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Muslim terror attack on London Bridge


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13 minutes ago, manxman1980 said:

Hence the presence of my very first statement that you failed to quote;

"It's not only the Muslims that can solve it.  They must certainly contribute a lot to addressing the problem but we also need to tackle our own extremes and stop isolating whole communities out of fear that they are terrorists."

 Too many  do not want to integrate  ,that's the problem  .                         

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Do you know that for a fact?

My experience is very different from yours.  I know several Muslims who practice their religion but are happy to integrate in society,  The biggest problems they face is a fear of segregation based on their race and perceived beliefs.  This is why we cannot just wash our hands of it and say that the Muslim community must address the problem.

The fact that we even refer to a Muslim community shows that we see them as separate to the community as a whole.  

The population of the UK must work together to tackle extremists in all areas of society.  

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14 minutes ago, manxman1980 said:

Do you know that for a fact?

My experience is very different from yours.  I know several Muslims who practice their religion but are happy to integrate in society.

  Several eh !  Well it's a start I suppose ,only another 4,99993 to go then.

  Do I know for a fact ? Not really ,but I think the amount of guinness bottles floating around inner City areas of the  UK  these days has got to be a bit of a clue!

  It's fucking weird ,I used to spend a lot of time in Manchester  Bury New road in the early ninteties dealing mainly with Asian blokes ,who were actually friendlier than the native Mancs  ,completely different now though  and definitely caused by mass immigration and the different message being taught in the Mosques by  many hate preachers that are allowed to come and go freely in my opinion .



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I am not going to count up the number I know.  I have met them in through different activities such as work and leisure.  I think my neighbours may be Muslim but I cannot confirm that because I don't have much to do with them.  We say hello and exchange pleasantries when we see each other and I pass the kids football back over the fence but I have never got around to asking if they are Muslim or not.

I have never met anyone with extremist views who was an immigrant.  I have sadly met white British people with extremist views.  

I just refuse to condemn one whole group and ignore the intolerance in other areas of society.  Fortunately groups like the National Front and British National Party are decreasing in popularity and maybe people in communities with extremists are just afraid to challenge them given that these people often seem to have a propensity for violence. 


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1 hour ago, manxman1980 said:

I am not going to count up the number I know.  I have met them in through different activities such as work and leisure.  I think my neighbours may be Muslim but I cannot confirm that because I don't have much to do with them.  We say hello and exchange pleasantries when we see each other and I pass the kids football back over the fence but I have never got around to asking if they are Muslim or not.

I have never met anyone with extremist views who was an immigrant.  I have sadly met white British people with extremist views.  

I just refuse to condemn one whole group and ignore the intolerance in other areas of society.  Fortunately groups like the National Front and British National Party are decreasing in popularity and maybe people in communities with extremists are just afraid to challenge them given that these people often seem to have a propensity for violence. 


you don't get out much, do you.....

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What religion are you?  Why would this matter to an employer?  Potential for discrimination on the grounds of religious belief.

from experience this is why you need to ask these questions....

if they need to find a mosque 7 times a day, they won't be fit for a job with me....

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1 hour ago, manxman1980 said:

I am not going to count up the number I know.  I have met them in through different activities such as work and leisure.  I think my neighbours may be Muslim but I cannot confirm that because I don't have much to do with them.  We say hello and exchange pleasantries when we see each other and I pass the kids football back over the fence but I have never got around to asking if they are Muslim or not.

I have never met anyone with extremist views who was an immigrant.  I have sadly met white British people with extremist views.  

I just refuse to condemn one whole group and ignore the intolerance in other areas of society. 

One of the issues is definitely cultural.

All the Manchester schools and colleges put out a prospectus which now has to be printed in all sorts of languages.

We are paying for that because certain minorities will not let their wives learn English.

How the hell can there ever be integration when you can' t speak the local lingo FFS!

Ghettos make themselves...


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21 minutes ago, woody2 said:

from experience this is why you need to ask these questions....

if they need to find a mosque 7 times a day, they won't be fit for a job with me....

Under the Employment Act 2006 section 126 you would be acting unlawfully if you discriminated on the grounds of religion.  Covered under the Equality Act 2010 in the UK. 

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1 minute ago, manxman1980 said:

Under the Employment Act 2006 section 126 you would be acting unlawfully if you discriminated on the grounds of religion.  Covered under the Equality Act 2010 in the UK. 


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22 minutes ago, P.K. said:

One of the issues is definitely cultural.

All the Manchester schools and colleges put out a prospectus which now has to be printed in all sorts of languages.

We are paying for that because certain minorities will not let their wives learn English.

How the hell can there ever be integration when you can' t speak the local lingo FFS!

Ghettos make themselves...


Equally, how can we communicate with those who do not speak English and encourage them to integrate unless we produce literature in their own language?  

If they apply for British Citizenship they must also pass an English language test now.   

The situation is similar to Brits who live abroad but fail to learn the local language preferring instead to socialise with other ex-pats.  

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1 minute ago, woody2 said:


Your choice, but you would be acting unlawfully if you were an employer and open to Employment Tribunal claims.  If you were an employer, and I seriously doubt you are, then you would have to ensure you had a budget to pay out the compensation.  

You would certainly struggle to get covered for such claims under an insurance policy.

On the off chance that you are an employer could you provide me with your company details.  I could do with some extra income.

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1 hour ago, woody2 said:

from experience this is why you need to ask these questions....

if they need to find a mosque 7 times a day, they won't be fit for a job with me....

Or if a person was Jewish, no Saturdays. Then there's food handling, plenty of excuses to refuse certain conditions. 

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