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Muslim terror attack on London Bridge


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1 hour ago, P.K. said:

The coalition administration changed how "persons of interest" were dealt with.

I can't recall the details but even the soulless Iain Duncan Smith called them "a mistake" but being tories they didn't change them back...

labour actually...... 

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51 minutes ago, woolley said:

I can't decide who is worse, the 5th column or their quislings.


People who allow sectarian extremists to create sectarian division are clearly and deliberately doing the terrorists' work for them. They are your quislings giving in to terror.

Let's also put to bed the simplistic idea that we have brought this on ourselves, that we deserve it. The extremists hate us irrespective of foreign policy. As Matthew d'Ancona notes here at The Guardian:


.. the Labour leader’s linkage of western foreign policy to terrorist acts is psychologically convenient but unsupported by the stated priorities of the jihadis themselves. In July 2016 Islamic State was unequivocal: “The fact is, even if you were to stop bombing us, imprisoning us, torturing us, vilifying us, and usurping our lands, we would continue to hate you because our primary reason for hating you will not cease to exist until you embrace Islam.”


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1 hour ago, woolley said:

I can't decide who is worse, the 5th column or their quislings. Both clearly beyond all reason.

Yap yap yap eh Mr Quilp?

I can't decide which of you is worse.

May cut police funding but neither of you pair will ever concur it was a mistake.

If Brexit is a shit sandwich if only I could sue you apologists.

Still, someone has to buy The Daily Wail I suppose....

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4 hours ago, homarus said:

  Here's another Wac-ist  Brit !

 I said it  a year or so back , that this  guy and others like him will be the ones  that the deluded leftists will run to and  expect to pull them out of the shite when it all kicks off ,  even though the pseudo intellectual morons  have  vilified  guys like this as thick as pigshit  wac-ist  ,xenophobic little Englanders for years !


they should of looked at the bar name before entering....

black & blue bar

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2 hours ago, P.K. said:

Yap yap yap eh Mr Quilp?

I can't decide which of you is worse.

May cut police funding but neither of you pair will ever concur it was a mistake.

If Brexit is a shit sandwich if only I could sue you apologists.

Still, someone has to buy The Daily Wail I suppose....

It was a mistake that Theresa May cut funding. Completely. Somewhere along the line, 1300+ firearms officers were lost also. Another drastic move.


As an aside, Woolley conveys some of my sentiments on certain subjects very well. He does not resort to petty name-calling, unadulterated virtue-signalling and cringing self-congratulation. That I 'like' his posts has become something of an irritation to you. This delights me no end.

I have never purchased a Daily Mail, ever. Neither is much attention paid to it online.

Carry on Corporal... 

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Just a thought, when I did my stint in N Ireland, whenever we captured/shot at/killed a member of the IRA not once did we refer to them as catholics. They were terrorists. So why is it okay to lump this murderous scummy gang together and label them muslims?

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37 minutes ago, quilp said:

It was a mistake that Theresa May cut funding. Completely. Somewhere along the line, 1300+ firearms officers were lost also. Another drastic move.

As an aside, Woolley conveys some of my sentiments on certain subjects very well. He does not resort to petty name-calling, unadulterated virtue-signalling and cringing self-congratulation. That I 'like' his posts has become something of an irritation to you. This delights me no end.

I have never purchased a Daily Mail, ever. Neither is much attention paid to it online.

Carry on Corporal... 

Doesn't irritate me in the slightest. Why would it? 

Petty name calling? Since when?

Oh hang on. If you associate yourself with a certain type of person I have nothing but contempt for,  well, that association is entirely down to yourself and nothing whatever to do with me.

So if I deride "xenophobic thick as pigshit Daily Wail reading Little Englanders" , which I most assuredly do, and you bridle at that description then, well, if the cap fits then you wear it!

Do you not....?

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