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Muslim terror attack on London Bridge


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Exactly. The SLR, SMG & Gimpy were all 7.62. I remember a couple of times when we used 303 at ranges, and .22 Henri Martinis in an indoor range on another occasion - no idea why, but I seem to remember you had to use a 303 to get an ‘Empire’ badge, might be wrong on that though. 

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33 minutes ago, Lagman said:

Has the the guy that got arrested in Holland had his name released yet?

Not that I can find, possibly due to Dutch law and the naming of accused. I can find a few stories that state the police saying they do not consider it terrorist related, sounds like a homeless man but I accept that is pure speculation.



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13 minutes ago, mojomonkey said:

Not that I can find, possibly due to Dutch law and the naming of accused. I can find a few stories that state the police saying they do not consider it terrorist related, sounds like a homeless man but I accept that is pure speculation.



There was a news report I read shortly after the attack saying they were looking for a man of a certain description, I just wanted to see if it turned out to be true.

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8 minutes ago, Lagman said:

There was a news report I read shortly after the attack saying they were looking for a man of a certain description, I just wanted to see if it turned out to be true.

There was mention of initially looking for a man aged between 45 to 50 wearing a grey tracksuit but the police later said that description was wrong. Is that what you are referring to?



The guy arrested was 35, arrested at a homeless shelter




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12 hours ago, Freggyragh said:

Exactly. The SLR, SMG & Gimpy were all 7.62. I remember a couple of times when we used 303 at ranges, and .22 Henri Martinis in an indoor range on another occasion - no idea why, but I seem to remember you had to use a 303 to get an ‘Empire’ badge, might be wrong on that though. 

Not quite.

Sterling SMG was 9 mm and LMG was the old Bren .303 design re-tooled at 7.62.

There was also a .22 SLR for use on the CQB ranges.

The Gimpy had the stupidist safety catch ever designed...

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5 hours ago, P.K. said:

Not quite.

Sterling SMG was 9 mm and LMG was the old Bren .303 design re-tooled at 7.62.

There was also a .22 SLR for use on the CQB ranges.

The Gimpy had the stupidist safety catch ever designed...

I don’t remember the LMG, just the gimpy, and come to think of it, I’m not completely sure what type of rounds we had for the SMG, but whatever they were you weren’t allowed to waste them - strictly short bursts only. What I missed most when I left was field ration canned bacon.

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23 hours ago, Freggyragh said:

Indeed. During my very short stint in the eighties the SLR was about to get phased out and the LE303 was still common enough on firing ranges (using up the 303 ammo?) - it had one hell of a kick compared to the SLR. We trained with SLRs, SMGs, GPMGs and Browning 9mms, never even saw an SA80 in my time. How did Captain Birdseye go from 303 to SA80? Seems like a fishy tale to me. 

I'll accept late eighties for the SA80. Wasn't something that was really on my radar. Small arms pea -shooters.

1970'S I fired Bofors, 4.5 Twin barrel (MK??whatever). Not my specialisation, just left field training, bit of fun time off.

1974, Joined HMS Bristol, the only Type 82 Destroyer ever built. Became a ' Weapons test platform' for lots of stuff but especially the 4.5 MK8 which was single barrel unlike the previous 4.5 twin barrels that I had earlier fired (From HMS Cambridge (Devon) and Whale Island Pompey (both shore bases).

As a result of the test firings on Bristol, attempting to fire a single 4.5" shell every 60 seconds from an unmanned gun turret, the cordite smell thoughout the boat was such that no spaces could be occupied without Breathing Apparatus. I then understood Cordite. I was part of the ventilation system re-design engineering team.

Bristol tested;

1974 - 1984 I was on Submarine Swiftsure - MK8 and Mk 24 torpedoes.

Google 'HMS Swiftsure and the Kiev" - it was my first ever Submarine patrol.


Read that did you?

Early eighties we were the first boat to load 'Spearfish' (it did not go well initially).

