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Explosion at Manchester Arena

Max Power

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15 minutes ago, mojomonkey said:

No evidence, lol, just like just about everything you post....... :rolleyes:


Wasn't aware I was meant to post something about child rapists? Ok, they are all twats as well. This really isn't a competition about who can be most outraged, but anyone (regardless of skin colour, religion, etc.) doing something criminal or something based on hatred is a twat. Saying that someone who racially abuses another person is a twat does not mean that I condone twatish actions of carried out of a different person of that race. Is that really so difficult to understand?

so you've not heard of the campaign groups?  even the police have mentioned them:rolleyes: with your inside police info i thought you would know all about it......

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1 hour ago, homarus said:

 You  leftist idiots really need to wake up and smell the coffee !

Anything aimed at your beloved peaceful muslims and you're straight in on the defensive ,cretins that you are. Nothing and I mean nothing can justify what that Animal perpetrated in Manchester last Monday night and it should never be forgotten,but here we less than a week later back on the ''Poor  Muslims '' bandwagon, fuck off !

I'm sick of hearing about the religion of peace  and what peaceful  people they are ,when every story that manages to see the light of day tells me differently ,including the one about 3 more peaceful muslims being charged  last Friday with conspiracy to commit mass murder .

If it walks like a duck,quacks like a duck the odds are it's a duck!

   For christs sake even a Muslim  ex chief of police says that the so called 3,000-20,000  Jihadi's walking around GB should be interned  until they can be properly vetted  as they are a clear danger .to GB,but no we can't upset them can we.


White van man and the rest of the morons are just the result they want. Hate crimes have doubled since the bombing. Very understandable. But what a great recruiting sergeant they make....

Now I'm a liberal in that I think the greatest measure of how civilised a society is can be summed up with how well they look after the most vulnerable and disadvantaged in that society. Tory Administrations = FAIL.

I'm also colour blind in that I don't care if you are black, white, brown, yellow, green, teal or whatever. I judge by the person they are, not the colour of their skin. I also don't care what religion you have as long as it is a peaceful, tolerant one.

Therefore if a bunch of nutcases bomb us, like the IRA did, I'm not so stupid as to tar their entire race, religion, creed, whatever with the same brush (a touch of the what brush? - geddit!)

Now it costs about £40k per annum to keep a prisoner in Strangeways. If they give the whole 'network' actual life terms I would view that as money well spent. I also think we could save a few bob if we dispensed with the expensive 'suicide watch' for these murderous scumbags.

It's worth being a Christian just to know they'll rot in Hell....

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4 hours ago, La Colombe said:

I find it quite telling that you have taken the time to locate, condemn and ridicule somebody for a bit of verbal (and go the trouble of posting a link) and yet nowhere on this whole thread have you condemned (or even admonished) the perpetrator who shredded and murdered so many innocent children,  neither have you demonstrated the slightest empathy for the victims or their families, yet when a single Muslim gets an understandable (not condoning it btw) verbal reaction you're on the case like a bloodhound. Nice to see you have your priorities in order.

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9 minutes ago, woody2 said:

so you've not heard of the campaign groups?  even the police have mentioned them:rolleyes: with your inside police info i thought you would know all about it......

Erm, I don't have inside police information. My brother might be in the police but he doesn't share confidential information, maybe that's how you operate but he has integrity.

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24 minutes ago, P.K. said:

White van man and the rest of the morons are just the result they want. Hate crimes have doubled since the bombing. Very understandable. But what a great recruiting sergeant they make....


I'm also colour blind in that I don't care if you are black, white, brown, yellow, green, teal or whatever. I judge by the person they are, not the colour of their skin. I also don't care what religion you have as long as it is a peaceful, tolerant one.

Therefore if a bunch of nutcases bomb us, like the IRA did, I'm not so stupid as to tar their entire race, religion, creed, whatever with the same brush (a touch of the what brush? - geddit!)

Now it costs about £40k per annum to keep a prisoner in Strangeways. If they give the whole 'network' actual life terms I would view that as money well spent. I also think we could save a few bob if we dispensed with the expensive 'suicide watch' for these murderous scumbags.

It's worth being a Christian just to know they'll rot in Hell....

I agree ,despite not being a christian or a follower of any other faith (:D)


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2 hours ago, mojomonkey said:

Erm, I don't have inside police information. My brother might be in the police but he doesn't share confidential information, maybe that's how you operate but he has integrity.

one minute your a police accountant and he was telling you everything, next you know nothing very strange......

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4 hours ago, La Colombe said:

One can't help but think that terrorist organisations must welcome and rely on the thick racist as a useful tool to help achieve their ultimate aims. The thick racist never fails to deliver.  

 To which racist do you allude ? The one who shouted abuse at a surgeon or the one that splattered dozens of kids up a wall in Manchester you fucking tit?


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55 minutes ago, woody2 said:

one minute your a police accountant and he was telling you everything, next you know nothing very strange......

What on earth are blabbering on about now? When did I say I was a police accountant? Erm, never. 


Also, I'd have to be schizophrenic to do what you've actually written. Either spend a bit more time composing your posts or failing that maybe go to night classes for English


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13 minutes ago, mojomonkey said:

 When did I say I was a police accountant? Erm, never. 




you was posting that police spending has gone down with your inside info, when in fact spending has gone up 3/6/9

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36 minutes ago, woody2 said:

you was posting that police spending has gone down with your inside info, when in fact spending has gone up 3/6/9

No, I never said that. I posted a link to a Parliament Library report that stated as such. I then said that a reduction in police spending tallies with what my brother had told me. I never said the figures came from him, they came from the linked evidence I posted. I would not rely on unsubstantiated evidence. This would be an excellent time for you to post links to your evidence that police spending hasn't fallen, I'll not hold my breath though.


As aside, are you dyslexic? If so, I'll stop mentioning your troubles with the English language.

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47 minutes ago, homarus said:

 To which racist do you allude ? The one who shouted abuse at a surgeon or the one that splattered dozens of kids up a wall in Manchester you fucking tit?


Errrr I think you'll find that racism had nothing whatever to do with Abedi's actions. After all, he was a UK citizen.

He allowed his mind to be poisoned by those peddling an extreme version of Islam to achieve their perceived aims.

So out of race, colour or creed, well, in his case it's creed.

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2 hours ago, homarus said:

 To which racist do you allude ? The one who shouted abuse at a surgeon or the one that splattered dozens of kids up a wall in Manchester you fucking tit?

Err, the non specific, archetypal thick racist.  

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Good to see the Great Manchester run went off without a hitch. Hopefully security services learned a lesson from this one after all the warning signs were there (Young, muslim, male). 

They generally do a good job, that's why we've had it relatively 'light' compared to France and Germany but still, more can be done against the Menace. 

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