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Muslim terror attack on London Bridge


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3 minutes ago, RIchard Britten said:

I'm not the one trying to create a bogey man out of thin air...

I think we have quite a few of those without having to create them out of thin air. Prisons are full of them - until the liberals release them to carry on their work.


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1 minute ago, manxman1980 said:

Not everyone who commits an act of terrorism or a crime of any sort will have a mental health issue but some will.  There are plenty of vulnerable people around from all walks of life who are very easily led, see for example Flat Earthers, Anti-Vaxxers and Conservative voters ;) 

Personally I believe that we should get rid of every single religion.  The sooner we realise that we have one life and one opportunity to make it a good one the better.  Religion gives people an excuse to be nasty with the chance of redemption in the next life or afterlife. 

I agree wholeheartedly but it won't happen. Religion is hardwired into the human psyche. State sponsored attempts to eradicate it even in the most repressive of societies have come to nought.

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18 minutes ago, woolley said:

I think we have quite a few of those without having to create them out of thin air. Prisons are full of them - until the liberals release them to carry on their work.

Errr I think you'll find that the last Labour government brought in indefinite sentences for Imprisonment for Public Protection (IPP).

Scrapped by the Right Whingers as it happens.

Never mind...

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31 minutes ago, woolley said:

I agree wholeheartedly but it won't happen. Religion is hardwired into the human psyche. State sponsored attempts to eradicate it even in the most repressive of societies have come to nought.

Believing in something is hardwired otherwise we would still be in caves.

But it doesn't have to express itself in religion.

Which is why 49% of the UK population are now irreligious.

Schoolboy error...

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17 hours ago, RIchard Britten said:

Ah, when in doubt - blame liberals.


I prefer "libretards"as a description,like the French libretard politician,who came on tv and said "its because we haven't given them good enough jobs" that they hate us, after the Nice lorry incident.The driver, a brainwashed follower of 1400  year old fairy stories, sent 80,000 euros back to North Africa 3 days before.(try saving £78,000 doing shitty jobs).Also ,how many refugees, have virtue signalling celebs from the regressive left actually taken in? Ehmm ....they could be counted on Dave Allens left hand.and still have fingers to spare.

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Extending these terror related sentences from the half to the two thirds point is just going to wind up more of them IMO...and likely make attacks more prevalent.

Rehabilitation needs to be the major element of these sentences. The current programme is clearly not working and needs to be totally re-thought and built into longer much extended sentences with far stricter controls and limitations on release.

Problem is...Leopards don't change their spots...and these people are so devoted that they are easily pulling the wool over the parole boards eyes. Probably all discussing together some formula on what 'needs to be said' to obtain release.

As far as I can see, it would need to include at least 5 years on release in the equivalent of Portmeirion Village in 'The Prisoner'.


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12 minutes ago, Albert Tatlock said:

Extending these terror related sentences from the half to the two thirds point is just going to wind up more of them IMO...and likely make attacks more prevalent.

Rehabilitation needs to be the major element of these sentences. The current programme is clearly not working and needs to be totally re-thought and built into longer much extended sentences with far stricter controls and limitations on release.

Problem is...Leopards don't change their spots...and these people are so devoted that they are easily pulling the wool over the parole boards eyes. Probably all discussing together some formula on what 'needs to be said' to obtain release.

As far as I can see, it would need to include at least 5 years on release in the equivalent of Portmeirion Village in 'The Prisoner'.


You put your finger on it with the bit I underlined. They don't change their spots. They are devoted. Of course they run rings around social workers and parole board types because they are predominantly moronic, head-in-the-clouds, hand-wringing liberals who see good in everybody, no matter how monstrous and dangerous, and they want to give them all the benefit of the doubt.

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1 hour ago, woolley said:

You put your finger on it with the bit I underlined. They don't change their spots. They are devoted. Of course they run rings around social workers and parole board types because they are predominantly moronic, head-in-the-clouds, hand-wringing liberals who see good in everybody, no matter how monstrous and dangerous, and they want to give them all the benefit of the doubt.

So you personally know all the members of Parole Boards in the UK?

Oh no, you don't do you. Making your opinion, in this case, worthless.

Did you read that nonsense in the rabid UK right wing press or did you make it up all on your own...?

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1 hour ago, P.K. said:

So you personally know all the members of Parole Boards in the UK?

Oh no, you don't do you. Making your opinion, in this case, worthless.

Did you read that nonsense in the rabid UK right wing press or did you make it up all on your own...?

Seeing as I don't read the "rabid right wing UK press" I must have made it up all on my own.

I know some of the types that predominate and pontificate on these bodies. Total dreamers who don't live in the real world, and then they go home to their leafy suburbs or rural idylls (or offshore islands) where they live their lives in total denial about the mayhem their decisions cause.

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1 hour ago, quilp said:

I think there has been a hardening of that attitude of late, a lesson is slowly, and fatally, being learned. 

You have more faith than me, quilpy.

Look at the latest proposal after the recent atrocity. Knee jerk reaction in the aftermath - the government wants a clampdown and Boris is going to kick arse.

By the time the suits in Whitehall got hold of it the next day, it's been watered down to making them serve 66% of their time rather than 50%.

Fat lot of good that will do!!

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