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Muslim terror attack on London Bridge


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10 hours ago, Manxberry said:


Lo and behold he had just been released from prison after serving half a sentence... 

Get an effin clue...

The sooner the Government stops releasing people early the better.


After the London Bridge attack the PM said

"Now that I am prime minister I'm going to take steps to make sure that people are not released early when they commit... serious sexual, violent or terrorist offences"


Hopefully, doing that isn't difficult and can be progressed sooner rather than later.


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1 minute ago, manxman1980 said:

Early release is the issue here and in the London Bridge attack...

No. The issue is a "religion" who's followers are committed to killing those that fight against it.

Prison is no solution. 

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20 minutes ago, manxman1980 said:

Early release is the issue here and in the London Bridge attack...

Is it? Do you think that if these characters served their full terms as sentenced they would then emerge reformed as upstanding members of society?  Of course they wouldn't. Simply postponing the inevitable for a few years.  

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This highlights the "elephant" which is the huge costs in terms of manpower and other resources committed to keeping watch on these creatures by having them under constant police surveillance.

No bloody wonder we can't find a policeman available to deal with "civilised" crime.

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4 hours ago, mojomonkey said:

After the London Bridge attack the PM said

"Now that I am prime minister I'm going to take steps to make sure that people are not released early when they commit... serious sexual, violent or terrorist offences"

Actually believing Boris Johnson.....


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4 hours ago, woolley said:

Is it? Do you think that if these characters served their full terms as sentenced they would then emerge reformed as upstanding members of society?  Of course they wouldn't. Simply postponing the inevitable for a few years.  

It was a Tory Government who removed indeterminate sentences.

It was the Tory Government who have cut Police numbers and funding.

It was a Tory Government that have failed to support Prison staff, the Probation Service and efforts to rehabilitate offenders. 

Tory Government which include Boris Johnson and Priti Patel...

By the was have you heard Priti Patel saying that they will introduce stronger sentencing for counter-terrorism offenders?

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