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May v Corbyn LIVE


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Genuinely terrible. The UK is screwed. That women is just going through the process; she's just a puppet. I don't believe that she actually believes one word that comes out of her own mouth. We are truly in the realm of the post truth world now. It doesn't really matter what anyone says at all as long as they believe they're saying what they think other people want to hear. 

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We were in Student Land last week (Loughborough) and now I understand why so many of the youngsters there think Corbyn talks a lot of sense. A lot have joined the Labour Party with the express intention of keeping him as leader because they think they don't have much of a future under the status quo. I have to say I had to agree with them.

I thought Paxo was absolutely dreadful. His tactic with Corbyn seemed to be "If he's got a good answer to the question just be a totally rude arsehole and interrupt him to try and make him appear weak" or similar. Mind you, over the years I've realised that being a totally rude arsehole is what Paxo does best.

The audience gave May a bit of a drubbing. The policeman made her look uncomfortable. However the classic was the NHS nurse. May gave the usual trite "We've put £zillions into the NHS etc etc" answer (Errrr..... but if it's not enough you are still basically degrading the service) and when the nurse was asked about May's answer she responded with a very sarcastic "I'll believe it when I see it...." leaving May absolutely nowhere to go! I laughed.

With Paxo she just banged on and on about the Brexit negotiations so obviously Team Tory think it's the strongest card she can play. The constant "No deal is better than a bad deal" seems to me to be preparing the ground for a real shit sandwich.....

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35 minutes ago, mojomonkey said:

Can only assume Corbyn is going for the tramp vote given the state of his barnet.

Don't think so as you need a registered address to vote.

Tarzan had the best barnet ever seen in the HOC imho. Mind you, that will change if they're ass-kissing enough to let El Trumpo in.....

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