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Explosion at Manchester Arena

Max Power

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36 minutes ago, asitis said:

I am just watching the vigil in Manchester and honestly I find it pathetic, its what we do when we have no clue what else we should be doing, we light candles and celebrate the diversity of manchester and applaud as though that somehow makes things better for those parents whose lives right now are torn apart !

How many more times are we going to witness this impotent display of unity when our people are dead and injured for no other reason than some lunatic has extinguished their lives as they don't believe or live as they do !

The time is now to take an appropriate response, not wait until the next batch of candles are burning and the hashtags are trending ! Those who are known to be a threat to our society, and somehow the perpetrator always seems to be known to the security services, should be rounded up and imprisoned and if not our home grown lunatics expelled straightaway. Of course this is extreme but it is not as extreme as blowing someones child to bits with nails and ball bearings !

I am now listening to adagio for strings a fitting epitaph for the UK and its civilisation.


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Once ISIS is defeated in Mosul or where ever, what then? We are fighting not just a bunch of murderous, mental incompetents but an ideology which permeates those who believe that the world needs scouring of all who will not accept their beliefs. This can go on for years and years unless we can rid the world of religion.  

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1 hour ago, twinkle said:

Work it out you are such a clever BASTARD usually.


Are you sure you aren't confusing me with someone else? Anyway, i googled it. It's a nice touch twinkle but i'm not sure how you donating to an indian airport weather forecasting service is going to help anyone here. Still, well done all the same

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10 hours ago, Tarne said:

4 years after Lee Rigby got murdered and beheaded by muslim scum too. 


To the day it would seem.

There must have been a load of kids filming on their iphones in this area.

(1/365) x (1/odds of a terrorist attack) = highly unlikely.


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20 minutes ago, gerrydandridge said:


To the day it would seem.

There must have been a load of kids filming on their iphones in this area.

(1/365) x (1/odds of a terrorist attack) = highly unlikely.


If you love a good conspiracy 

Manchester 22.5.17

London 22.3.17

Munich 22.7.16

Brussels 22.3.16

Lee Rigby 22.5.13

As Llap is our resident theology-phobe, does 22 have any poignancy?  

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44 minutes ago, Gizo said:

If you love a good conspiracy 

Manchester 22.5.17

London 22.3.17

Munich 22.7.16

Brussels 22.3.16

Lee Rigby 22.5.13

As Llap is our resident theology-phobe, does 22 have any poignancy?  

Apparently in the Bible the number 22, which is double eleven (which symbolizes disorder and chaos), can represent a concentration of disorganization. 

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The UK Threat Level from International Terrorism has been raised to 'Critical', which implies that another attack may be imminent. Military personnel will now be deployed to key sites, under the command of police.

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3 hours ago, paswt said:

I have posted before recounting how the IRA tried to kill me, my wife and two toddlers in the Euston bombing . I got out with seconds to spare , others were not as fortunate.

I did and do  not hold ALL the Irish  or the catholics  responsible,  just those who supported terrorism as well as the actual perpetrators .

Sadly some of those who were responsible went on to be regarded as "statesmen" 

Just saying 

I too did a stint in Londonderry in the mid seventies. I was shot at on one occasion. I knew it was not your average Irishman or woman just the few murdering terrorists. The same can be said about daesh. Unfortunately history is again repeating itself where the majority is standing by and letting the minority murder innocents to achieve their goals. "The Only Thing Necessary for the Triumph of Evil is that Good Men Do Nothing" has never been truer today

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1 hour ago, JackCarter said:

Apparently in the Bible the number 22, which is double eleven (which symbolizes disorder and chaos), can represent a concentration of disorganization. 

As you brought up the possible significance of '22'  in the bible, and just for balance, from the rather influential Koran... 

"... And for [striking] them are maces of iron." Sahih International 22:21.

"... So I prolonged the enjoyment for the disbelievers: then I seized them, and how [terrible] was my reproach." Surah Al-Haj [22] - Al-Qur'an al-Kareem.

And there are many more justifications for violence against the "disbelievers" and various punishments to be meted out thereof.

Just as there are in the bible, of course. But who reads the bible these days? 

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16 minutes ago, quilp said:

As you brought up the possible significance of '22'  in the bible, and just for balance, from the rather influential Koran... 

"... And for [striking] them are maces of iron." Sahih International 22:21.

"... So I prolonged the enjoyment for the disbelievers: then I seized them, and how [terrible] was my reproach." Surah Al-Haj [22] - Al-Qur'an al-Kareem.

And there are many more justifications for violence against the "disbelievers" and various punishments to be meted out thereof.

Just as there are in the bible, of course. But who reads the bible these days? 

Good points.

However I'd assume that they would use dates with implied significance to Christians rather than the other way round as they are the perps? But there does seem to be some significance around the 22nd as a date even if anecdotally. Unless it's a terrorists pay day at the end of the month? 

I see the UK is sadly now on near lock down with 5,000 troops on the streets as they reckon there's maybe a cell associated with this one that got away. The whole thing is really tragic. The way events are just unraveling are awful.

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9 hours ago, paswt said:

That may be your opinion or suspicion but to post it as a fact goes to show what a nasty excuse for human being you are , you disgust me

Hope this helps

Save Your Disgust for those who Actually Deserve It like those Terrorists who do things like doing Manchester, Lee Rigby or WTC.




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