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Vatican outlaws gluten-free bread for Holy Communion


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Bread used to celebrate the Eucharist during Roman Catholic Mass must not be gluten-free - although it may be made from genetically modified organisms, the Vatican has ruled.


I am at a loss for words as to how to word the title of this thread. "Roman Catholic Church provides yet more evidence of how utterly stupid religion is" didn't seem to fit within the character limit. Anyway, aside from the usual stuff we know they are famous for, they have now sunk to a new low, or a new height in stupidity. Does this not in fact discriminate against people who suffer from celiac disease???? What Bible verse or planet did they pull this from? The ruling was issued at the request of Pope Francis. /Sigh.

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It's twaddle piled upon twaddle (see transubstantiation).  To my mind, the wafers in church aren't proper bread anyway, but perhaps they think that unless it is made with wheat, it isn't proper bread, and therefore doesn't get turned into the actual body of Christ.

I believe that because the Pope is seen as the direct successor to Saint Paul he counts as an apostle and can therefore make it up as he pleases. There's no biblical basis for the Assumption of Mary, her Immaculate Conception or loads of other important items of Catholic doctrine.

It's nothing particularly to do with Pope Francis, the crap goes back centuries.  

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There's often this myth that the Pope is believed to be infallible ex cathedra etc but it's more complex than that. The Pope as a man has no authority to arbitrarily establish official church dogma. That would take a full church council. I think he is overstepping his authority with this ruling as it effectively implies one of the two options: 1) transubstantion requires gluten or 2) the presence and actual flesh of Jesus is not present in gluten-free bread even despite a priest performing the rituals of communion. These may sound like trivial things but theologically this is a major issue. He should resign immediately and bring back Joseph Ratzinger. I quite liked him. His book on Jesus was quite interesting and I'm not a Christian. PS why is genetically modified bread okay, when the Bible forbids genetic modification?

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1 hour ago, Chinahand said:

The bible forbids genetic modification?  Verses, please. 

Plus what about "Go forth and prosper". I'm pretty sure that involves genetic modification. 

Will reply next week. Complex halakhic issue. 

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It's just the same globalist theme that's been coming out of his mouth recently, following on from capitalism being the devil and national borders being his bedfellow, now it's GM-food is okay. It's almost like this pope is reading from the same hymm sheet as the UN chieftains and pushing some kind of co-ordinated agenda. What next, microchipping kids at birth is what the Lord would have wanted?

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