Sub-Harpoon, Yes, AUTEC Yes BUTEC Yes.

Look up 'Tongue of the Ocean' Bahamas.

Fishy? Yes

Especially Barracuda

Expert on small-arms pea-shooters? No, I am not.

Couldn't have told you this 10 years ago, it's on the t'internet now.

I did 8 years on Swiftsure, left for a course for 2 years, went back to Swiftsure for a further 2 years, then did 10 years more on Sceptre and Nuclear repair team. Google HMS Sceptre collision damage with Soviet sub if you're bored.

Want to call me out Freggy? You'll need more than a few seasons pea-shooter experience to do so.  You're full of shit, just like China, starting to get the measure of the people on here now. Lots of mouth, do they possess trousers? Any more fishy facts that you wish to test me out on? Crack on, when you're done I'll start testing out the credentials of you, China, and a few of the other gobby monkeys on here.

GPMG = Pea shooter.






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52 minutes ago, Manximus Aururaneus said:

I'll accept late eighties for the SA80. Wasn't something that was really on my radar. Small arms pea -shooters.

1970'S I fired Bofors, 4.5 Twin barrel (MK??whatever). Not my specialisation, just left field training, bit of fun time off.

1974, Joined HMS Bristol, the only Type 82 Destroyer ever built. Became a ' Weapons test platform' for lots of stuff but especially the 4.5 MK8 which was single barrel unlike the previous 4.5 twin barrels that I had earlier fired (From HMS Cambridge (Devon) and Whale Island Pompey (both shore bases).

As a result of the test firings on Bristol, attempting to fire a single 4.5" shell every 60 seconds from an unmanned gun turret, the cordite smell thought the boat was such that no spaces could be occupied without Breathing Apparatus. I then understood Cordite. I was part of the ventilation system re-design engineering team.

Bristol tested;

1974 - 1984 I was Swiftsure - MK8 and Mk 24 torpedoes.

Google 'HMS Swiftsure and the Kiev" - it was my first ever Submarine patrol.


Early eighties we were the first boat to load 'Spearfish' (it did not go well initially).

Sub-Harpoon, Yes, AUTEC Yes BUTEC Yes.

Look up 'Tongue of the Ocean' Bahamas.

Fishy? Yes

Especially Barracuda

Expert on small-arms pea-shooters? No, I am not.

Couldn't have told you this 10 years ago, it's on the t'internet now.

I did 8 years on Swiftsure, left for a course for 2 years, went back to Swiftsure for a further 2 years, then did 10 years more on Sceptre and Nuclear repair. Google HMS Sceptre collision damage with Soviet sub if you're bored.

Want to call me out Freggy? You'll need more than a few seasons pea-shooter experience to do so.  You're full of shit, just like China, starting to get the measure of the people on here now. Lots of mouth, do they possess trousers? Any more fishy facts that you wish to test me out on?

GPMG = Pea shooter.






Bloody long range snipers...:flowers:

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I didn’t see any combat and didn’t go anywhere more dangerous than a boxing ring. I’m not getting into any dick measuring contest with you Birdseye, any man who considers a gimpy is a peashooter is more than a match for me. I was just pointing out that your SA80 story was a sack of horseshit. 

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1 hour ago, Manximus Aururaneus said:

GPMG = Pea shooter.

You wouldn't think so if you were unfortunate enough to be on the wrong end of one.

Adopted by the MOD in 1963 and it's still in use.

Don't mix AP with AM tasks. Apples and oranges.

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8 hours ago, P.K. said:

You wouldn't think so if you were unfortunate enough to be on the wrong end of one.

Adopted by the MOD in 1963 and it's still in use.

Don't mix AP with AM tasks. Apples and oranges.

No intention of getting on the wrong end of one P.K. - that's why I hid in a tin can for a couple of decades. There again, a couple of rounds from a GPMG wouldn't sink the Belgrano. Horses for courses.

(No, I wasn't on Conqueror).



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