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Cds You Havent Listened To For Ages


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Mine has to be be Ian Browns "when dolphins were monkeys"


OMG - dusted it down the other day, and had to listen to it about 5 times back to back! How good is that album???



I take it you mean Golden Greats...Dolphons were Monkeys was a single from that album ;)


Yeah thats a belter...


Pulled Kula Shakers "K" out of the hat the other day there, phenomenal album. One of the unsung albums of the 90's IMO. Shame it all went pear shaped after that. Never mind, Crispians still going strong with The Jeevas.

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Mr Bee bought me an I-Pod thing for my birthday & I've been having the greatest time musically, I have it on shuffle which is fab, I think I have approx 22G of music on it, and its all mine and I love it all.


That is a garbage sentence, sorry.


Dumbo forgot, I like Golden Greats, also fond of Ian Brown & UNKLEs 'be there' tooooooooon.

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Yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa tha "be there" tune by UNKLE and Ian Brown is SHABBBBBBYYYYYY!!!! I love it!!


Also Mission, love the 808 state Ex-El Cd havent heard that for time!


Other CDs I have been dusting down are:


Tricky - Maxinque

Finlay Quaye - (the first album cant remember name! Mum syndrome again)


Also anyone know that tune by Rae N Christian - Blazin the crop??? I love that tune! if anyone has got it can you put it on this forum as a link so i can listen to it!!!??? Is that possible?


Also been listening to my old Dodgy tapes as well! (yes thats right Tapes!!)


And finally - The Charlatans (the CD is it "Telling Storys") infact I used to have every Charlatan record goin, was a massive fan, even got their autograph - but sadly over the years of moving an storing stuff at people houses, i have lost most of my stuff.


Remember the Levellers, Flowered Up, The Farm!! Neds Atomics, Milltown Brothers!! Anyone also remember Spirea x (?) Oh the days of my youth!!



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Split Enz - can't read the title of the album - it's that old!!


Split Enz - bloody hell, that takes me back a long time...saw them on

(as far as I know) their one and only tour of the UK back in 1981. What superb songwriters the Finn brothers were (never could get into Crowded House though). I assume that you were into them 'back home' in NZ?


A friend of mine bought their first official UK release, True Colours. I even helped him paint one of his bedroom walls as the album cover. In bright gloss paint!!!


We then searched out some of their NZ/Aussie releases including Dizrythmia. Will have to see what I can get my hands on from Ebay now. Brings back great memories Survivor. Cheers.

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Was totally into Split Enz back home - fav songs are


I Got you

Poor Boy

I Walk Away


I'm such an 80's saddo!


Was listening to Tim Finn's "Fraction Too Much Friction" today, have to agree, the Finn brothers are too good - and I did get into the Crowded House thing - not sure if it's cos I wanted to prove they were kiwis not aussie tho! lol.

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