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Muslim terror attack on London Bridge


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2 hours ago, sir nige said:

2016/17/18.....all religion based attacks throughout europe came from jihadists.....

i see the pc brigade are already working on a legal challenge to bj's new law:rolleyes:

Are the regressive left, an endangered species? I find there is less people get upset now than five years ago,when told of the 38,000 terrorist attacks since 9/ 11..The usual " but Christians have done terrible things too" was the normal response. Is having protests outside primary schools ,by an ideology ,600 years behind the rest of the world a step too far? Or is it that  people offended by a cricket team calling themselves "crusaders" is  now deemed stupid ? Or is it that many English towns  now resemble middle east bagshanties,the reason for a quieter PC brigade......answers on a postcard to Lily Allen

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The fact that some of you are scared of muslims just indicates that you are letting the terrorists win.

By generating fear and hatred of muslims you push more and more to the extremes and make it easier for terror groups to recruit.

Bottom line is that the perpetrator of this latest attack should not have been released early especially given the concerns that the authorities had.

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58 minutes ago, manxman1980 said:

The fact that some of you are scared of muslims just indicates that you are letting the terrorists win.

By generating fear and hatred of muslims you push more and more to the extremes and make it easier for terror groups to recruit.

More drippy dhimmitude. So according to you, Islamophobia is the causes behind the attacks and the injuries and deaths of innocents is only the natural reaction of an oppressed ideology.

So we only have ourselves to blame, right?

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17 minutes ago, quilp said:

More drippy dhimmitude.

Were you scared of Irish people because of the IRA? 

Grow a pair and deal with the real issues which cause extremism.  It is not solely religion as there are millions of Muslim's who do not commit terrorist attacks and who condemn those that do.

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16 minutes ago, manxman1980 said:

Were you scared of Irish people because of the IRA? 

Grow a pair and deal with the real issues which cause extremism.  It is not solely religion as there are millions of Muslim's who do not commit terrorist attacks and who condemn those that do.

I'm Irish catholic by heritage so no, they didn't "scare" me. The UDA, the Shankill Butchers and the RUC (Loyalists them all) on the other hand... Anyway, that's a very weak analogy, though hardly surprising coming from you.

I have said time and again on here that only a fool would believe that all muslims are to blame so try harder.

"Grow a pair" ? Cheeky twat...

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57 minutes ago, manxman1980 said:

The fact that some of you are scared of muslims just indicates that you are letting the terrorists win.

By generating fear and hatred of muslims you push more and more to the extremes and make it easier for terror groups to recruit.

Bottom line is that the perpetrator of this latest attack should not have been released early especially given the concerns that the authorities had.

The fact that an increasing number of people over here as well as across Europe are becoming intolerant of Mohammedans is not because of the headline grabbing atrocities alone, it's because of what takes place in the towns and cities in which they have congregated into communities but now have formed colonies.  Seemingly trivial things such as groups shouting at any single White girl that she is a whore and must leave, threatening people and jostling them if they're just ordinary "kafirs" and telling them to get out, notices posted on street furniture announcing that "this is a Muslim area - do not smoke, do not hold hands (oddly enough many of the Mohammedan youths and men do as they walk down THEIR streets) and many things more.

Then there's the "islamic discount".  One classic example is taxi fares. An obvious kafir will be charged one price, an obvious Mohammedan a lower price.  Same in lots of shops.

Of course we are fair game.  The Qur'anic phrase "ma malakat aymanukum" is widely interpreted by many and applied to everything from what can be stolen to our young girls.

Fear?  Too bloody right.  And justified too because for every murdering SOB there is the support network behind him.  Ever noticed that after each act of raw hatred against us the police then raid a number of houses but we seldom hear of subsequent prosecutions.  "Mustn't inflame the situation".

I'm leaving it there.  It depresses me to think about what is taking place in a number of our major towns and cities and as for our, or it used to be our capital city - 

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9 minutes ago, Rog said:

The fact that an increasing number of people over here as well as across Europe are becoming intolerant of Mohammedans is not because of the headline grabbing atrocities alone, it's because of what takes place in the towns and cities in which they have congregated into communities but now have formed colonies.  Seemingly trivial things such as groups shouting at any single White girl that she is a whore and must leave, threatening people and jostling them if they're just ordinary "kafirs" and telling them to get out, notices posted on street furniture announcing that "this is a Muslim area - do not smoke, do not hold hands (oddly enough many of the Mohammedan youths and men do as they walk down THEIR streets) and many things more.

