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Muslim terror attack on London Bridge


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31 minutes ago, Gladys said:

The basic flaw in all the arguments is that you can be rational with these people.  You can't.  How can you argue logically with someone who thinks killing himself is Allah's will and he will have 40 virgins on the other side?  That fundamental issue exists whether you are a raving racist, a loony leftist, or bleeding heart liberal.   I also used to think that if we had kept out of some countries, the radicalisation would not have been so bad.  I still believe that, historically, but the thing has taken on a life of its own, it has its own impetus, traction and  it is not easily going to be stopped.

No matter what is done, there will still be those who are attracted to radicalisation, who find it gives them validity and are able to rationalise irrational thoughts - it will all make perfect sense.    


I would agree with the Gladys. 

My concern is that we may be starting to see radicalisation in other places in response to the extreme forms that these terrorists are going to and it is my belief that this will only make things worse for all of us trapped in the middle. 

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34 minutes ago, Gladys said:

The basic flaw in all the arguments is that you can be rational with these people.  You can't.  How can you argue logically with someone who thinks killing himself is Allah's will and he will have 40 virgins on the other side?  That fundamental issue exists whether you are a raving racist, a loony leftist, or bleeding heart liberal.   I also used to think that if we had kept out of some countries, the radicalisation would not have been so bad.  I still believe that, historically, but the thing has taken on a life of its own, it has its own impetus, traction and  it is not easily going to be stopped.

No matter what is done, there will still be those who are attracted to radicalisation, who find it gives them validity and are able to rationalise irrational thoughts - it will all make perfect sense.    


This is where the "it's all down to our foreign policy" argument falls, though I don't doubt it plays a major part. Foreign policy had nothing to do with Salman Rushdie's death threats, the danish cartoon furore, Charlie Hebdo etc. 

The koran is probably on a par with the Old Testament for promotion of violence (I haven't read either in full, just amusing snippets) but whereas hardly anybody takes the Old Testament literally these days, there is a significant percentage of muslims who do take the Koran literally. Even if it's only 1%, it's significant enough to stop newspapers printing cartoons.

A reformation of Islam, similar what Christianity went through, will take decades. But I suspect the west won't seriously call for that until Saudi Arabia runs out of oil. 

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33 minutes ago, woody2 said:

deport the lot:rolleyes:


I was going to say "HANG the bastards" BUT I find this method much more acceptable 50 9mm bullets is cheaper and so absolute,great result guys.

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Dear oh dear oh dear. Liberal lefty psuedo-intellectuals are to blame for radical islam. AND the common cold. AND famine in Africa. AND lots and lots of other stuff!

Errr.......  don't think so.

Or something like that anyway. This thread has gone to so many places it's difficult for a thicko like me to keep up!

IMHO what you are seeing are the death throes of ISIS. Of course, they will eventually all be killed. Well, hopefully anyway. Unfortunately, as history has shown us, you can't kill an ideology with just with bullets and bombs.

However you can, and should, try and eradicate the murderous vermin that preach the hate that is radical Islam. Not so easy when they could simply be the quiet and kept himself to himself neighbour next door with hooks for hands and 27 wives.

Saint Theresa of U-Turn cuts to to police funding and the coalitions changes to how suspects are kept on watchlists hasn't helped either. All strangely not mentioned by The Daily Wail, The Torygraph, The Excess, The Sun, Homarus, Woolley, Quilp, Genghis Khan, Oswald Mosely and so forth....

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One question that nobody ever seems to ask is why these young men seek radicalisation. They must want to be radicalised or else they wouldn't go looking in the first place.

So why do they want to be radicalised?

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9 minutes ago, ballaughbiker said:

One question that nobody ever seems to ask is why these young men seek radicalisation. They must want to be radicalised or else they wouldn't go looking in the first place.

So why do they want to be radicalised?

Because they are told they are scum, animals, filth, only good for hanging, traitors, paedos, murderers, terrorists.

Then along comes a guy who says "they are bastards aren't they, those white kafir bastards who call you those names ad treat you like shit.  Look at what they are doing to Muslims overseas, how long do you think it will be before they come for you, or you Mum or your sister."  and so on and so on.

Gutter press like the Wail and the Sun only serve to further than divide and create an atmosphere where young men are susceptible to this kind of "social engineering".


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7 minutes ago, ballaughbiker said:

One question that nobody ever seems to ask is why these young men seek radicalisation. They must want to be radicalised or else they wouldn't go looking in the first place.

So why do they want to be radicalised?

Perhaps the question needs Turning on its head and we need to ask why other options have failed to engage them, or why they have not engaged with other options, so they've gone looking? 

I don't think there are easy answers, but I am sure that internment, exclusion, detention without trial or a war on terror ( or opposition ) will not work. They didn't work in South Africa, Rhodesia, Cyprus, Kenya, Northern Ireland nor ultimately in the Soviet Union or Eastern Europe ( Eastern Germany where everyone was spying on each other and reporting to the authorities )

i suspect that it's a self limiting thing and runs its course, sooner, or later, and that extreme reaction is likely to make the finish later.

interesting article here about terrrism burning itself out.


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30 minutes ago, John Wright said:

Perhaps the question needs Turning on its head and we need to ask why other options have failed to engage them, or why they have not engaged with other options, so they've gone looking? 

I don't think there are easy answers, but I am sure that internment, exclusion, detention without trial or a war on terror ( or opposition ) will not work. They didn't work in South Africa, Rhodesia, Cyprus, Kenya, Northern Ireland nor ultimately in the Soviet Union or Eastern Europe ( Eastern Germany where everyone was spying on each other and reporting to the authorities )

i suspect that it's a self limiting thing and runs its course, sooner, or later, and that extreme reaction is likely to make the finish later.

interesting article here about terrrism burning itself out.


Sure. If the terrorist can no longer shock, disgust or terrorise the institutions they are attacking then they have failed and may as well give it up.

Personally I don't want to be inured to their evil thank you very much.

In any event religious zealots have been around for as long as religion and I don't see that changing anytime soon....

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58 minutes ago, John Wright said:


i suspect that it's a self limiting thing and runs its course, sooner, or later, and that extreme reaction is likely to make the finish later.


Right. So the less we do about it the better and all will be well. Fantastic. Mind you. That's about the size of what we've been doing to date.

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Because they are told they are scum, animals, filth, only good for hanging, traitors, paedos, murderers, terrorists.

Given that only a tiny minority of muslims want to be radicalised why are these singled out for this alleged description?

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