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Explosion at Manchester Arena

Max Power

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38 minutes ago, homarus said:


  Back in 2001 some may recall there was a bad outbreak of foot and mouth disease which led to 10;000,000 sheep and  cattle being destroyed despite there only being 900 recorded infected beasts.

  Not advocating killing anybody ,but I think the time of reckoning is getting closer  and this  disease needs to be not just contained but totally eradicated..

Not advocating killing anybody, just everybody.

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47 minutes ago, llap said:

It's true that Muslims are grooming young girls and raping thousands of them all over the UK. Taxis, takeaways, all involved.

This wasn't last night though was it? you mentally deficient dwarf

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Ah, Sausages !

         Where did I mention killing anybody? Iwas just trying to point out that strong measures were needed to bring the disease under control.

  If you want to bring up killing people let;s get back to talking about last night shall we ,or is this guy already been boxed off as yet another  lone wolf nut job ?

   The Islamists have already declared war on us , when do you think maybe it would be a good time to fight back,or should we wait for a few more events like last nights before we rouse ourselves?

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9 minutes ago, HeliX said:

Surprise, surprise!  Whilst they remain a credible threat they are far from establishing the caliphate that they wanted.  They would claim responsibility for anything like this at the moment because it helps to retain their existing support, it acts as a recruiting tool because they can claim to be successful, and because of the inevitable backlash against Muslims and those of the Islamic faith it increases segregation and isolation meaning that they can motivate a new generation to commit such atrocities.  

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2 hours ago, Max Power said:

I would hope that the Muslim community leaders will officially condemn this attack and the perpetrator(s).


They will Officially Condemn it but will Secretly Praise it as a Successful Attack on a bunch of Infidels.




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Mrs Q watched Take That last friday night at the Arena. She went with her mate. When they arrived, early on, people and bags were being searched. Mrs Q carried a small clutch bag, her mates bag was large, and jammed full of stuff. The security guard waved Mrs Q through after he saw how small it was. When her mate opened her (much) larger bag the security guard took one look, smiled, and without searching it, waived her through.

Too easy. 

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