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Explosion at Manchester Arena

Max Power

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14 hours ago, P.K. said:

Errrr I think you'll find that racism had nothing whatever to do with Abedi's actions. After all, he was a UK citizen.

He allowed his mind to be poisoned by those peddling an extreme version of Islam to achieve their perceived aims.

So out of race, colour or creed, well, in his case it's creed.

I'd disagree on that .

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22 hours ago, llap said:

The problem with the social economic explanation is that it is based on a single and unique country's history. You can't apply it more broadly to extrapolate any useful pattern.

I was simply pointing out the prodigious economic and geographical growth in the US during the 19th and early 20th Centuries and that the growth co-incided with a period of mass immigration from Europe to the US.  I don't think it is at all contentious to go on to infer that the relative success of the US at integrating those European immigrants was partly due to the huge opportunities available because of economic growth.

Clearly, in some instances, you can have strong economic growth, large-scale immigration but little integration.  The Gulf-States are a case in point, in my opinion, although I haven't been there and stand to be corrected.  But where there is an open, relatively unstratified society, like the US and Australia (with important caveats) you will stand a very good chance of integrating immigrants in large numbers.

The caveats are interesting.  In the US, the native people of America and the descendends of those we took there as slaves have not been successfully integrated. In Australia (again I haven't been there and stand to be corrected) the Aboriginals have been almost completely brushed aside, and have no stake in the wealth of modern Australia. Racial discrimination is the common factor, in my estimation. 

So where an open and unstratified society operates but only for certain racial groups, we see both integration and exclusion and alienation.

I wouldn't use the word extrapolation, but I do think that careful thinking through of these histories can shine a light on some of our problems in the UK, Europe and indeed modern day USA.


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3 hours ago, homarus said:

I'd disagree on that .

Based on what exactly.

Do you really think Muslims living in Manchester want their kids blown to pieces by these nutters?

They are totally indiscriminate in their target selection so they are the enemy of everyone.

Not exactly rocket science....

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Some of the Muslims are willing to martyr their children, and the bombings are not "totally indiscriminate" - they target predominantly white civilians. 

Megan Hurley, 15

Nell Jones, 14
Courtney Boyle, 18

Philip Tron, 32

Wendy Fawell, 50

Elaine McIver

Eilidh McLeod, 14

Chloe Rutherford, 17

Liam Curry, 19

Sorrell Leckzkowski, 14

Martyn Hett, 29

Michelle Kiss, 45

Jane Tweddle-Taylor, 50

Marcin and Angelika Klis, 42, 40

Kelly Brewster, 32

Olivia Campbell, 15

John Atkinson, 26

Alison Howe and Lisa Lees, as they were waiting to collect their daughters, 45, 47

Saffie Rose Roussos, just 8 years old

Georgina Callendar, 18

I don't think I've missed anyone from that. Not that it matters but they were all white. All dead. All never having a chance to defend themself against the Menace. 

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24 minutes ago, Tarne said:

Some of the Muslims are willing to martyr their children, and the bombings are not "totally indiscriminate" - they target predominantly white civilians. 

Like the word "predominately" in there but you're right that they want to target the infidel but it's not like Abedi had any control over who he killed now is it?

Yes, some of them are more than willing to martyr their children.

In the Iran / Iraq war thousands of Iranian kiddies were shipped to the front and died there.

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9 hours ago, P.K. said:

Like the word "predominately" in there but you're right that they want to target the infidel but it's not like Abedi had any control over who he killed now is it?


In that sad little fuckers head ,anybody at that concert was fair game I would imagine  . listening to music ,short skirts ,out without a male chaperone etc ,etc, etc!!

 But I still say there would have been a large element of hate towards the white race driving him to do what he did .

 And there are reportedly  latest count at least  another 23.000 oddballs  who agreed with him still walking around !

  Not good.

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6 hours ago, homarus said:

In that sad little fuckers head ,anybody at that concert was fair game I would imagine  . listening to music ,short skirts ,out without a male chaperone etc ,etc, etc!!

 But I still say there would have been a large element of hate towards the white race driving him to do what he did .

 And there are reportedly  latest count at least  another 23.000 oddballs  who agreed with him still walking around !

  Not good.

Not good at all.

May has been cutting police budgets for years. Of course, point that out to her and the immediate response you get is that the anti-terror lot have been ring-fenced - as if it makes the rest of her cuts ok somehow. Pathetic woman with pathetic followers all voting with their wallets.

The collapse of community policing due to her cutbacks has meant that the intel they used to get on the streets about the bad guys has gone. So the likes of Abedi can fall through the cracks.

Less funding = less policing. Not exactly rocket science! May will probably still get back in though....

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40 minutes ago, P.K. said:

Not good at all.

May has been cutting police budgets for years. Of course, point that out to her and the immediate response you get is that the anti-terror lot have been ring-fenced - as if it makes the rest of her cuts ok somehow. Pathetic woman with pathetic followers all voting with their wallets.

The collapse of community policing due to her cutbacks has meant that the intel they used to get on the streets about the bad guys has gone. So the likes of Abedi can fall through the cracks.

Less funding = less policing. Not exactly rocket science! May will probably still get back in though....

police funding is ring fenced in real terms aswell as counter-terrorism POLICE, get ya facts right.....

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51 minutes ago, P.K. said:

Not good at all.

May has been cutting police budgets for years. Of course, point that out to her and the immediate response you get is that the anti-terror lot have been ring-fenced - as if it makes the rest of her cuts ok somehow. Pathetic woman with pathetic followers all voting with their wallets.

The collapse of community policing due to her cutbacks has meant that the intel they used to get on the streets about the bad guys has gone. So the likes of Abedi can fall through the cracks.

Less funding = less policing. Not exactly rocket science! May will probably still get back in though....

Both parties are shit !! The Tories are corrupt bought and paid for  pro big business  and Labour are  an Incompetent,financially illiterate, open borders supporting bunch of fuckwits!!

 No choice at all really.


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