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Muslim terror attack on London Bridge


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7 minutes ago, quilp said:

Is it a lone wolf attacker or a pack of wolves? One or more? This is kind of crucial, wouldn't you say?

At that moment, would one be thinking of one's own personal safety or go in, er, guns blazing? Some people, like those blokes on the bridge, can flip a switch and get stuck in without quarter, an almost animalistic response, some are more hesitiant.

Fight or flight. A person is one or the other. And It's not really a question that can be answered unless it happens to you.

I reckon PK would roll up his guardian, toss aside the rather agreeable luxury zimmer and get stuck right in. 

To me, it's not a difficult question.. but let's say one wolf, one dead hostage so far, you're the  only person on the scene able to help. He's about to take a swing at the neck of No2 - He has a sword, you have a gun, what do you do?

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3 minutes ago, Manximus Aururaneus said:

I agree, but let's see what others have to say............

Being painfully honest I'd GTFO.

(As fast as my by then full colostomy bag would permit!)

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26 minutes ago, quilp said:

Fight or flight. A person is one or the other. And It's not really a question that can be answered unless it happens to you.

I reckon PK would roll up his guardian, toss aside the rather agreeable luxury zimmer and get stuck right in. 

You really are completely clueless.

As MA undoubtedly knows "Fight or Flight" has absolutely no bearing on what happens next.

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I can’t see how this is even a question. If someone declares war on you personally or your society you have a moral duty to try and kill them in whatever manner is most expedient. If someone assaults you but doesn’t intend to kill you then you should stop the assault without killing them, if possible. These are different questions to the one about the state imposing the death penalty in peacetime. 

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3 minutes ago, Freggyragh said:

I can’t see how this is even a question. If someone declares war on you personally or your society you have a moral duty to try and kill them in whatever manner is most expedient. If someone assaults you but doesn’t intend to kill you then you should stop the assault without killing them, if possible. These are different questions to the one about the state imposing the death penalty in peacetime. 


98 left.

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Sorry but you are creating a deliberately simplistic scenario which pushes your agenda and are not understanding why people aren’t instantly agreeing with you. 

It’s so simple. Of course I’d be the saviour of these people and effortlessly blow his brains out. But this misses out all the real world nuance which makes being in this situation complex. Most people run and to pretend you’d be the hero in a millisecond is so internet armchair warrior as to be untrue. 
PK has as far as I’m aware carried a weapon in Northern Ireland and is aware how training and adrenaline interact when placed in extremis. I’ve not and have no idea if I’m a hero in a millisecond. I’d hope to be but am aware reality is very different than internet hard man hypotheticals. 

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1 hour ago, Manximus Aururaneus said:

To me, it's not a difficult question.. but let's say one wolf, one dead hostage so far, you're the  only person on the scene able to help. He's about to take a swing at the neck of No2 - He has a sword, you have a gun, what do you do?

Neither you nor the police officer who shot the nutter on London Bridge have any legal dispensation to kill someone. Is your gun legally held and are you entitled to have it with you at the time? The police officer was lawfully entitled to be in possession of a weapon. He is schooled in its use and circumstances but has no licence to kill.

The state or public body he serves the Met is subject to the human rights act importing the European Convention into domestic law. The right to life is the only absolute right in the Convention. The armed officers are responsible for their actions and must make individual choices and decisions.

The circumstances of the shooting will be examined like any other killing and a decision made whether or not to prosecute. One or two police have been accused in recent times having shot someone.

The human rights law allows the state to take life in order to protect the rights and freedoms of others. That includes police protecting their own right to life and that of their colleagues which also means they can choose to shoot but it is their decision alone. The nutter with a fake bomb vest can be shot as the police must see the risk as real and by shooting him or rendering him incapable the officer is upholding his own rights and freedoms ie he and colleagues will not be blown up.

So if you skewer a terrorist with a narwhal tusk and he dies or whatever the CPS will take a view just as they have done with such as women killing a man attempting to rape them likewise burglars being killed by householders when themselves under attack and in fear of being killed.

A police officer shooting a dangerous man armed with knife and bomb vest will be investigated like any other allegedly justifiable killing...

The above is how I recall it from reading a briefing paper or English law publication in Tynwald library years ago now...

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3 hours ago, Manximus Aururaneus said:

Could you please have a go at answering the following hypothetical question so that I can try to understand your stance. It is hypothetical (accepted), it puts you on the spot (accepted) It is highly unlikely to happen in real life (accepted). So with all those caveats;

Imagine that there is a lone wolf attacker(s). He has 100 totally innocent victims kneeling down, handcuffed, in front of him. Age decending order, he starts to behead them ( Bit like Beatles did).

You turn up, the only uncuffed individual, you are armed - you alone can take him out. No communication to outside assistance.

What would your actions be? It is down to you entirely as to the fate of the remaining 99 - what would your actions be?

1.  Wonder where the hell I had got this gun from;

2.  Quickly realise I have no idea how to use it let alone check to see if the dammed thing is loaded and that there is no "safety catch" on;

3.  Wonder where the hell my mobile phone went;

4.  Wave the gun in the direction of the guy with the sword and hope like hell he doesn't realise I have no idea how to use it;

5.  Realise that the person writing the scenario can only see one solution and therefore that it is a load of nonsence;

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36 minutes ago, manxman1980 said:

1.  Wonder where the hell I had got this gun from;

2.  Quickly realise I have no idea how to use it let alone check to see if the dammed thing is loaded and that there is no "safety catch" on;

3.  Wonder where the hell my mobile phone went;

4.  Wave the gun in the direction of the guy with the sword and hope like hell he doesn't realise I have no idea how to use it;

5.  Realise that the person writing the scenario can only see one solution and therefore that it is a load of nonsence;

My first question would be how one person managed to handcuff 100 people without being being jumped on and over powered?  Then I would ask how he managed to carry 100 pairs of hand cuffs?

Then I would ask what medication the person asking the question is on.

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