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Muslim terror attack on London Bridge


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4 hours ago, woolley said:

A lot of mainstream Muslims despise the excesses of the Western liberal model or as they see it, moral degeneracy. In some respects I can see their point! They would like to live under "traditional" values and would welcome Sharia. Many more would simply acquiesce, not too reluctantly, as populations do under rulers all over the world.

The difference between right wing "Britain First" extemists and ISIS is that the former are, as they see it, defending their own indigenous country and way of life for centuries established, whereas the latter are usurpers who despise the status quo and seek to destroy it by any means. The inability to distinguish is due to the liberal brainwashing to which several generations have been subjected.

Fine by me.

They don't like it then there is nothing stopping them fucking off to some Islamic shithole that shares their stone-age ideals.

Hell I'll even wave them goodbye....

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3 hours ago, woody2 said:

death toll up to 8.....


Wanstead attack: Nursery worker stabbed


That's a weird one.  Counter terrorism are not interested according to the article.

I would also be interested to know if the clothing was a burqa/niqab or just "normal" black clothes.  Hard to tell what to make of it without further information. 

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18 minutes ago, P.K. said:

Fine by me.

They don't like it then there is nothing stopping them fucking off to some Islamic shithole that shares their stone-age ideals.

Hell I'll even wave them goodbye....

That's the problem though, P.K. They don't want any old Islamic shithole. They want their own Islamic shithole in Britain. And they want you to pay for it to boot! They already have mini prototypes up and down the country.

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2 minutes ago, woolley said:

That's the problem though, P.K. They don't want any old Islamic shithole. They want their own Islamic shithole in Britain. And they want you to pay for it to boot! They already have mini prototypes up and down the country.

Fortunately, living in a democracy, it ain't going to happen in our lifetimes...

Personally I think that once ISIS and their murderous vermin are wiped out then without a focal point it will just fade away.


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16 minutes ago, woolley said:

That's the problem though, P.K. They don't want any old Islamic shithole. They want their own Islamic shithole in Britain. And they want you to pay for it to boot! They already have mini prototypes up and down the country.


8 minutes ago, P.K. said:

Fortunately, living in a democracy, it ain't going to happen in our lifetimes...


So as long as it doesn't happen in our lifetimes that's OK then? Brilliant. The grandkids and their grandkids are sure going to be impressed with you and your crew. Never mind. FGM on the NHS here we come.

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5 minutes ago, woolley said:


So as long as it doesn't happen in our lifetimes that's OK then? Brilliant. The grandkids and their grandkids are sure going to be impressed with you and your crew. Never mind. FGM on the NHS here we come.


Especially bullshit coming from a Brexit supporter mouthing off about the sort of world we are leaving our kids to live in.

If you just took your head out of your arse long enough to take a good look around then maybe, just maybe, you might be able to see why their are warnings of recessions headed our way.

Yeah, I know, like your bum buddy Mr Quilp would say - "There are none so blind....." etc etc

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The world we are leaving our kids is precisely why I applaud the demise of the EU. I don't want that edifice to be replaced by a tyranny with its roots further east.

As for heads being extracted from orifices, from the guff you post, you appear to have been born with your sphincter around your neck and if you ever came out the fresh air would poison you.

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