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Muslim terror attack on London Bridge


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15 hours ago, the stinking enigma said:

But my point was this is unlikely to be an organised terrorist attack.

Wannabe loser. Stopped in advance the first time but able to succeed at the level of self centred look at me martyr for Mohammed asshole the second time. 
Sums up jihadists to a tee and their conception of their religion. 

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15 hours ago, the stinking enigma said:

People shouldn't be getting too carried away over this.

Really? It's only a matter of time before it's not the knife but the gun and the increasing use of IEDs. Innocent people are dead, yet again, because a radicalised hate-filled ideological nut job, emboldened by scriptural verse, known to security services, decides on rampage, wantonly and indiscriminately killing people he didn't know and who'd done no harm.

The concept of jihad, and its mindset is obviously lost on most people. By downplaying it, or not "getting too carried-away over it" underscores its deadly nature and trivialises the threat it imposes to Western society and ordinary innocent people. As we've seen on all-too-numerous occasion. Islamic extremism cannot be ignored or downplayed at any level, doing so would soften vigilance and the resolve to act upon it before it reaches the kind of violence that is becoming all too common. Even precautionary measures, such as the 'Prevent' program and outreach measures will not stop extremist radicals intent on doing harm. Uzman Khan had already been through the system, his extremist nature obviously unaffected, quite probably intensified by other extremists during his imprisonment.

15 hours ago, the stinking enigma said:

More likely a mentally ill person that also happens to be muslim...

This is controversial and can lead to the suppression of any inconvenient discussion or questioning which confronts the nature of islam and its role in Western society. Consider the motivation. What is it with islam and a considerable number of its devotees? Are the ancient verses in the koran and a-hadiths et al, which advocate violence to "unbelievers" and "people of the book", the catalyst, the ideological substantiation for murderous acts carried out, apparently at the will of allah? Any equivalent behaviour is uncommon in the Christian or Jew in contemporary society. Certainly, when it comes to terrorist attacks on the society in which they live and benefit from, muslims are disproportionately represented in Western society.

ISIS, al-qaeda, and the proliferation of other jihadist groups which promote, encourage and groom adherents to martyrdom, are they all mentally-ill or simple minded uneducated fools? If so, it's a massive problem World-wide which isn't going away anytime soon.

Regardless of firepower you can't kill an idea. 

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200 Years ago the Barbary coast pirates caused a dark age "Prof Bill Warner",  100 years ago Young Turks murdered countless 1000s of Armenians ,giving the Germans overseeing the building of railways,the idea for their own bigger genocide later on.Now we have 34,000 plus terrorist atracks since 9/ 11.Murders on London Streets yesterday.what unites these events? A set of man made fables, revealed to an illiterate goatherd for  the weak minded to follow.

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3 hours ago, Ďouglas Peel said:

200 Years ago the Barbary coast pirates caused the dark ages,100 years ago Young Turks murdered countless 1000s of Armenians  .33,000 plus terrorist atracks since 9/ 11.Murders on London Streets yesterday.what unites these events? A set of medieval man made fables for  the weak minded to follow.

They're not medieval, they're 1300 years old and to the votaries they are not man made.

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I hear what you’re saying about Islam and terrorism, but I often wonder why so many young Muslims turn out to be doctors, scientists and entrepreneurs. 

I appreciate what Woolley has been saying about early release, what a coincidence that villain had been released early. So, who let him go? Well, it seems that he was originally locked up indefinitely under Labour’s ‘Imprisonment for Public Protection’ legislation for planning terrorism. The IPP legislation was repealed by the tories, but without any recommendations for how to deal with those already incarcerated - so the nutter was let out without even meeting the parole board! 

On the other hand, one of the heroes of the day was on day release from an open prison. Surely this goes to show that people can turn their lives around and contribute to society after prison, but obviously shouldn’t be released until the parole-board are happy that the prisoner is no longer a danger to the public. 

Anyway, How do swivel-eyed English nats on here feel about the quick-thinking Polish chef using a narwhal tusk (steady now, it was definitely a narwhal tusk, not one of your imaginary unicorn horns!) to subdue the nutter? 

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I’ve corrected that for you:

200 Years ago the Barbary coast pirates were finally defeated. This has nothing to do with the Dark Ages which are generally understood to have run from the fall of Rome over 1,500 years ago until the Renaissance which started about 600 years ago.

 100 years ago the Young Turks, a secularist Turkish Nationalist movement, overthrew the theocratic Ottoman caliphate and turned on Turkey’s minorities, murdering over a million Armenians, driving out the Greeks and waging persecution and intermittent war against the Kurds. 

There have been an unknown number of terrorist atracks since 9/ 11. Irish Republican organisations remain the best armed, organised, experienced and potentially lethal.

