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Muslim terror attack on London Bridge


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2 minutes ago, RIchard Britten said:

Someone posted a video of some nobody spouting rubbish about how things should be (according to him).

I equated him to BF because they are the "white non-muslim" analogue.

how about momentum.....

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4 hours ago, quilp said:

Or in my case it means Not At All Fucking Interested. GFY dickbrain... 

Touched a nerve is my guess.

Awwww,  just crawl up Woolley's arse. You know you like it.....

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3 hours ago, Shake me up Judy said:

Pretty much all countries have arms and some sort of defence against threat and aggression. It's both rational and legitimate. Very few actually use them or have to use them, but some countries do.

I don't recall the Saudis threatening or invading any of its neighbours, and despite a huge and powerful military they've mostly stayed out of (or only given limited support) the major regional conflicts in the Middle East going back to WW2. The recent Yemen intervention is very much the exception.

So, who do we sell arms to ? Those who legitimately want to defend themselves but who will never use them, or those who do ?  Should we sell arms to countries like Japan or peaceful African states with aggressive neighbours ? Where's the moral choice here ?

The Kingdom of Saud is currently bombing the shit out of The Yemen.

Quilp, Woolley and now SMUJ.

Surely someone else on here reads a decent newspaper...?

ETA it's very much an internecine conflict in which the Saudi intervention, amongst others, has drastically increased the civilian casualties. Plus you can't really declare the members of an entire government "legitmate targets" just like a bunch of terrorists would.

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1 minute ago, mojomonkey said:
4 minutes ago, woody2 said:

not defending them but wasn't it their leader that exposed the rochdale child abuse cases.....  

Nope, it was someone else that thankfully exposed it

If the EDL had tried to expose them they would have been accused of Islamophobia.

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Just now, Tarne said:

Bingo - every time you say something bad against muslims you get the usual brigade swooping in on their magical mince mounts to uphold Sharia. 

Says the guy who just posted a racial slur on another thread and has previous for mocking disabled people...

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5 minutes ago, manxb&b said:

If the EDL had tried to expose them they would have been accused of Islamophobia.


8 minutes ago, mojomonkey said:

Nope, it was someone else that thankfully exposed it


i did see it was one of the reasons he got sent down....

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13 minutes ago, Tarne said:

Bingo - every time you say something bad against muslims you get the usual brigade swooping in on their magical mince mounts to uphold Sharia. 

Who is springing to anyone's defence. The people carrying out the abuse in Rochdale were and are twats. I merely pointed out that it wasn't the EDL that exposed it.

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