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Muslim terror attack on London Bridge


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4 minutes ago, Lagman said:

Not sure I'd trust a guy with horns (or rays of light) who talked to a volcano -


 I wonder if he was based on one of the Thutmose's - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thutmose_(prince)

Moses was found by pharaoh's daughter floating down the Nile (at least that's HER excuse!) and was brought up as a prince in pharaoh's palace. 

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33 minutes ago, Rog said:

My points are 

#1 the Talmuds are not fundamental to Judaism

#2 the Talmuds change with time to reflect the changing nature of the world.

There is a minor point and that is that some references that anti-Semitic crap that you pointed to included quite a lot of things that were not part of any Torah plus it's important to read what is in Talmuds while taking account of the context in which they were with and the overall historical context of when they were writ

You do seem to be a little more sensitive to criticism of one of those particular commentaries but fine with criticism of the others. (Didn't you say you were an atheist?) I'm not sure they change with time much differently compared with the others and the overall historical context of when they were all written .  Somewhat double standards perhaps?

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5 minutes ago, RIchard Britten said:

Quite what this has to do with Neo-Nazi's and so called Islamic Terrorists...

Not much, I'm not sure what the Neo Nazi thing had to do with the London bridge attack either.

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31 minutes ago, Lagman said:

You do seem to be a little more sensitive to criticism of one of those particular commentaries but fine with criticism of the others. (Didn't you say you were an atheist?) I'm not sure they change with time much differently compared with the others and the overall historical context of when they were all written .  Somewhat double standards perhaps?

To be honest it's out of a concern for accuracy.  So many erronious ideas about Judaism AND Islam are causing entirely the wrong ideas in the minds of people who know very little about both.

I'm in my early seventies and right from when I was at primary school when some kids were looking closely to see if there were any residual scars where my horns had been cut off (really) and how come I couldn't remember killing Christ as I was repeatedly being told I had.

I started to ask WHY. 

It was the start of an interest as to why we were so despised that then led to my having the benefits of an amazing rabbi during my cheder (pronounced in our house as "hi-der) classes who introduced other major religions that led up to a lifetime critical sturdy as a sorta hobby initially, as a distraction while up at university, and later just like some people study the subtle nuances of Futurama (Bender is my role model)

It also led to my conversation to becoming  a devout Atheist many years past.

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17 minutes ago, Rog said:

To be honest it's out of a concern for accuracy.  So many erronious ideas about Judaism AND Islam are causing entirely the wrong ideas in the minds of people who know very little about both.

I'm in my early seventies and right from when I was at primary school when some kids were looking closely to see if there were any residual scars where my horns had been cut off (really) and how come I couldn't remember killing Christ as I was repeatedly being told I had.

I started to ask WHY. 

It was the start of an interest as to why we were so despised that then led to my having the benefits of an amazing rabbi during my cheder (pronounced in our house as "hi-der) classes who introduced other major religions that led up to a lifetime critical sturdy as a sorta hobby initially, as a distraction while up at university, and later just like some people study the subtle nuances of Futurama (Bender is my role model)

It also led to my conversation to becoming  a devout Atheist many years past.

Isn't it only Moses that was supposed to have horns? Wait...wait....maybe the Narwhal is Moses.

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15 minutes ago, Lagman said:

Isn't it only Moses that was supposed to have horns? Wait...wait....maybe the Narwhal is Moses.

It is a belief that originated in a mistranslation.of the Greek source. I think that the mistranslation was first in the Latin Vulgate but to be honest can't be arsed in verifying.

In the Torah the word is the same for horn as bright light.  That's just one of the difficulties in reading the Torah, not only are there no vowel punctuations but also words have to be read in context.

It's almost as bad in The New Covenant, most noticeably the camel and the eye of a needle. For example a camel isn't just the shit of the desert (ever been close to one?) But also a very thick rope.  Then the eye of a needle.  A literal needle - or a small door let into city gates to allow individuals to come and go after lights out.


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12 minutes ago, Rog said:

It is a belief that originated in a mistranslation.of the Greek source. I think that the mistranslation was first in the Latin Vulgate but to be honest can't be arsed in verifying.

In the Torah the word is the same for horn as bright light.  That's just one of the difficulties in reading the Torah, not only are there no vowel punctuations but also words have to be read in context.

It's almost as bad in The New Covenant, most noticeably the camel and the eye of a needle. For example a camel isn't just the shit of the desert (ever been close to one?) But also a very thick rope.  Then the eye of a needle.  A literal needle - or a small door let into city gates to allow individuals to come and go after lights out.


Parables and allegory, most of these religions seem to be based on astrotheology ultimately.

Moses either had spiritual rays of light (like a halo?) or maybe he had a keratin problem -



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15 minutes ago, Lagman said:

Parables and allegory, most of these religions seem to be based on astrotheology ultimately.

Moses either had spiritual rays of light (like a halo?) or maybe he had a keratin problem -



Going to the Torah it's obvious that it was a mistranslation. Maybe of interest (to some?) is that the Torah is not so much written as drawn. Every bonafide scroll is exactly copied from another even down to where some letters are compressed in what is believed to have been done because of flaws in the sheep and goat skins used the First Torah. It's probably the painstaking detail that is one reason that they cost a bloody fortune. A new one starts at around £25,000.  (but to you, and only for today, £24,999!)

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17 minutes ago, Rog said:

Going to the Torah it's obvious that it was a mistranslation. Maybe of interest (to some?) is that the Torah is not so much written as drawn. Every bonafide scroll is exactly copied from another even down to where some letters are compressed in what is believed to have been done because of flaws in the sheep and goat skins used the First Torah. It's probably the painstaking detail that is one reason that they cost a bloody fortune. A new one starts at around £25,000.  (but to you, and only for today, £24,999!)

Isn't the book of formation about creation of the world by mixing numbers, letters and words?

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