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EU "Brexit" Negotiating Directives

Barrie Stevens

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On ‎21‎/‎06‎/‎2017 at 6:01 PM, woody2 said:

is that how many are going to be left in the eu.......

I have thrown the bones and I believe that hook or by crook the EU in some form will survive as a stronger union without the UK...But then I recall when General De Gaulle refused the UK entry in the 1960s ie "Non" because as he said if Les Anglais (But not the Scots or the Irish) join they will try to change it and then it will be "La perfide Albion"  ('Scuse my "O" Level French!...I failed!))...

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And before. Totally weak and unstable. This offer should have been made within days of 23 June 2016. Its UK that's leaving and changing stays quo. Up to UK to make the running.

plus, apart from publicity for home consumption, why at that event. It isn't the negotiating body.

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1 hour ago, Declan said:

Didn't May describe this as going naked into the negotiations during the election?


Just a cynical ploy by the Maybot to try and prevent the EU from getting the European Court of Justice guaranteeing EU citizens' rights post Brexit.

Good luck with that one....

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i have heard the ex-poland pm say he doesn't give a stuff about brits in the eu or eu citizens living in the uk...

Oh, ok. That's different to some other EU countries. Differences between countries is something we are going to have to get used to in a very unsure post-brexit world.

Many have a rule that says if you are under state retirement age and do not work  you must have full medical insurance and enough money to live on which is specified. 

Still who cares? Anyone who lives elsewhere chose to and them bound to be rich innit?

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22 minutes ago, ballaughbiker said:

Oh, ok. That's different to some other EU countries. Differences between countries is something we are going to have to get used to in a very unsure post-brexit world.

Many have a rule that says if you are under state retirement age and do not work  you must have full medical insurance and enough money to live on which is specified. 

Still who cares? Anyone who lives elsewhere chose to and them bound to be rich innit?

Spain's still not too expensive. Will be interesting to see how this pans out - the UK has no negotiating cards whatsoever, May's a spent force as well.

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11 minutes ago, GD4ELI said:

Spain's still not too expensive. Will be interesting to see how this pans out - the UK has no negotiating cards whatsoever, may's a spent force as well.

spain's property prices have fallen through the floor, lots are going to be stuck out there, uk has a strong hand if it wants to play it, may has just won an election, not sure how long she will stay but i can see the tories sitting in power for the next 5 years.....

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2 minutes ago, woody2 said:

spain's property prices have fallen through the floor, lots are going to be stuck out there, uk has a strong hand if it wants to play it, may has just won an election, not sure how long she will stay but i can see the tories sitting in power for the next 5 years.....

Exactly what strong hand?

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22 minutes ago, woody2 said:

money, trade and finance.......

The naivety. Independence from what? Any post Brexit trade and service agreement will be subject to the ECJ, any WTO tariff fall back will be subject to their Court, any other trade agreement will have a determination of disagreement mechanism. 

The philosophical concept of sovereignty and independence in the modern world is all well and good. The practical reality is total interdependence and that the strongest and biggest have the largest clout. Also its them that has something we want that have the power. We want markets, those markets will drive hard bargains.


its all illusory. The biggest issue swinging a Brexit pro vote, probably was EU immigration. That is falling a fast as the EU economies take off and sterling sinks, so no one wants to come here because they can do better at home or elsewhere.

That's how single markets work, but hey tell that to your grandkids when they cant go and do "auf wiedersehn pet" because we locked ourselves out

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