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Muslim terror attack on London Bridge


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2 minutes ago, manxb&b said:

Hmm, just wondering how many innocent people have been murdered, maimed or raped by so called neo-nazis on uk streets recently?

You're either too stupid or too lazy to read a news article.

Hate crimes have hit all time highs.  And it is good to see you have forgotten Jo Cox already.

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11 minutes ago, woody2 said:

at least she has not done any u-turns like corbyn.....


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Pretty much all countries have arms and some sort of defence against threat and aggression. It's both rational and legitimate. Very few actually use them or have to use them, but some countries do.

I don't recall the Saudis threatening or invading any of its neighbours, and despite a huge and powerful military they've mostly stayed out of (or only given limited support) the major regional conflicts in the Middle East going back to WW2. The recent Yemen intervention is very much the exception.

So, who do we sell arms to ? Those who legitimately want to defend themselves but who will never use them, or those who do ?  Should we sell arms to countries like Japan or peaceful African states with aggressive neighbours ? Where's the moral choice here ?

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1 minute ago, Shake me up Judy said:

Pretty much all countries have arms and some sort of defence against threat and aggression. It's both rational and legitimate. Very few actually use them or have to use them, but some countries do.

Are you insane? 



I don't recall the Saudis threatening or invading any of its neighbours, and despite a huge and powerful military they've mostly stayed out of (or only given limited support) the major regional conflicts in the Middle East going back to WW2. The recent Yemen intervention is very much the exception.

They are involved in all major conflicts in the Middle East and are one of the biggest financial backers of IS and IS operations in the Middle East and worldwide.


So, who do we sell arms to ? Those who legitimately want to defend themselves but who will never use them, or those who do ? Where's the moral choice here ?

The UK sells arms to pretty much every country on human rights violation lists, terrorist watch lists...pretty much any list with countries we have no business selling arms to.

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22 minutes ago, RIchard Britten said:
26 minutes ago, manxb&b said:

Hmm, just wondering how many innocent people have been murdered, maimed or raped by so called neo-nazis on uk streets recently?

You're either too stupid or too lazy to read a news article.

Hate crimes have hit all time highs.  And it is good to see you have forgotten Jo Cox already.

No, I just don't favour murdering scum over innocent people like you ( and other terrorist sympathizers) do.

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O.K. Let's just get the history right before we go any further. So, one at a time:

1. When, since WW2, were the following countries last attacked or threatened: Norway, Sweden, Denmark, France, Germany, Holland, Belgium, Luxembourg, Spain, Portugal, Canada, etc.

2. Name me one major Middle Eastern conflict since WW2 that the Saudis directly took part in, went to war with, invaded, were invaded etc. I don't mean giving financial support to or supplying hardware to other countries or terrorist groups; I mean direct conflict.


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1 minute ago, Shake me up Judy said:

O.K. Let's just get the history right before we go any further. So, one at a time:

1. When, since WW2, were the following countries last attacked or threatened: Norway, Sweden, Denmark, France, Germany, Holland, Belgium, Luxembourg, Spain, Portugal, Canada, etc.

2. Name me one major Middle Eastern conflict since WW2 that the Saudis directly took part in, went to war with, invaded, were invaded etc. I don't mean giving financial support to or supplying hardware to other countries or terrorist groups; I mean direct conflict.


Ah so its shifting goal post time. 

1. You are using the term "defence", when it is very rare for major countries to "defend" themselves.  However, those same forces can be used "offensively" and frequently are.

Off the top of my head, Swedish, French, German, Dutch, Belgian, Spanish and Canadian forces have been used overseas in a offensive capacity.  SO has the British, Australian, Turkish, Omani, and so on and so on.

2. Look up proxy conflict.

Are you self referencing like llap? 

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Read my original post again. I'm not shifting the goal posts, just trying to correct your sweeping generalisations and ignorant world view. You're all piss and wind for anything that supports your beliefs. There's little fact, history or genuine knowledge holding it up, just an empty faith that falls down as soon as its analysed. You've bought into an ideology Biggles, and one day (hopefully) you'll trade it in for reason and genuine understanding. We're all still learning but some of us ditched the goggles a long time ago. 

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1 hour ago, RIchard Britten said:


i agree corbyn's a joke....

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..........................nothing will work until the Muslims start policing there own extremists............. I won't believe that they are sympathetic to the country that they have adopted as there domicile and reaped the benefits of until that happens...........so there!

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