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Muslim terror attack on London Bridge


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13 minutes ago, RIchard Britten said:

However do you honestly think that it will be a one off?  Do you honestly think that neo-Nazi groups in the UK (who want a pure white UK) don't exist and are growing number?

The death of Jo Cox was the first.  It will happen again.

  ''A pure white UK ''  ha,ha !  You've fucking lost it son ,that's if you ever had it  Dick!

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1 hour ago, Shake me up Judy said:

Stop calling the nutcase who murdered Jo Cox a terrorist and trying to equate him with Islamic terrorism.


Jo Cox was murdered by a terrorist. He was not mentally ill according to the evidence presented at the trial.

Sectarian extremist groups like 'Britain First' are equally as awful as the Islamic extremist "nutters". So far they have killed fewer, is all. But those who advocate on their behalf or tacitly support them online are equally an enemy within. Just like the Islamic extremists they are not all planning violence. But some of them are.

The same rules and values of law should apply. Sectarian terrorism seeks to divide us along bogus sectarian lines. Those who allow that to happen are doing the terrorists' work for them.

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22 minutes ago, pongo said:


Jo Cox was murdered by a terrorist. He was not mentally ill according to the evidence presented at the trial.

Sectarian extremist groups like 'Britain First' are equally as awful as the Islamic extremist "nutters". So far they have killed fewer, is all. But those who advocate on their behalf or tacitly support them online are equally an enemy within. Just like the Islamic extremists they are not all planning violence. But some of them are.

The same rules and values of law should apply. Sectarian terrorism seeks to divide us along bogus sectarian lines. Those who allow that to happen are doing the terrorists' work for them.

  Equating  Britain First with Isis  is like equating a great white shark with a Basking shark  you deluded leftist bellends !!

  '' So far they have killed fewer ''    As in Zero you mean?

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The same rules and values of law should apply. Sectarian terrorism seeks to divide us along bogus sectarian lines. Those who allow that to happen are doing the terrorists' work for them.

Jo Cox's murderer should be treated exactly the same as any other murderer whatever their motive however I don't believe there is the equivalency you describe between the groups. The likes of Britain First are vile but they are not motivated to entirely change society or the world, even at the cost of their own lives, as ISIS are. They are just driven by racism and/or white supremacy beliefs.

That is a considerable difference. 

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2 minutes ago, ballaughbiker said:

Joe Cox's murderer should be treated exactly the same as any other murderer whatever their motive however I don't believe there is the equivalency you describe between the groups. The likes of Britain First are vile but they are not motivated to entirely change society or the world, even at the cost of their own lives, as ISIS are. They are just driven by racism and/or white supremacy beliefs.

That is a considerable difference. 

  Main one being that they don't kill people!

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  Here's another Wac-ist  Brit !

 I said it  a year or so back , that this  guy and others like him will be the ones  that the deluded leftists will run to and  expect to pull them out of the shite when it all kicks off ,  even though the pseudo intellectual morons  have  vilified  guys like this as thick as pigshit  wac-ist  ,xenophobic little Englanders for years !


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