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EU "Brexit" Negotiating Directives

Barrie Stevens

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7 hours ago, La Colombe said:

Macron sounding positive tonight about the door always being open for Britain to change it's mind on Brexit. Perhaps the madness will end before it's too late. 

But how would they manage a climb down without the far right bringing the country into a complete meltdown? You only have to remember what happened to poor Jo Cox when one far right loony decided that those in the elite were trying to snatch Brexit from them - and there's thousands more like him about who will literally explode if they thought the clock was being turned back. I actually think what Labour said about some sort of third way partnership arrangement with Europe might be the only viable political solution without leading to a complete political and social meltdown. They won't do a second referendum I think so some sort of third way is the only real option. I think post the general election even the business community is now seizing the day and trying to ensure the UK does not head down the hard Brexit path that Theresa May was trying to lead us all down. The problem right from the start was that the majority was so slim whatever happened the inevitable conclusion was that about 50% of the UK would be at loggerheads with the other 50% for years and years. I see they are even doing a version of Wife-Swap tonight where they're swapping Remainer and Brexiteer households and it all apparently gets quite nasty. The whole thing has been a pointless waste of energy. 

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I like this:

Guy Verhofstadt, the European parliament’s Brexit representative, described the UK election result as “yet another own goal – after Cameron now May”, adding: “I thought surrealism was a Belgian invention.”

It's been getting a bit tricky of late, at least for me. I take everything a tory PM says with a large pinch of cynicism. Over the years I have come to realise that all they care about is not what is best for ALL of the UK citizens under their care but rather what is best for tory voters that will keep them in power. Nowadays it seems to be the best starting point.

However all the simplistic throwaway rhetoric like "bloody difficult woman" (Hah! forget that one) and "No deal is better than a bad deal" (total nonsense) and all the rest of the BS is clearly aimed at a target audience - but which one? For me there's the rub as they say.

I think Hard Brexit is pretty much a sop to the rabid anti-EU right-wing of her party, think chinless wonder Rees-Mogg, but it's not what UK business want to hear. However UK business needs the best negotiations possible which means someone who can do a deal. Plus she also spouts off meaningless "soothing balm" if you like purely for domestic consumption. Then there's the UK right-wing press, which is to say pretty much all of it, that will take down and dissect every word.

When I was in business we used to call it "juggling the monkeys" and what an apt description that is.

IMHO May knows that Brexit will be a shit sandwich. So she thinks run it down to the wire, hold an election, that then gives two years to get through Brexit which then gives the UK electorate, with their notoriously short memories, three years to forget whose fault it was = WINNER!

Never mind the pain the country would have been through, especially the poor, weak and vulnerable in the bottom tier of our society, the tories get re-elected and that's ALL that matters to tory politicians.

Instead it's all gone to ratshit. Silly Cow.

Cameron will go down in history as the politician who made really bad judgement calls resulting in the Brexit vote.

May will go down in history as the next politician who made really bad judgement calls which made a bad situation worse.

But never mind all that - The Grauniad is going tabloid!


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The problem right from the start was that the majority was so slim 

Given the precipitous nature of the decision, ain't that the truth.

Cameron was stupid to take the risk of course but I blame those who misled many voters giving an idea of some impossible post-brexit nirvana whilst really only intent an self-agrandisement. 

The reality of course is going to be considerable price rises* , destabilisation exacerbated but the further election(s) and a huge threat to the economy which obviously will detrimentally affect just about everyone. Cross border regulation will disappear unless a good agreement is reached. All will see this from a personal and selfish view and huge swathes who voted out did not do so with any racial agenda. However the vote would never have reached the tiny majority it did unless those with a clear race agenda had their 'democratic' say.

We have done something very stupid and one day even the most rabid brexiteer will be forced to accept their responsibility but will no doubt blame everything and everybody else. It is a ludicrous act of self-harm. You got your country back (whatever that means) but what good will it really do you?


*Just this week two suppliers of totally different products I use have announced a 9% and 14% price rise from 1st July caused by the post-vote situation. Stocks of manufactured material from a year ago are now running out and the drop value of the pound caused by the vote is taking effect. That drop happened the morning after the vote and has remained at the present level since so any talk of it being generally overvalued/not attributable to brexit is nonsense. 

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11 minutes ago, ballaughbiker said:

We have done something very stupid and one day even the most rabid brexiteer will be forced to accept their responsibility but will no doubt blame everything and everybody else. 

A tenner says they'll blame the immigrants as in "too little too late" which is all the EU's fault.

Farage, Gove and Johnson started their campaign with their ridiculous £zillions to the EU every five minutes or whatever nonsense. They started losing that argument so they switched their campaign to appeal to certain "baser" instincts shall we say. The poster they produced with lines of desperate refugees queuing for entry on some unspecified border was an absolute disgrace. Shameful.

But it worked.

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3 hours ago, P.K. said:

A tenner says they'll blame the immigrants as in "too little too late" which is all the EU's fault.

Farage, Gove and Johnson started their campaign with their ridiculous £zillions to the EU every five minutes or whatever nonsense. They started losing that argument so they switched their campaign to appeal to certain "baser" instincts shall we say. The poster they produced with lines of desperate refugees queuing for entry on some unspecified border was an absolute disgrace. Shameful.

But it worked.

Farage deserves his comeuppance yet. He's a smug bastard who lied through his teeth because he simply hated the people he came into contact with at the EU and was prepared to do just about anything to bring Britain out. Even if it was lying on an industrial scale to just about anyone. Selling xenophobia to a load of pensioners and white van men seems to be pretty easy to pull off too. Then he was off the minute the vote went through and it became someone else's problem. I'm still not convinced Russia didn't fund him to deliberately destabilize the EU as the campaign was so popularist and without substance or foundation it has echoes of Trumps campaign. 

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10 minutes ago, hboy said:

Farage deserves his comeuppance yet. He's a smug bastard who lied through his teeth because he simply hated the people he came into contact with at the EU and was prepared to do just about anything to bring Britain out. Even if it was lying on an industrial scale to just about anyone. Selling xenophobia to a load of pensioners and white van men seems to be pretty easy to pull off too. Then he was off the minute the vote went through and it became someone else's problem. I'm still not convinced Russia didn't fund him to deliberately destabilize the EU as the campaign was so popularist and without substance or foundation it has echoes of Trumps campaign. 

see corbyn for a popularist liar.......

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