate will see things Corbyn's way. The Madrid train bombings almost certainly changed the result of a general election in Spain in 2004. The incumbent government handled the initial response badly, attributing the attack to ETA rather than to AQ sympathisers. But also, the socialist challengers were seen as more likely to disengage from military actions overseas that put Spain 'in the firing line'.

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28 minutes ago, La Colombe said:

Assuming you're referring to this. It's probably how the right wing press will portray it, but he does have a point. It isn't as simple as your last line. 

Sweden, Belgium, Spain, Germany and France have had very different foreign policies than the UK, but the same issues with terrorism.

Is the UK's foreign policy a legitimate justification for terrorism?  It isn't - therefore Corbyn is wrong to raise it as an issue - especially at this time.

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Just now, Chinahand said:

Sweden, Belgium, Germany and France have had very different foreign policies than the UK, but the same issues with terrorism.

Is the UK's foreign policy a legitimate justification for terrorism?  It isn't - therefore Corbyn is wrong to raise it as an issue.

There's never any legitimate justification for terrorism but that doesn't mean we shouldn't search for the best policies to prevent it. Those countries you cite might be justified to question the UK's foreign policies too. 

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they interviewed a guy outside didsbury mosque, smiling his head off stating the father was a moderate muslim:rolleyes: if a known I.S. fighter is a moderate muslim what are the rest like ffs....

so far we have had the left saying the gov. need to spend more money....

the unions saying the gov. need to spend more money....

muslims saying the gov. need to spend more money....

criticism about the PREVENT scheme....

here's an idea, if the muslims wish to put an end to islamic extremists in the uk, they need to deal with it, they need to condemn it and they need to pay for it......

they are in the best place to deal with it, nobody else....  


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8 minutes ago, Chinahand said:

Sweden, Belgium, Spain, Germany and France have had very different foreign policies than the UK, but the same issues with terrorism.

Is the UK's foreign policy a legitimate justification for terrorism?  It isn't - therefore Corbyn is wrong to raise it as an issue - especially at this time.

it caused the breakdown in these countries that allowed these extremists to grow.....

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42 minutes ago, woody2 said:

having a flag in the front garden for a start.....

all my properties are rural......

Do you mean that your criteria for being allowed to stay in the UK is flying a Union Jack in your front garden? That's it, that's all your amassed wisdom on the matter. Apologies but I don't think you've thought this one through. You still haven't said who judges the applicants?

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1 hour ago, Chinahand said:

I have to say I think Jeremy Corbyn has hugely miscalculated. 

Though the fact is he's only interested in preaching to the converted and so just wants to tell the regressive left what they want to hear: The capitalist west is to blame for all the world's ills. 

In Student Land atm.

The youngsters seem to think that Corbyn talks a lot of sense.

Mind you they also think the xenophobic thick as pigshit Daily Wail reading Little Englanders have cast a cloud over what was always going to be a bit of a difficult future. Unfortunately the oldies are far more motivated to vote and make a difference than they are. On the plus side the youngsters are not only pretty much colour blind but they seem much more relaxed about gender "confusion" shall we say. So not all bad news.

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