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I see this chap has been brought low by making a silly joke online about taking out the Brexit Remain dame. Peer of the Realm too, no less.


It's all becoming a bit stupid isn't it? I mean, he wasn't really inciting anyone to commit murder in full view of the media. If he was serious he would be putting out a contract behind closed doors not doing it to millions. There but for the grace of God go many.

It's a good thing for our Stu that he was either too skint or too tight to offer a cash inducement!


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he should of got legal advice, rather than defend himself, facebook refused to handover the data, so why did he admit anything? screen prints can be faked 

also when they reported this on the bbc, one of the terms used by this guy, was used on the very next story (navy in the med.) so is it racist or not.........

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8 hours ago, woolley said:

It's all becoming a bit stupid isn't it? I mean, he wasn't really inciting anyone to commit murder in full view of the media. If he was serious he would be putting out a contract behind closed doors not doing it to millions. There but for the grace of God go many.

It's a good thing for our Stu that he was either too skint or too tight to offer a cash inducement!

He must be a friend of Boris Johnson!

It's not about how stupid he is.

It's all about the effect it has on the victim. And quite rightly IMHO.

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7 minutes ago, llap said:

It's uncanny how similar the middle of his face looks to Nigel Farage. It's as if someone has taken Farage's head on photoshop and pushed up the chin, lengthened the nose and added a girly haircut.

Now you've mentioned it that's all I can see, well spotted.

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On 15/07/2017 at 0:15 PM, llap said:

Pretty amazing to only get the length of sentence he got really. I guess being an "aristocrat" does pay.

I am sure if some everyday peasant had said it, he'd have been banged up for years.

don't they just do one night in prison and then they are sent to the posh "open" house.....

(can't remember the name of the place but its more of a members club house than a prison)

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On ‎15‎/‎07‎/‎2017 at 0:41 AM, woolley said:

I see this chap has been brought low by making a silly joke online about taking out the Brexit Remain dame. Peer of the Realm too, no less.


It's all becoming a bit stupid isn't it? I mean, he wasn't really inciting anyone to commit murder in full view of the media. If he was serious he would be putting out a contract behind closed doors not doing it to millions. There but for the grace of God go many.

It's a good thing for our Stu that he was either too skint or too tight to offer a cash inducement!


And if someone tried to make good on his "silly joke" (i.e. in the fashion of Jo Cox's killer)?

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4 minutes ago, woolley said:

Yes, but I don't agree that this reaches the threshold of prosecution for incitement.

Given the murder of Jo Cox, the acid attacker, the rise of post Brexit xenophobia and racism, I would say that the potential for someone being incited to carryout his "bounty" is reasonably high.

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