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Helicopter On Everest


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Just read the following BBC news report on the clean up of rubbish from Everest, towards the end of the article it says that a helicopter landed on Everest last year!




A quick google found this.




Pretty amazing stuff, single engine as well. Not sure how I feel about it though as I know the mountains are revered (as it says in the BBC link), all the same it is impressive.

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Been on a couple of "Eurocopters" - they seem to be very well rated amongst the pilots I've met who've flown them.


I'm surprised to see a helicopter at such a high altitude, they generally have problems with high altitudes because the atmosphere gets very "thin" and there's not much for the rotor blades to "grip".


Trouble with getting married on Everest......................... it's all downhill after that!
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Ans, I'm just staggered as to how you managed to angle a story about a helicopter landing on Everest into yet another swipe at Rog. Give it a rest eh?


Wednesday night is nearly upon us. Will it be a night of murder and mayhem on the forum? Only time will tell....


Edited to add: Ha ha ha :D

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I used to commute weekly between Heathrow and Belfast International for over a year and it often struck me as we were informed that ‘We will be flying this evening at an altitude of 37,000 feet’ that we would be dam near two miles higher than the summit of Everest at that time.


That was where I developed my love affair with British Midland, to my mind and based on my experience of the majority of trips, probably the best short / medium haul airline in the world.


ans - good one re the masons!

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Yeah and Island doesnt even have a proper mountain...now Everest...theres a proper mountain.


We'd have a mountain if it wasn't for those damn masons.


I was thinking it was Neds fault to be honest...he claimed that it was a mountain so he could get the mountain assistance grant but on further inspection it really was only a hill. It was a bag of tools left on the summit which pushed it over the height threshold apparently!

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