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Muslim terror attack on London Bridge


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54 minutes ago, Freggyragh said:

Say what you like. My experience is that my life is more likely to be enhanced, or even saved, by a Muslim than be taken. 

The issue is not the person, it is the cult.

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On 11/30/2019 at 8:02 PM, Freggyragh said:

I hear what you’re saying about Islam and terrorism, but I often wonder why so many young Muslims turn out to be doctors, scientists and entrepreneurs. 

I appreciate what Woolley has been saying about early release, what a coincidence that villain had been released early. So, who let him go? Well, it seems that he was originally locked up indefinitely under Labour’s ‘Imprisonment for Public Protection’ legislation for planning terrorism. The IPP legislation was repealed by the tories, but without any recommendations for how to deal with those already incarcerated - so the nutter was let out without even meeting the parole board! 

On the other hand, one of the heroes of the day was on day release from an open prison. Surely this goes to show that people can turn their lives around and contribute to society after prison, but obviously shouldn’t be released until the parole-board are happy that the prisoner is no longer a danger to the public. 

Anyway, How do swivel-eyed English nats on here feel about the quick-thinking Polish chef using a narwhal tusk (steady now, it was definitely a narwhal tusk, not one of your imaginary unicorn horns!) to subdue the nutter? 

Do you mean the Doctors who drove a burning jeep loaded with gas bottles into Glasgow Airport ? Imagine bringing religeous divide to Glasgow.

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On 11/30/2019 at 8:33 PM, Freggyragh said:

I’ve corrected that for you:

200 Years ago the Barbary coast pirates were finally defeated. This has nothing to do with the Dark Ages which are generally understood to have run from the fall of Rome over 1,500 years ago until the Renaissance which started about 600 years ago.

 100 years ago the Young Turks, a secularist Turkish Nationalist movement, overthrew the theocratic Ottoman caliphate and turned on Turkey’s minorities, murdering over a million Armenians, driving out the Greeks and waging persecution and intermittent war against the Kurds. 

There have been an unknown number of terrorist atracks since 9/ 11. Irish Republican organisations remain the best armed, organised, experienced and potentially lethal.

Islam is a religion with billions of followers. The vast majority of its followers are good people, but many of its teachings are out of step with our modern, liberal values and the refusal of Muslims to compromise their religious beliefs irritates us. The phenomenon of racially motivated odious Muslim grooming gangs infuriates us. The rapid increase in the number of Muslims in Britain worries us. The number of politicians that follow the word of the Koran getting into positions of power worries people too. The fact that most of them support policies that damage the UK, such as brexit, probably in the belief that they will be better able to get more of their cousins into the country also concerns us. Many of us have therefore become Islamophobic and contribute to Islamophobia spreading exaggerated misinformation and complete made-up nonsense about Muslims on the internet. 


Ive corrected your correction, the number of terrorism attacks since 9/11 is not unknown,its 34,994 inc the young Dutch kids who were stabbed  2 days ago, this of course could just be the work of some mentally ill person.

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1 hour ago, Ďouglas Peel said:

Do you mean the Doctors who drove a burning jeep loaded with gas bottles into Glasgow Airport ? Imagine bringing religeous divide to Glasgow.

I see your one unsuccessful Muslim terrorist doctor (qualified in Baghdad in 2004)  and raise you 10,000 Muslim doctors and nurses saving and enhancing lives everyday across the NHS. 

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33 minutes ago, Freggyragh said:

I see your one unsuccessful Muslim terrorist doctor (qualified in Baghdad in 2004)  and raise you 10,000 Muslim doctors and nurses saving and enhancing lives everyday across the NHS. 

Qualified in Baghdad, does not instill confidence.however in a Scottish jail,languish two "crisps"  who inspite of being able to qualify as doctors, chose to kill  random women and children,not linked to their 600 year out of date fables.











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18 minutes ago, Neil Down said:


Yes Neil, cult.  While I accept that virtually all religions are cults to varying degrees in the case of Islam it meets the definition of cult to an almost unique extent.  

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I do not want a fall-out on this, not even an argument, nor am I trolling. But I am genuinely struggling to get where you are coming from.

Could you please have a go at answering the following hypothetical question so that I can try to understand your stance. It is hypothetical (accepted), it puts you on the spot (accepted) It is highly unlikely to happen in real life (accepted). So with all those caveats;

Imagine that there is a lone wolf attacker(s). He has 100 totally innocent victims kneeling down, handcuffed, in front of him. Age decending order, he starts to behead them ( Bit like Beatles did).

You turn up, the only uncuffed individual, you are armed - you alone can take him out. No communication to outside assistance.

What would your actions be? It is down to you entirely as to the fate of the remaining 99 - what would your actions be?

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28 minutes ago, Manximus Aururaneus said:


I do not want a fall-out on this, not even an argument, nor am I trolling. But I am genuinely struggling to get where you are coming from.

Could you please have a go at answering the following hypothetical question so that I can try to understand your stance. It is hypothetical (accepted), it puts you on the spot (accepted) It is highly unlikely to happen in real life (accepted). So with all those caveats;

Imagine that there is a lone wolf attacker(s). He has 100 totally innocent victims kneeling down, handcuffed, in front of him. Age decending order, he starts to behead them ( Bit like Beatles did).

You turn up, the only uncuffed individual, you are armed - you alone can take him out. No communication to outside assistance.

What would your actions be? It is down to you entirely as to the fate of the remaining 99 - what would your actions be?

This isn't another silly attempt at "Who had the toughest cold war" is it?

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32 minutes ago, Manximus Aururaneus said:

Could you please have a go at answering the following hypothetical question...

You turn up, the only uncuffed individual, you are armed - you alone can take him out...

Is it a lone wolf attacker or a pack of wolves? One or more? This is kind of crucial, wouldn't you say?


It is down to you entirely as to the fate of the remaining 99 - what would your actions be?

At that moment, would one be thinking of one's own personal safety or go in, er, guns blazing? Some people, like those blokes on the bridge, can flip a switch and get stuck in without quarter, an almost animalistic response, some are more hesitiant.

Fight or flight. A person is one or the other. And It's not really a question that can be answered unless it happens to you.

I reckon PK would roll up his guardian, toss aside the rather agreeable luxury zimmer and get stuck right in. 

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