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Muslim terror attack on London Bridge


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1 minute ago, woolley said:

Which would achieve what, exactly?  Extreme measures don't bring solutions, but denying you even have a problem will bring mayhem. 

It's much simpler than that:

"There's only one planet. Which means we all have to share it...."

The vast majority of Muslims want to live peaceful lives and bring up their kids in a safe environment - just like all the rest of us.

They hate it when there are incidents like the other day because they know the blame will be indiscriminate and will fall on them all collectively. A massive step forward would be to stop the mindset that causes that. But unfortunately revenge is a very powerful emotion along with racism.

Rooting out the evil that uses Islam as a cover to radicalise is the other half of the problem. Unfortunately history is littered with extremists committing appalling atrocities under the guise of religion. I don't want to conclude that it's always been like that and therefore it always will be.

But there are no populist solutions, that's for sure....

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42 minutes ago, quilp said:

I really would like to know as you obviously know why extremists kill children and adults around the globe. You're the one seemingly  with all the answers...

Why did the IRA etc kill children in Britain?  The comparison between terrorist organisations is perfectly valid.

And I don't have all the answers but I know that posting hate against a group of people based on religion is not going to solve anything.

In addition I have lived in Manchester and have never encountered the problems some people are reporting.  The most threatening behaviour I have experienced is pissed/drugged up white males.

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53 minutes ago, quilp said:

I really would like to know as you obviously know why extremists kill children and adults around the globe.

It might something to do with us invading their countries on a whim, utterly destroying their infrastructure in the name of freedom, and bombing kids in to paste.


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15 minutes ago, RIchard Britten said:

It might something to do with us invading their countries on a whim, utterly destroying their infrastructure in the name of freedom, and bombing kids in to paste.


first uk  jihadists sentenced in 1998 and most are born in the uk......

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2 hours ago, RIchard Britten said:

It might something to do with us invading their countries on a whim, utterly destroying their infrastructure in the name of freedom, and bombing kids in to paste.


You're right. And then the clincher. You invite young men from the very countries you have been invading and bombing to move to Europe en masse and hordes of them take you up on the offer. That's really going to end well isn't it. Failure in understanding of cause and effect there for sure. This is the kind of mentality the West is led by. 

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1 minute ago, woolley said:

You're right. And then the clincher. You invite young men from the very countries you have been invading and bombing to move to Europe en masse and hotdes of them take you up on the offer. That's really going to end well isn't it. Failure in understanding of cause and effect there for sure. This is the kind of mentality the West is led by. 

But that is your mass hysteria fear of Muslims talking.

You automatically assume all those young men are terrorists.  So then you treat them with suspicion and fear.  Your very actions create the atmosphere of animosity that creates the breeding ground of resentment that is the ideal situation the jihadists look for.

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11 minutes ago, woolley said:

You're right. And then the clincher. You invite young men from the very countries you have been invading and bombing to move to Europe en masse and hotdes of them take you up on the offer. That's really going to end well isn't it. Failure in understanding of cause and effect there for sure. This is the kind of mentality the West is led by. 

UK numbers please.

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1 minute ago, RIchard Britten said:

How do you know its a "huge" number if they didn't come through recognised channels?

The sewage metric.  Ever heard of it?  It's a quick and dirty but useful means of determining actual population Vs claimed population for one.

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