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Muslim terror attack on London Bridge


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It's rather daft to compare a lone nutjob with a person affiliated with an international terrorist organisation which has de facto state power over a vast region of the Middle East caused by the vacuum which western governments created after the illegal war against Iraq. I see people are trying to draw a parallel and suggest there is racism or discrimination against Muslims in terms of comparative press coverage. I disagree. These are apples and oranges, as outlined in my first sentence. 

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3 hours ago, RIchard Britten said:

I note that the news is saying that this guy wasn't on any extremist watch list.

Why would he be?  If they monitored every angry, disenfranchised Daily Wail reading, Farage/Hopkins supporting white guy they would be stretched beyond their limits.

I am sure the guys Facebook page reads like a EDL/BF/Tommy Robinson bingo checklist.

Joking aside i think that's all we will find this chap was. Given the time of night that it happened it's not beyond the bounds of probability that he'd been down the pub and just saw a crowd outside a Mosque and said 'Bugger it, here we go' as he drove home. I think the likelihood that he is a terrrorist in the conventional sense is fairly low. It's a very sad thing to happen though and hopefully it will not provoke copycat attacks. 

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21 minutes ago, MediaStar said:

I think the likelihood that he is a terrrorist in the conventional sense is fairly low

What 'conventional' sense? Sectarianism is surely one of the most difficult sorts of terrorism in that there is no political justification.

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8 minutes ago, pongo said:

What 'conventional' sense? Sectarianism is surely one of the most difficult sorts of terrorism in that there is no political justification.

I think we'll probably just find out that he is an angry nutter with no real political or ideological affiliations who spotted an opportunity in an unplanned attack. I could be completely wrong but it doesn't look like anything to me but a lone wolf opportunist who was in the wrong place and the wrong time. 

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I'm sorry but what is a "white male"? People are not colours. To assess views based on colour and gender is really silly and not conducive to understanding society. A "white" Christian has more in common with a "black" Christian than with a "white" Muslim. A "black" atheist has more in common with a "white" atheist than with a "black" Muslim. Beliefs, ideology, socio-ecominic position, and culture are far more important than something as silly as colour.

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