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Explosion at Manchester Arena

Max Power

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30 minutes ago, mojomonkey said:

Do you mean that your criteria for being allowed to stay in the UK is flying a Union Jack in your front garden? That's it, that's all your amassed wisdom on the matter. Apologies but I don't think you've thought this one through. You still haven't said who judges the applicants?

the bomber had a black flag with arabic writing on in his front garden , are you that thick that you can't see that this should of been looked into ffs....

you are worst than these losers, how anybody that is human can defend this scum ffs- you are part of the problem.......

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Woody, no one has defended this scum ... you however are incapable of explaining things properly in context.

Mojo had asked what criteria you could use to identify extremists - your reply "having a flag in the front garden for a start....." didn't explain.

Try and have a discussion using paragraphs rather a rant with half formed sentences.

You are proposing flying a certain type of Islamic flag is sufficient to have you interned.  Is that right?

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6 hours ago, homarus said:


 We all know who is ultimately responsible for the state of the UK  it's same globalist led  politicians who have had the army deployed to protect themselves and theirs, these same  people are all complicit in creating the conditions in which we find ourselves and should face retribution!

But again we know they won''t ,so they will continue with their dangerous policies  and meaningless words while the citizens of the UK are left to deal with the consequences of their actions.

The harsh  reality  is we are where we are and hard decisions need to be taken about what to do with these animals  .

There are a recorded  3,500ish hardcore Islamist terrorist supporters  walking freely around the Uk  that is the reality,free to come and go and do what they wish  with costs running into billions per year ( reportedly) to monitor them ,they need to be taken off the streets and put where they can harm nobody but themselves .

And for all you happy clappy '' one world we are all the same people'' fantastists , you are part of the problem not the solution.History over millennia tells us differently the strong always overcome the weak .

For decades now we have tried to be the most welcoming inclusive  society in the world but the experiment has failed  and Tony Blair (The main architect of the mess we find ourselves in) was  admitting as much as far back as 2006 , they've all know Multi-culti was a failure but for whatever reasons they hid it from us .

We are not all the same , the majority of people are good but some people are dangerous murdering scum, that is the reality and all you one world fantatists  need to shove your smart meaningless words up your smart  educated arses and wake up! .



Homarus - MF's very own Katie Hopkins...

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1 minute ago, Chinahand said:

Woody, no one has defended this scum ... you however are incapable of explaining things properly in context.

Mojo had asked what criteria you could use to identify extremists - your reply "having a flag in the front garden for a start....." didn't explain.

Try and have a discussion using paragraphs rather a rant with half formed sentences.

You are proposing flying a certain type of Islamic flag is sufficient to have you interned.  Is that right?

i posted a list earlier of the signs:rolleyes: don't you think it should of been investigated?......

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What makes you think it wasn't?

The bad guys succeeded, that is terrible, but that doesn't mean we aren't taking action against bad guys.

Everything is easy in hindsight - why wasn't he locked up earlier.

Do you really think it is so simple as rounding up 3000 people and all Islamic Terrorism will stop in the UK.  I raised Northern Ireland earlier - Internment was a disaster.

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34 minutes ago, woody2 said:

the bomber had a black flag with arabic writing on in his front garden , are you that thick that you can't see that this should of been looked into ffs....

you are worst than these losers, how anybody that is human can defend this scum ffs- you are part of the problem.......

What a surprise, woody2 trots out the usual crap about anyone who doesn't fully agree with him being a loser, scum, etc. The fact is you are actually devoid of sensible solutions to the problem. It is a deadly serious problem and I totally recognise that, having said as much already in the thread. I have no problem with tighter border controls (although sadly many of these idiots seem to be homegrown British citizens), I have no problem with idiots found to be flighting for IS or similar overseas having their nationality revoked and I would even like to see the ending of religion somehow (although I accept that is unlikely to ever happen). I am fully against these idiots carrying out atrocities on innocent people. 


