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Explosion at Manchester Arena

Max Power

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25 minutes ago, RIchard Britten said:

You are far more likely to get attacked by some angry white piss head down Douglas on a Saturday than get killed by a "Islamic" terrorist.

not if you don't go to douglas on a saturday night..

i'm sure the families would love to hear your advice.....

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20 minutes ago, the stinking enigma said:

The only 2 people on the planet that you haven't said bad things about are theresa may and sir nige and now you are going to pretend to care about children in order to reinforce your hate? Nice one woody

i have...

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22 minutes ago, llap said:

Nigel Farage is brilliant. I listen to his radio/TV show via YouTube. :)

Nige looks up suddenly and stares anxiously into the far distance as a shiver runs down his spine.

"Something's wrong" he whispers.  "Something's very, very wrong."

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3 hours ago, P.K. said:

You think it's a compliment to be associated with a nasty, bigoted, vacuous, loud-mouthed airhead...?

Maybe you should just lie down in a darkened room or maybe take up a relaxing pastime like fishing.

Oh, errr, wait a minute...

When the next bomb goes off, God forbid (sorry), then I for one will be horrified and appalled. However I'm not so stupid as to think that detaining and deporting British Citizens (to somewhere, errr anywhere?) on what would essentially be a pretext would somehow improve the situation.

The tories have been cutting police funding for years. I would like to hear them justify their policy......

Richard likes this !  Well he would wouldn't; he , a pair of gutless leftist retards together. Wake up you  leftist pricks Blair was the guy that enabled  this shitstorm and he wasn,t, a con.

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5 minutes ago, homarus said:

Richard likes this !  Well he would wouldn't; he , a pair of gutless leftist retards together. Wake up you  leftist pricks Blair was the guy that enabled  this shitstorm and he wasn,t, a con.

How we got here is something of an irrelevance woody2. Oh hang on. I've got woody2 on 'ignore' because I don't understand Manglish.

We are where we are. So I'm not going to waste any time or effort on blamestorming. But hey, fill your boots!

So homarus, any practical solutions to reduce the security risk to the UK?

Don't say cut the police budget. The tories have already tried that and it clearly failed....

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