Norwich demographic - Muslim 0.2%

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Just now, P.K. said:

Norwich demographic - Muslim 0.2%

That's one reason that we picked North Norfolk to live where we now do.

But be careful how you use statistics, especially where this matter concerned.  If the 0,2% was to be distributed equally amongst the population it would be one thing - but such is not the case. Most of that number are in pockets of high concentration.

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What has demographics got to do with Islamist attacks? Is it not a given that the muslim population of any town or city has little to do with Islamist atrocities? The many are blamed for the few when it comes to islam in Britain.

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4 minutes ago, Rog said:

That's one reason that we picked North Norfolk to live where we now do.

But be careful how you use statistics, especially where this matter concerned.  If the 0,2% was to be distributed equally amongst the population it would be one thing - but such is not the case. Most of that number are in pockets of high concentration.

What a dreadful criteria on picking somewhere to live. I thought the East of England was Retirement Land simply because in relative terms land is cheap and it's dull and boring - like the inhabitants.... :)

It's true that immigrants concentrate in pockets though. These pockets used to be called "slum housing" but nowadays they've been renamed "deprived areas" or some such....

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47 minutes ago, manxman1980 said:

Grow a pair and deal with the real issues which cause extremism.

Care to identify and educate us all on just what the "real issues" are?

I really would like to know as you obviously know why extremists kill children and adults around the globe. You're the one seemingly  with all the answers...

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10 minutes ago, P.K. said:

What a dreadful criteria on picking somewhere to live. I thought the East of England was Retirement Land simply because in relative terms land is cheap and it's dull and boring - like the inhabitants.... :)

It's true that immigrants concentrate in pockets though. These pockets used to be called "slum housing" but nowadays they've been renamed "deprived areas" or some such....

You have no idea.

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34 minutes ago, Rog said:

The fact that an increasing number of people over here as well as across Europe are becoming intolerant of Mohammedans is not because of the headline grabbing atrocities alone, it's because of what takes place in the towns and cities in which they have congregated into communities but now have formed colonies.  Seemingly trivial things such as groups shouting at any single White girl that she is a whore and must leave, threatening people and jostling them if they're just ordinary "kafirs" and telling them to get out, notices posted on street furniture announcing that "this is a Muslim area - do not smoke, do not hold hands (oddly enough many of the Mohammedan youths and men do as they walk down THEIR streets) and many things more.

Then there's the "islamic discount".  One classic example is taxi fares. An obvious kafir will be charged one price, an obvious Mohammedan a lower price.  Same in lots of shops.

Of course we are fair game.  The Qur'anic phrase "ma malakat aymanukum" is widely interpreted by many and applied to everything from what can be stolen to our young girls.

Fear?  Too bloody right.  And justified too because for every murdering SOB there is the support network behind him.  Ever noticed that after each act of raw hatred against us the police then raid a number of houses but we seldom hear of subsequent prosecutions.  "Mustn't inflame the situation".

I'm leaving it there.  It depresses me to think about what is taking place in a number of our major towns and cities and as for our, or it used to be our capital city - 

Rog. This is totally factual. I can vouch for it having family members with experience of being chased out of parks and shopping centres in "Muslim areas " that fly Pakistani flags from the lampposts.  I used to spend time posting on here about it and the constant undercurrent of hostility where these areas intersect with white estates and how sometimes it erupts into open violence. You are wasting your time because the superior liberal group mind just doesn't believe the reality. They'll come back at you from the comfort of places that don't experience these issues like the IOM or Dorset and tell you that it's all nonsense just like PK above pointing out the totally irrelevant demographics of Norfolk. They'll learn in the end but it might have to be the hard way. 

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1 minute ago, woolley said:

Rog. This is totally factual. I can vouch for it having family members with experience of being chased out of parks and shopping centres in "Muslim areas " that fly Pakistani flags from the lampposts.  I used to spend time posting on here about it and the constant undercurrent of hostility where these areas intersect with white estates and how sometimes it erupts into open violence. You are wasting your time because the superior liberal group mind just doesn't believe the reality. They'll come back at you from the comfort of places that don't experience these issues like the IOM or Dorset and tell you that it's all nonsense just like PK above pointing out the totally irrelevant demographics of Norfolk. They'll learn in the end but it might have to be the hard way. 

So why don't you promote an Islamic pogrom?

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