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Turkey voting for christmas

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 Turkey have decided to not teach the flawed concept of darwinism because they think their child's minds aren't ready to take it in until they are older. Saudi schools touch upon it but only to show it's blasphemous nature. Iranian children are taught it from year 5 onwards. Perhaps the reason the Don loves saudi so much is that they share his view of creation

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  • 2 months later...

As soon as you establish blasphemy as a crime then logic and reason are already out of the window. However they don't want logic and reason to show up how unsupportable their beliefs are.

If you can lock up or kill the blasphemers, all the better. Job done.

I really do wonder about Ireland sometimes never mind Turkey....


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5 minutes ago, ballaughbiker said:

As soon as you establish blasphemy as a crime then logic and reason are already out of the window. However they don't want logic and reason to show up how unsupportable their beliefs are.

If you can lock up or kill the blasphemers, all the better. Job done.

I really do wonder about Ireland sometimes never mind Turkey....

America is not far off that kind crazy shit as well.

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