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Time To Change The Law On Drugs?

La Colombe

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52 minutes ago, dilligaf said:

The fella already had 4 convictions and you can only guess how many warnings.

Sure the police are not that bothered until people push it and take the piss.

Still no need to pursue it. It appears then the police like to go after easy targets. Makes their figures look good. 

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Just now, Gizo said:

Still no need to pursue it. It appears then the police like to go after easy targets. Makes their figures look good. 

Not argueing but I think they are embarrassed into taking these things to court. They all get warnings but s9me just take the piss.

Just look at the one from Ballacannell est. Purely taking the piss. I feel sorry for the Police having to deal with people like V D junior.

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2 hours ago, dilligaf said:

The fella already had 4 convictions and you can only guess how many warnings.

Sure the police are not that bothered until people push it and take the piss.

And boy does this lad take the proverbial 

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2 hours ago, yootalkin2me said:

Speaks volumes then doesn't it, he's obviously into pot so legalise it and then he, and all other partakers, will be happy and not criminals whilst happily getting stoned at home or house parties or coffee shops....no one ever heard of stoned people fighting (anyone stoned really couldn't be arsed, they'd rather discuss the meaning of life and coming up with solutions to the world's problems whilst listening to some ace music and eating food...lots of it). .as opposed to fights breaking out all over due to alcohol consumption!

If you look into it a bit more thoroughly, you will see he has quite the CV in petty crime

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You can see how it goes at the start of shift "Alright PC Beth what are we going to do today to justify our jobs?" "How about we go tazer a dog again PC Bob?" "Nah, lets go bust that little shit who made us look stupid on the telly 5 years ago, there's bound to be a roach kicking around in his flat" Score 1 for the good guys keeping us all safe.

Edited by TheTeapot
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I'm getting a grasp of this drugs thing.

If you take cannabis you should wear a baseball cap. I believe that the more stoned one becomes then the angle of the cap changes from straight frontward facing...to jointy...to full on peak at the back of the head and then it's time to crash.

The cocaine is a little more difficult to suss out. I know it is easy to tell when someone has partaken because they are usually acting a total self-obsessed arsehole. Plus you have to be comfortable with the fact that there is a good chance the drugs have been brought to the Isle of Man up some tikes swetty arsehole




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3 hours ago, gettafa said:

I'm getting a grasp of this drugs thing.

If you take cannabis you should wear a baseball cap. I believe that the more stoned one becomes then the angle of the cap changes from straight frontward facing...to jointy...to full on peak at the back of the head and then it's time to crash.

The cocaine is a little more difficult to suss out. I know it is easy to tell when someone has partaken because they are usually acting a total self-obsessed arsehole. Plus you have to be comfortable with the fact that there is a good chance the drugs have been brought to the Isle of Man up some tikes swetty arsehole




What about E"s... I think you can tell someone's on an E because they're fucking ace at dancing when compared to when they're not on an Email because then they are usually quite shit and have very little, if any, rythmn.....as well as the gurning and chewing the inside of their mouths....and having eyes like dinner plates :-)

Edited by yootalkin2me
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16 minutes ago, yootalkin2me said:

What about E"s... I think you can tell someone's on an E because they're fucking ace at dancing when compared to when they're not on an Email because then they are usually quite shit and have very little, if any, rythmn.....as well as the gurning and chewing the inside of their mouths....and having eyes like dinner plates :-)

I've done thousands of Emails and I'm still shit at dancing !!!!

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