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Explosion at Manchester Arena

Max Power

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I am just watching the vigil in Manchester and honestly I find it pathetic, its what we do when we have no clue what else we should be doing, we light candles and celebrate the diversity of manchester and applaud as though that somehow makes things better for those parents whose lives right now are torn apart !

How many more times are we going to witness this impotent display of unity when our people are dead and injured for no other reason than some lunatic has extinguished their lives as they don't believe or live as they do !

The time is now to take an appropriate response, not wait until the next batch of candles are burning and the hashtags are trending ! Those who are known to be a threat to our society, and somehow the perpetrator always seems to be known to the security services, should be rounded up and imprisoned and if not our home grown lunatics expelled straightaway. Of course this is extreme but it is not as extreme as blowing someones child to bits with nails and ball bearings !

I am now listening to adagio for strings a fitting epitaph for the UK and its civilisation.

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37 minutes ago, llap said:

No, Druid is correct. Who do you think fills these scumbags' empty heads with hatred of the infidel? Okay, RIchard can reference wars in the middle east but that's not anything to do with murdering a bunch of little kids in Manchester. Stop condemning people from your high horse just for posting their genuine opinion. This is a FREE country where we have RIGHTS, unlike even a single islamic country in the world.

Hope this helps,

A proud infidel.

Druid made a defamatory statement about the Muslim Council of Britain which was quite rightly removed by the mods (after my post), if you are making the same statement about the Muslim Council of Britain you are leaving  yourself and this site open to being sued .

Druid is clearly someone who purports to a man with religious beliefs but from his post his views are closer to those of the Klan .

If you want to be associated with those appalling views  then I pity you.

Hope this helps


Edit to add :- Druid's post has not been removed  

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Just now, the stinking enigma said:

So what should we do llap. What's your solution?

1. I think we both agree, end all western interference in the middle east

2. Support Assad and Muslim moderates in the region

3. Cut off Saudi And gulf stare funding of mosques in the UK as this gives them leverage to force Wahabist ideology and books there.

4.Internment camps for refugees and anyone associated with radical islamic ideology here. Vet and either release or deport.

5. Deport hate preachers (would need to be done right, to not allow govt to define anything they want as hate, it would have to specifically refer to Wahabism).

6. Better security at events.

7 and really should be no 1: stop helping the extremists and start helping the moderators both here and abroad. I'm sick of the UK govt siding with Al qaeda in Syria.

Many other things.

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What constitutes a defamatory statement about the mcgb!,he (driud) wrote the fucking truth,I have sent a donation to the vogb to help them track these bastards,and yes if younger I would join them.

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I have posted before recounting how the IRA tried to kill me, my wife and two toddlers in the Euston bombing . I got out with seconds to spare , others were not as fortunate.

I did and do  not hold ALL the Irish  or the catholics  responsible,  just those who supported terrorism as well as the actual perpetrators .

Sadly some of those who were responsible went on to be regarded as "statesmen" 

Just saying 

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22 minutes ago, Tarne said:

Onwards the Muslim menace crawls. The darkest shadow over the West. Each  young white life extinguished is one step closer demographically to a Muslim nation and it's all because right now we are doing nothing to stop them. Zero. Zip. 

Well, except for surrounding Mosul where I don't expect there to be any ISIS survivors and tightening the grip on Raqqa where again I expect a fight to the finish.

Only time will tell if it makes an appreciable difference. However at the very least radical Islam would have lost it's focal point.

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31 minutes ago, P.K. said:

That's terrible!

I mean, Take That!


We go there quite a bit. IMHO the security staff are between a rock and a hard place. Due diligence slows everything down and pisses everyone off with them. But if there is an incident it pisses everyone off with them.

Lose / Lose.

Anyhow I seem to recall that they are just looking for contraband hooch in a bottle - not a tight-fitting explosive waistcoat.

I suppose my point is that there's nothing going to stop the determined bomber hell-bent on martyrdom.

The desired effect is reached: panic and lockdown.

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12 minutes ago, paswt said:

I have posted before recounting how the IRA tried to kill me, my wife and two toddlers in the Euston bombing . I got out with seconds to spare , others were not as fortunate.

I did and do  not hold ALL the Irish  or the catholics  responsible,  just those who supported terrorism as well as the actual perpetrators .

Sadly some of those who were responsible went on to be regarded as "statesmen" 

Just saying 

Well said. I logged in here to see what informed debate was going on but clearly there is very little other than the usual in fighting. The person who did this wasn't right in the head. But I don't think all Muslims are terrorists. We do need to find out who radicalises these people though and deal with them as they're creating more people like this terrorist every week via social media and other means. Shocking, truly shocking. What I do think is a problem though within the community is that Muslims in general don't seem to be shopping as many of these people to the security services as you'd expect. 

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2 hours ago, quilp said:

Mrs Q watched Take That last friday night at the Arena. She went with her mate. When they arrived, early on, people and bags were being searched. Mrs Q carried a small clutch bag, her mates bag was large, and jammed full of stuff. The security guard waved Mrs Q through after he saw how small it was. When her mate opened her (much) larger bag the security guard took one look, smiled, and without searching it, waived her through.

Too easy. 

This happened at the end of the concert. I'm thinking about recent big gigs I've been to, in Manchester and they've been more thorough than in other cities. But come the end of the gig, they throw the doors open and we all stream out. A bomber could just rushed in at that moment. 

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