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Muslim terror attack on London Bridge


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21 minutes ago, Rog said:

It is inevitable that since the Western governments for some bizarre reason are unwilling to address the root cause of islamic attacks on our world  people will naturally take measures into their own hands.

One of the things Andrew Dymock is charged with relates to advocating killing Prince Harry because he married Meghan Markle, where is the Islamic angle to that one?

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51 minutes ago, RIchard Britten said:

Nazis (neo or otherwise) hate everyone who isn't a Nazi.

Rog hates people of the Islamic faith.

Both hate people of the Islamic Faith.

"The enemy of my enemy..."

No, I loath Islam.  An entirely different matter.

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13 minutes ago, manxman1980 said:

Someone of Jewish heritage making oven jokes?  WOW! 

Doofus!  Not roast, boiled.  Or rather simmered.

If it was to be roast I would have recommended a temperature. 

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12 hours ago, RIchard Britten said:

Not "just because".

People are shooting down your every word because you are a Walter Mitty action hero wannabe with access to google, who creates bullshit fantasy scenarios with the aim of creating moral strawmen.

Bit rich coming from somebody who spat his dummy out when called out on military career... Just saying

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2 hours ago, Neil Down said:

Bit rich coming from somebody who spat his dummy out when called out on military career... Just saying

MA has certainly stirred things up. Challenging all and sundry on totally non-issues like "Who had the toughest Cold War? Tougher than me? Don't think so..." etc etc.

WTF for? He reminds me of The Black Knight in MP's Holy Grail ffs.

To base character judgements on a Service Record seems to me to be very dubious at best and exceptionally crass at the other end of the spectrum...

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On 12/4/2019 at 7:34 AM, mojomonkey said:

There was mention of initially looking for a man aged between 45 to 50 wearing a grey tracksuit but the police later said that description was wrong. Is that what you are referring to?



The guy arrested was 35, arrested at a homeless shelter




The report I saw said they were looking for someone of North African decent (often inferred to mean Morocan) but it could of been B.S.

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15 hours ago, Rog said:

Firstly I'm an atheist of very long standing.

Secondly when it comes do documents inciting hatred you'd have a very long to go to come even near the qur'an and Strong Hadith. 



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