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Muslim terror attack on London Bridge


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8 minutes ago, Rog said:

He isn't a neo-nazi.

"The Sonnenkrieg Division ("Sonnenkrieg" German for "Sun war") is a neo-Nazi group that is the United Kingdom-based branch of the Atomwaffen Division, and it maintains its links to the Atomwaffen Division by e-mails and chat room discussions as well as by its use of similar names and its distribution of similar propaganda.

System Resistance Network (SRN) is a group that is believed to have been putting up homophobic and anti-refugee posters in Dundee, Swansea, Cardiff and Bristol, and is claimed by Hope not Hate to be another alias of National Action.[52] SRN was formerly known as Vanguard Britannia, the British chapter of American alt-right, neo-Nazi group Vanguard America.[53] Former members of the SRN are suspected to have been involved in the creation of the Sonnenkrieg Division, an offshoot of the American neo-Nazi terrorist organization the Atomwaffen Division."


So.....a neo-nazi then.

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4 minutes ago, RIchard Britten said:

"The Sonnenkrieg Division ("Sonnenkrieg" German for "Sun war") is a neo-Nazi group that is the United Kingdom-based branch of the Atomwaffen Division, and it maintains its links to the Atomwaffen Division by e-mails and chat room discussions as well as by its use of similar names and its distribution of similar propaganda.

System Resistance Network (SRN) is a group that is believed to have been putting up homophobic and anti-refugee posters in Dundee, Swansea, Cardiff and Bristol, and is claimed by Hope not Hate to be another alias of National Action.[52] SRN was formerly known as Vanguard Britannia, the British chapter of American alt-right, neo-Nazi group Vanguard America.[53] Former members of the SRN are suspected to have been involved in the creation of the Sonnenkrieg Division, an offshoot of the American neo-Nazi terrorist organization the Atomwaffen Division."


So.....a neo-nazi then.


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17 minutes ago, Rog said:

He isn't a neo-nazi.


I assume we are talking about Andrew Dymock. He has clear links to Neo-Nazis. Are you really saying that you support this guy (just a few google results below):




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16 minutes ago, mojomonkey said:

I assume we are talking about Andrew Dymock. He has clear links to Neo-Nazis. Are you really saying that you support this guy (just a few google results below):




I'm not saying that I support him , simply pointing out that it could be said that he is an activist against the islamiification that is taking place across the UK and Europe. 

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1 hour ago, Rog said:

You think?

I think you know that you cannot back your position and that the neo-nazi in the article is just as much a problem as any other extremist who starts planning terror attacks.  As someone who is openly Jewish (or occasionally claims to be) then I am surprised that you would offer any defence of an individual that would see Jews as being part of "the problem".

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7 minutes ago, manxman1980 said:

I think you know that you cannot back your position and that the neo-nazi in the article is just as much a problem as any other extremist who starts planning terror attacks.  As someone who is openly Jewish (or occasionally claims to be) then I am surprised that you would offer any defence of an individual that would see Jews as being part of "the problem".

Firstly I'm an atheist of very long standing.

Secondly when it comes do documents inciting hatred you'd have a very long to go to come even near the qur'an and Strong Hadith. 


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18 minutes ago, Rog said:

Firstly I'm an atheist of very long standing.


I think you'll find that the likes of Andrew Dymock consider that irrelevant. To his ilk you have Jewish heritage and I really wouldn't fancy your chances with them.


19 minutes ago, Rog said:

Secondly when it comes do documents inciting hatred you'd have a very long to go to come even near the qur'an and Strong Hadith. 


Are you really trying to rank extremists? To me, it is clear that any one with extremist views that manifest themselves as discrimination or downright violence is a twat. 

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15 minutes ago, mojomonkey said:

I think you'll find that the likes of Andrew Dymock consider that irrelevant. To his ilk you have Jewish heritage and I really wouldn't fancy your chances with them.



Are you really trying to rank extremists? To me, it is clear that any one with extremist views that manifest themselves as discrimination or downright violence is a twat. 

It is inevitable that since the Western governments for some bizarre reason are unwilling to address the root cause of islamic attacks on our world  people will naturally take measures into their own hands.

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Just now, RIchard Britten said:

I think someone "inherited" the Rog account, and he is just baiting us along.

No one who has Jewish blood or relatives or connections would "defend" a neo-nazi over a "Islamic" terrorist.

Wrong.  A case of the lesser of two evils. In any case the case of Judenhaas it is founded on memes and just raw but totally unjustified hatred. 

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