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Explosion at Manchester Arena

Max Power

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5 minutes ago, mojomonkey said:

Moronic, they are of different degrees of severity but both are twats.

 You  leftist idiots really need to wake up and smell the coffee !

Anything aimed at your beloved peaceful muslims and you're straight in on the defensive ,cretins that you are. Nothing and I mean nothing can justify what that Animal perpetrated in Manchester last Monday night and it should never be forgotten,but here we less than a week later back on the ''Poor  Muslims '' bandwagon, fuck off !

I'm sick of hearing about the religion of peace  and what peaceful  people they are ,when every story that manages to see the light of day tells me differently ,including the one about 3 more peaceful muslims being charged  last Friday with conspiracy to commit mass murder .

If it walks like a duck,quacks like a duck the odds are it's a duck!

   For christs sake even a Muslim  ex chief of police says that the so called 3,000-20,000  Jihadi's walking around GB should be interned  until they can be properly vetted  as they are a clear danger .to GB,but no we can't upset them can we.


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4 minutes ago, the stinking enigma said:

i immediately discounted any words after the phrase "wake up and smell the coffee". you started well though

are you that easy to get rid of wake up and smell the coffee .....

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16 minutes ago, the stinking enigma said:

i immediately discounted any words after the phrase "wake up and smell the coffee". you started well though

I'll worry about that!

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37 minutes ago, homarus said:

 You  leftist idiots really need to wake up and smell the coffee !

Anything aimed at your beloved peaceful muslims and you're straight in on the defensive ,cretins that you are. Nothing and I mean nothing can justify what that Animal perpetrated in Manchester last Monday night and it should never be forgotten,but here we less than a week later back on the ''Poor  Muslims '' bandwagon, fuck off !

I'm sick of hearing about the religion of peace  and what peaceful  people they are ,when every story that manages to see the light of day tells me differently ,including the one about 3 more peaceful muslims being charged  last Friday with conspiracy to commit mass murder .

If it walks like a duck,quacks like a duck the odds are it's a duck!

   For christs sake even a Muslim  ex chief of police says that the so called 3,000-20,000  Jihadi's walking around GB should be interned  until they can be properly vetted  as they are a clear danger .to GB,but no we can't upset them can we.


When exactly did I defend anyone? I consider them both arseholes. I'm certainly no leftie, but I'm not extreme enough to hate anyone specifically.

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1 hour ago, woody2 said:

and you should know......

So, do you think that the surgeon who helped save people's lives should happily face abuse. I merely said that both people carrying out their actions based on hate were twats. Guess you think otherwise snowflake.

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This is a thread about the muslim that killed children, not some pretty little snowflake that can't take abuse and goes crying to the sunday times. (I know loads of staff at the hospital over here, and they get abuse the same as the white colleagues, it's just an easy target to pick on their race - for the white doctors it's usually abuse on the facial hair or their nose)

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29 minutes ago, mojomonkey said:

So, do you think that the surgeon who helped save people's lives should happily face abuse. I merely said that both people carrying out their actions based on hate were twats. Guess you think otherwise snowflake.

no evidence that he did....

after any event like this you always get story's like this backed by campaign groups with no evidence for the police to pursue, next these groups are asking for money to fund their lifestyle resolve the issue :rolleyes:

i must of missed your concern that 7 of the rochdale muslim child rapists are out already....

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24 minutes ago, La Colombe said:

One can't help but think that terrorist organisations must welcome and rely on the thick racist as a useful tool to help achieve their ultimate aims. The thick racist never fails to deliver.  

hello pk:rolleyes: wake up and smell the coffee bacon.....

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1 minute ago, woody2 said:

no evidence that he did....

after any event like this you always get story's like this backed by campaign groups with no evidence for the police to pursue, next these groups are asking for money to fund their lifestyle resolve the issue :rolleyes:

i must of missed your concern that 7 of the rochdale muslim child rapists are out already....

No evidence, lol, just like just about everything you post....... :rolleyes:


Wasn't aware I was meant to post something about child rapists? Ok, they are all twats as well. This really isn't a competition about who can be most outraged, but anyone (regardless of skin colour, religion, etc.) doing something criminal or something based on hatred is a twat. Saying that someone who racially abuses another person is a twat does not mean that I condone twatish actions of carried out of a different person of that race. Is that really so difficult to understand?

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