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Muslim terror attack on London Bridge


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Stop calling the nutcase who murdered Jo Cox a terrorist and trying to equate him with Islamic terrorism. It's laughable. Or it would be if it was funny.

The polls are closing because as a tribe society we're turning in upon ourselves from this outer threat of terrorism. I think you could look at it like this:

The deluded and brainwashed are looking for a scapegoat and a sacrifice. Anything but blame the real outsiders in our midst. The Tories are that sacrifice, and Jeremy Corbyn is the healing balm. There are some who'd no doubt burn the witch..... 

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3 minutes ago, Shake me up Judy said:

Stop calling the nutcase who murdered Jo Cox a terrorist and trying to equate him with Islamic terrorism.

White guy kills a politician with racist political ideology....lone nutcase

Brown person kills people with racist theological ideolody....terrorist part of a world wide organistaion of terror


Can you see where the hypocrisy in your statement comes out?

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5 minutes ago, Shake me up Judy said:

Stop calling the nutcase who murdered Jo Cox a terrorist and trying to equate him with Islamic terrorism. It's laughable. Or it would be if it was funny.

The polls are closing because as a tribe society we're turning in upon ourselves from this outer threat of terrorism. I think you could look at it like this:

The deluded and brainwashed are looking for a scapegoat and a sacrifice. Anything but blame the real outsiders in our midst. The Tories are that sacrifice, and Jeremy Corbyn is the healing balm. There are some who'd no doubt burn the witch..... 

Also you are a perfect example of the kind of people the hate preachers use when radicalising the young men who end up carrying out these attacks.

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But what about the guy who was threaten to attack Muslims with swords and burn down mosques in Liverpool?How is he any different?  He has been radicalised by the likes of the Sun/Wail/EDF/BNP/BF to hate all Muslims.Free speech and the fall out of that (hate preachers/white extremists) has to work both ways.

C'mon Rlchard you know damn well that a direct comparison between this twat and radical islam is completely false. 

Free speech does work both ways and all extremist talk needs to be tackled wherever it it from. But we should not be scared to tackle it because "its religion".

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Just now, ballaughbiker said:

C'mon Rlchard you know damn well that a direct comparison between this twat and radical islam is completely false. 

Free speech does work both ways and all extremist talk needs to be tackled wherever it it from. But we should not be scared to tackle it because "its religion".

I'm not saying don't tackle it, I am saying that controls have to be applied equally.

And the comparison is valid.  He is threatening to kill people because of "X", which is no different to extremists threatening to kill people because of "X".

Jo Cox was a wake up call to the enemy in our midst who get a free pass because we are being so focused on so called Muslim Terrorists.

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White guy kills a politician with racist political ideology....lone nutcase

Brown person kills people with racist theological ideolody....terrorist part of a world wide organistaion of terror

A direct comparison as a one off looks temping however only one is backed by a group desiring a theocracy. A direct comparison is therefore faulty. 

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5 minutes ago, RIchard Britten said:

White guy kills a politician with racist political ideology....lone nutcase

Brown person kills people with racist theological ideolody....terrorist part of a world wide organistaion of terror



your learning very sloooooooooooooooooooooooooowly.......

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1 minute ago, ballaughbiker said:

A direct comparison as a one off looks temping however only one is backed by a group desiring a theocracy. A direct comparison is therefore faulty. 

However do you honestly think that it will be a one off?  Do you honestly think that neo-Nazi groups in the UK (who want a pure white UK) don't exist and are growing number?

The death of Jo Cox was the first.  It will happen again.

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2 minutes ago, RIchard Britten said:

However do you honestly think that it will be a one off?  Do you honestly think that neo-Nazi groups in the UK (who want a pure white UK) don't exist and are growing number?

The death of Jo Cox was the first.  It will happen again.

how many are on the watch list.......

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Always nearly the first bit of information released is that the perpetrators were known to the security services. There is a reason for that. Soon we will demand they take our own freedoms away. People are so stupid as evidenced more and more on here. Not you woody. You are too stupid realise just how stupid you are. I suspect that's always been the case

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2 minutes ago, the stinking enigma said:

Always nearly the first bit of information released is that the perpetrators were known to the security services. There is a reason for that. Soon we will demand they take our own freedoms away. People are so stupid as evidenced more and more on here. Not you woody. You are to stupid realise just how stupid you are. I suspect that's always been the case


let the killing continue just so you leftards don't have to admit what a mess you have made.......

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