If we take your idea of deporting all foreigners, when quizzed about how this is defined and how it would actually work you fail to provide actual meaningful answers. In the end you say that anyone flying an IS flag should be deported (this is despite previously saying it was all foreigners not just Muslims). Ok, so we deport anyone flying an IS flag. I'd have no problem with flying such flag being illegal (if it isn't already) and presume that the security services would be watching anyone who did anyway. That does raise some simple questions though. What do you with those born in the UK found to be flying the flag? How do you deport someone back to their country when their country of birth is the UK and IS doesn't actually have a country to deport them to? Why would you want to send more recruits to them anyway? What happens when one of those sneaky terrorists figures out that they can evade your trap by simply not flying the flag? It is simply moronic and is not an actual real solution.


Then we have those saying that the public should be armed so we can all shoot the terrorists. Interesting this one is predominantly put forward by a forum member who can't make up their mind whether they want the state running matters or the public running matters. The same member who claims to be a pacifist whilst talking about putting a bullet in someone's head. Putting a bullet in someone's head, this is the same member who struggles to avoid walking in dogshit and is afraid of picking up a woodlouse. Again, its just moronic.


Yes, increased border controls are probably one helpful measure but the big issue is how the homegrown fundamentalist is dealt with. How do we accurately identify them, how to deal with them without creating martyrs and most importantly how do we deal with those doing the radicalisation.  Its largely irrelevant as this is just a meaningless internet forum. By all means continue the way you are but be aware that all you are is some nobody who struggles to put anything meaningful across and offers nothing to finding an actual solution. If anything, it is you that are the problem, you the pathetic little man dribbling over his keyboard who would probably crap themselves if faced with a difficult situation.


Anytime you want to discuss matters without resorting to childish insults and moronic behaviour let me know and I'll happily engage. Until then, peace out. Just saying snowflake :flowers:



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While we are on the subject of ireland, there is much evidence to suggest the security services were aware of many planned attacks beforehand. They prevented some but allowed others to happen, to protect sources and to influence public opinion. I'm not saying thats definitely the case this time but you can see from the likes of woody and homarus just how effective that would be if they did.

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I suspect that something similar may have happened in this case.  It appears that he was part of an active cell operating in the UK.  So, whilst they knew of his activities and extremist views, perhaps they were trying to catch someone higher up the chain of command and therefore decided not to arrest this guy.  The hope being that he would lead them to someone more important. 

That's just a guess though.  

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15 minutes ago, Chinahand said:

What makes you think it wasn't?

The bad guys succeeded, that is terrible, but that doesn't mean we aren't taking action against bad guys.

Everything is easy in hindsight - why wasn't he locked up earlier.

Do you really think it is so simple as rounding up 3000 people and all Islamic Terrorism will stop in the UK.  I raised Northern Ireland earlier - Internment was a disaster.

its already been stated it wasn't.....

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26 minutes ago, P.K. said:

Homarus - MF's very own Katie Hopkins...

I'll take that as a compliment guys , thank you very much!

  And when the next bomb goes off you can all band together and repeat your one world  deluded garbage and pat yourselves on the back about how right on smug you are!

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6 minutes ago, the stinking enigma said:

While we are on the subject of ireland, there is much evidence to suggest the security services were aware of many planned attacks beforehand. They prevented some but allowed others to happen, to protect sources and to influence public opinion. I'm not saying thats definitely the case this time but you can see from the likes of woody and homarus just how effective that would be if they did.

the IRA gave up because the brits had so many informers they couldn't operate and locked so many of them up. can you imagine the outcry from losers like mojo if they did the same to muslims..... 

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14 minutes ago, the stinking enigma said:

While we are on the subject of ireland, there is much evidence to suggest the security services were aware of many planned attacks beforehand. They prevented some but allowed others to happen, to protect sources and to influence public opinion. I'm not saying thats definitely the case this time but you can see from the likes of woody and homarus just how effective that would be if they did.


   :)  HUOOA!!

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16 minutes ago, mojomonkey said:

. By all means continue the way you are but be aware that all you are is some nobody who struggles to put anything meaningful across and offers nothing to finding an actual solution.


read scum.....


so far we have had the left saying the gov. need to spend more money....

the unions saying the gov. need to spend more money....

muslims saying the gov. need to spend more money....

criticism about the PREVENT scheme....

here's an idea, if the muslims wish to put an end to islamic extremists in the uk, they need to deal with it, they need to condemn it and they need to pay for it......

they are in the best place to deal with it, nobody else....  


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