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Muslim terror attack on London Bridge


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47 minutes ago, Rog said:

Qur'an 5:33 explains a lot, especially when other verses are examined.  In effect what he did was in line with the (ig)noble qur'an. Therein is the root of such acts against us.

Experts in Arabic cant make sense of that book,and the fact that the "devine revelation "has been re written by men a couple of times over the years,isnt a help either.Isnt it amazing these gods always choose goatherds/ shepherds in the middle east to pass down their story.Now if the Archangel Gabriel had showed up on tv after the Cola advert during the 1969 moon landing,that would have been clever...actually he is due a visit soon surely.

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39 minutes ago, Ďouglas Peel said:

Experts in Arabic cant make sense of that book,and the fact that the "devine revelation "has been re written by men a couple of times over the years,isnt a help either.Isnt it amazing these gods always choose goatherds/ shepherds in the middle east to pass down their story.Now if the Archangel Gabriel had showed up on tv after the Cola advert during the 1969 moon landing,that would have been clever...actually he is due a visit soon surely.

I totally agree. I converted to being a fundamentalist Pastafarian many years before the FSM disclosed his will to Bobby Henderson but rejection of reality and acceptance of memes will override social evolution and learning all day long. Especially when a mindbending cult has been the result.

As for experts in Arabic, being learned in Arabic, even Paelioarabic is totally insufficient without a deep understanding of the society and culture extant at the time of the collapse of The Great Dam of Ma'rib which was what created the environment that saw the invention of the qur'an and then islam..


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10 hours ago, RIchard Britten said:

While "Ol' Faithful" was before my time (Jan '97) as a general service rifle, I did manage to fire one down the Falklands.

There wouldn't be an arm for the blood to trickle from, let alone a trickle.

My LE 303, drawn in 1969, lasted me until they gave me that piece of shite SA80 in 1982??

I commend you for coping with it.

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21 hours ago, Chinahand said:

It is amazing when the equivalent of all your pub chats are saved for posterity on the internet.

I was searching for the various hints of P.K.'s past to provide some context for Manximus Aururaneus's goading of him and found this:


I suspect he still has a similar opinion today.  15 years ago ... and 9 months before I joined. A long long time ago ...

Oh, so you are now a journeyman soldier as well as a journeyman engineer?

I'm not allowed to goad P.K. - but you are allowed to goad me?

You earn a living working for the man, get used to it, you are not capable of anything else. China drone.

(You'll be looking to gather support from other drones now, just as you did last night - wink).

Tina Turner, working for the man........

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MA, if you notice the date of the post P.K. made in that link and today you will notice it is a certain time period ago.  If you look at the date I joined the forum it is a certain period after the said post. We all know you have an military fetish, but there are other meanings of the word "joined".

Of course you are allowed to goad P.K. and I am allowed to goad you - to the extent the mods allow.  Your goads are boring.


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22 minutes ago, Manximus Aururaneus said:

My LE 303, drawn in 1969, lasted me until they gave me that piece of shite SA80 in 1982??

I commend you for coping with it.

The SA80 came into service in 1987/89.

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53 minutes ago, Ďouglas Peel said:

Pastafarians are polytheists,followers of my god " humpty dumpty" are too,however, a "fatwa" has been issued to anyone who says he was pushed,in my bible which ive had since i was 2, says he clearly fell.

Pastafarian are not polytheist in the least. There is only one diet'y who like all of them has been created by man in his own image.

Actually by examining the attributes that different populations have given to what they have chosen to invent and revere tells a very great deal about those who invented the thing.




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19 minutes ago, Rog said:

Pastafarian are not polytheist in the least. There is only one diet'y who like all of them has been created by man in his own image.

Actually by examining the attributes that different populations have given to what they have chosen to invent and revere tells a very great deal about those who invented the thing.




Hey Rog, does that not make "Pastas " Idolaters? muhammed wasn't keen on them,"dhimmie" taxes and "jizzya "taxes came later,so the sword was used to get rid of followers of Idols. (A  great start for the religion of peace ) .

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2 minutes ago, quilp said:

How is islam different to other religions? What are your thoughts yessir? 

The treatment of women as a sub species is perhaps amplified in  this religion, although not unique,ie polygamy in religions founded in upstate New York,in the 1800s ,cant be viewed as right either,but prior to muhammed,nomad tribes buried newborn girls in the sand,as they were a burden to the tribe leaders,historians  credit muhammed for stopping this.Having 10 wives seemed like a great idea,till they realised ,they had 10 mothers inlaw. Victims of rape being guilty for being....ehm...female.  So the treatment of women makes it different,whether its covering up women totally in 110 deg heat,women not driving in Saudi, men implementing Sharia law in their own country,whilst with high class pros in Park lane hotels,or grooming girls in greater Manchester,Oxford,Newcastle, here are a few things that make it different.

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1 hour ago, Non-Believer said:

The SA80 came into service in 1987/89.

Indeed. During my very short stint in the eighties the SLR was about to get phased out and the LE303 was still common enough on firing ranges (using up the 303 ammo?) - it had one hell of a kick compared to the SLR. We trained with SLRs, SMGs, GPMGs and Browning 9mms, never even saw an SA80 in my time. How did Captain Birdseye go from 303 to SA80? Seems like a fishy tale to me. 

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21 minutes ago, Freggyragh said:

Indeed. During my very short stint in the eighties the SLR was about to get phased out and the LE303 was still common enough on firing ranges (using up the 303 ammo?) - it had one hell of a kick compared to the SLR. We trained with SLRs, SMGs, GPMGs and Browning 9mms, never even saw an SA80 in my time. How did Captain Birdseye go from 303 to SA80? Seems like a fishy tale to me. 

Can't recall seeing any LE .303 in my time, SLR and even the old LMG (by then) were 7.62mm? Couldn't have been any jump from .303 to SA80?

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