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Explosion at Manchester Arena

Max Power

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Look at you all, squabbling over the phrasing of words and defending them, rather than blaming those responsible. Fucking sickening. Keep defending muslims, that'll totally work... 

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6 minutes ago, Tarne said:

Look at you all, squabbling over the phrasing of words and defending them, rather than blaming those responsible. Fucking sickening. Keep defending muslims, that'll totally work... 

Not blaming before we know who did it is not the same as defending. Remember the shooting in America that everyone blamed on Muslims until it came out to be a white bloke?

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39 minutes ago, P.K. said:

On the one hand I' m glad ISIS has become a focal point for all the murderous religious fanatics. It's so much easier to kill them all in a target rich environment.

On the other hand as their losses mount and with the endgame being played out they will get ever more deperate to retain a "presence" via the only means left open to them - local nutjobs.

Even when they are destroyed as an organisation imho you can expect attacks like this to continue. How long for I wonder - forever maybe?

For as long as people are prepared to tolerate them I suppose . I personally believe there will be a war on British soil at some point ,these scum are not going to stop as as you say!

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US President Donald Trump has called those behind the Manchester suicide bombing and other similar attacks "evil losers in life".

"I won't call them monsters because they would like that term. I will call them losers," he said in a speech in Bethlehem.

has he met rtard......

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1 hour ago, Chinahand said:

There's a tiny, but non-zero chance of a false flag or non Islamist  

Otherwise more interesting will be convert or not, British born or not, North West local or not. 

We'll just have to wait for more information. 

Depends on how much Haji Jerky is left.

Usual MO seems to be local petty criminal radicalised in either prison or mosque.

Or perhaps the first ISIS deployment has got through from Syria/Iraq or whatever.

Thats the thing. Our security services have to get it right every time. The terrorist only needs to get it right once.

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i know the area well, worked there many times, it has a large muslim community just around the corner as you head out of town.


it worth mentioning that the mainly muslim taxi driver were giving free lifts last night....









...... or it could explain why so many white female teens are still missing.....




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4 minutes ago, woody2 said:

i know the area well, worked there many times, it has a large muslim community just around the corner as you head out of town.


it worth mentioning that the mainly muslim taxi driver were giving free lifts last night....









...... or it could explain why so many white female teens are still missing.....


Poor taste, even for you.

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3 minutes ago, llap said:

But true.

What, it's true that Muslim taxi drivers have been kidnapping young white girls in the aftermath of a terrorist attack where children were killed?


Have a day off.

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15 minutes ago, llap said:

But true.

What part of it is true? Here we have a comment that Muslim taxi drivers doing their best in a shitty situation and you get this type of comment. Disgraceful

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I would hope that the Muslim community leaders will officially condemn this attack and the perpetrator(s).

As these evil bastards are pushed back, their ignorant followers will be urged to carry out attacks like this. They really believe that they are purging the world of evil and that they are doing God's work. Where is God while all this is going on in his name then?

I have to say that as reports came in, every news channel seemed better informed and more professional than the BBC who have their huge Media City complex literally just around the corner. Even the US and RT channels had better footage and coverage, at one point a BBC journalist was using a mobile phone to film his report!  

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