Islam is a religion with billions of followers. The vast majority of its followers are good people, but many of its teachings are out of step with our modern, liberal values and the refusal of Muslims to compromise their religious beliefs irritates us. The phenomenon of racially motivated odious Muslim grooming gangs infuriates us. The rapid increase in the number of Muslims in Britain worries us. The number of politicians that follow the word of the Koran getting into positions of power worries people too. The fact that most of them support policies that damage the UK, such as brexit, probably in the belief that they will be better able to get more of their cousins into the country also concerns us. Many of us have therefore become Islamophobic and contribute to Islamophobia spreading exaggerated misinformation and complete made-up nonsense about Muslims on the internet. 

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11 hours ago, Freggyragh said:

I’ve corrected that for you:

200 Years ago the Barbary coast pirates were finally defeated. This has nothing to do with the Dark Ages which are generally understood to have run from the fall of Rome over 1,500 years ago until the Renaissance which started about 600 years ago.

 100 years ago the Young Turks, a secularist Turkish Nationalist movement, overthrew the theocratic Ottoman caliphate and turned on Turkey’s minorities, murdering over a million Armenians, driving out the Greeks and waging persecution and intermittent war against the Kurds. 

There have been an unknown number of terrorist atracks since 9/ 11. Irish Republican organisations remain the best armed, organised, experienced and potentially lethal.

Islam is a religion with billions of followers. The vast majority of its followers are good people, but many of its teachings are out of step with our modern, liberal values and the refusal of Muslims to compromise their religious beliefs irritates us. The phenomenon of racially motivated odious Muslim grooming gangs infuriates us. The rapid increase in the number of Muslims in Britain worries us. The number of politicians that follow the word of the Koran getting into positions of power worries people too. The fact that most of them support policies that damage the UK, such as brexit, probably in the belief that they will be better able to get more of their cousins into the country also concerns us. Many of us have therefore become Islamophobic and contribute to Islamophobia spreading exaggerated misinformation and complete made-up nonsense about Muslims on the internet. 


I wouldn't say I'm mostly concerned about the Irish.

Irritates and infuriates? Hmmn.

"Most of them support policies that damage the UK, such as brexit" -Bollocks!

 "spreading exaggerated misinformation and complete made-up nonsense about Muslims on the internet." - We don't need to make things up or exaggerate anything, you just listed a few problems yourself. Terrorist attacks, grooming gangs, sex attacks, stabbings, driving cars into people, etc. their actions don't need any exaggeration.

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5 minutes ago, TheTeapot said:

Imagine having a bunch of really stupid and easily manipulated people sitting in jail on indefinite sentences for thought crimes, and what a security service could do with that.

Nearly as far fetched as Narwhal tusk wielding heroes.

But they're not stupid and they're not easily manipulated, they're devout believers in a faith into which they are indoctrinated from birth.  The result is that they live in an entirely different reality than non-muslim people. Consider devout Christian folk. They are as certain as night follows day that if they accept Jesus as their saviour and do thereafter their best to live a life based on "what would Jesus do?" then they will be absolutely CERTAIN to go to heaven.

Where the wheels come off is that a Muslim should (must) follow shar'ia.

And THAT is why what they do being based on the qur'an and various hadith runs so very much counter to the values that we, be it Jew, Gentile, or Pastafarian hold true creates so many problems when (literally) two worlds collide. 

A reasonable question might be why does Islam not change and modernise just as Christianity and Judaism does and there is a very simple answer.  Mohamed "sealed" Islam for all time saying that he was the last prophet there would be and because the qur'an is the verbatim word of allah the epitome of perfection and so never erronious if there is a difference between what had been disclosed to mohammed and what mohammed said or did in life must be perfect because he was the chosen perfect man and what people did then it was people who are wrong and must be put right.  Moreover it is the absolute duty of every muslim to correct what he sees that is at odds with Islam.

So they're not stupid, they're not easily lead, they simply live in a different world with different rules and values from non-muslim.


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Oh they are stupid Rog, it is clear and obvious. As are devout christians and jews. And neither of those are have been particularly good at modernising, Jews still can't eat a cheesburger for goodness sake.

Anyway, while you're here I'd like to take issue with your repeated claim of a 'legitimate' Syrian government. Have you seen the numbers Assad polled in their various free and entirely democratic elections? 

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3 minutes ago, TheTeapot said:

Oh they are stupid Rog, it is clear and obvious. As are devout christians and jews. And neither of those are have been particularly good at modernising, Jews still can't eat a cheesburger for goodness sake.

Anyway, while you're here I'd like to take issue with your repeated claim of a 'legitimate' Syrian government. Have you seen the numbers Assad polled in their various free and entirely democratic elections? 

Liberal and Reform Judaism,  sects of Judaism, certainly do have updated dietary rules and eating of milches and fleshes is perfectly acceptable. But that raises an interesting point. Jews come indifferent shapes and sizes with many quite different sects. Eating a cheeseburger is now perfectly acceptable as long as it's not some old bit of grout minced in which case eating a cheeseburger is a dodgy thing for anyone to do!  Same with a hamburger. 

Islam however does NOT have an assortment of sects.

Instead there are "Schools of jurisprudence", VERY different from sects.

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